.. cf-python documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Aug 3 16:28:25 2011. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. toctree:: .. _cf-python: ######### cf-python ######### Go to the `cf-python home page `_ for more documention, downloads and source code. ############################# Space structure and behaviour ############################# .. automodule:: cf ########## cf classes ########## ============================= ================================= ========================= Class Description Parent class ============================= ================================= ========================= :class:`~cf.Variable` *Base class* :class:`object` :class:`~cf.Space` Space :class:`~cf.Variable` :class:`~cf.Coordinate` Dimension or auxiliary coordinate :class:`~cf.Variable` :class:`~cf.CoordinateBounds` Coordinate bounds :class:`~cf.Variable` :class:`~cf.CellMeasures` Cell measures :class:`~cf.Variable` :class:`~cf.CfDict` *Base class* :class:`MutableMapping` :class:`~cf.Grid` Grid :class:`~cf.CfDict` :class:`~cf.Transform` Coordinate transforms :class:`~cf.CfDict` :class:`~cf.CfList` *Base class* :class:`MutableSequence` :class:`~cf.VariableList` List of variables :class:`~cf.CfList` :class:`~cf.SpaceList` List of spaces :class:`~cf.VariableList` :class:`~cf.CellMethods` Cell methods :class:`~cf.CfList` :class:`~cf.Comparison` Comparison expression :class:`object` ============================= ================================= ========================= The composition of a space may be cast in terms of the class of each space element type: | :class:`~cf.Space`: | * :class:`~cf.CellMethods` | * :class:`~cf.SpaceList` | * :class:`~cf.Grid`: | * :class:`~cf.Coordinate`: | *:class:`~cf.CoordinateBounds` | * :class:`~cf.CellMeasures` | * :class:`~cf.Transform` .. note:: Ancillary variables are stored in a :class:`~cf.SpaceList` object ############ cf functions ############ =================== =============================================================== Function Description =================== =============================================================== :func:`~cf.dump` Print the string returned from an object's :meth:`dump` method. :func:`~cf.eq` Create a :class:`~cf.Comparison` object. :func:`~cf.equals` Determine whether two objects are congruent. :func:`~cf.ge` Create a :class:`~cf.Comparison` object. :func:`~cf.gt` Create a :class:`~cf.Comparison` object. :func:`~cf.inside` Create a :class:`~cf.Comparison` object. :func:`~cf.le` Create a :class:`~cf.Comparison` object. :func:`~cf.lt` Create a :class:`~cf.Comparison` object. :func:`~cf.ne` Create a :class:`~cf.Comparison` object. :func:`~cf.outside` Create a :class:`~cf.Comparison` object. :func:`~cf.read` Read spaces from netCDF files. :func:`~cf.read1` Read a space from netCDF files. :func:`~cf.write` Write spaces to a netCDF file. =================== =============================================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: function .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: class ################## Indices and tables ################## * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`