
class cf.Space(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cf.utils.CfDict

A CF space object defining a space’s dimensionality, coordinates, cell measures and transformations in a dictionary-like object. Refer to the Space structure section of the cf module for details.

  • *args

    Keys and values are initialized exactly as for a built-in dict.

  • **kwargs

    Keys and values are initialized exactly as for a built-in dict.

Overloaded operators

The in (set membership) operator is overloaded to use numerically tolerant equality.

Special attributes:

Attribute Description
dimension_sizes The size of each dimension.
dimensions The dimensions belonging to each space component.
nc_dimensions The netCDF dimension name for each dimension in the dimension_sizes attribute. If present when the space is written to a netCDF file, then used for output netCDF dimension names.
transform A dictionary of Transform objects.

Methods and attributes defined here:

coord(standard_name=None, role=None, key=False, exact=False, axis=None, ncvar=None, long_name=None, position=None, **kwargs)

Find a coordinate of the space by name. Refer to cf.Field.coord for details.


CFD.copy() -> a deep copy of CFD

dump(id=None, omit=())

Return a string containing a full description of the space.

  • idOptional. Set the common prefix of variable component names. If None then defaults to the class name.
  • id – str
  • omit (sequence) – Optional. Omit the given attributes the description.

A string containing the description of the space.

See also


equals(other, rtol=None, atol=None)

Return True if two instances are congruent in that

  1. For each group of space component types (dimension coordinate, auxiliary coordinate, cell measures, etc.) there are an equal number of keys and each key’s value equals a value in the other space. Note that within a group of component types, the key names need not be the same.
  2. Each dimension in one space has an equally sized dimension in the other space.
  3. The unordered set of transforms in one space equals that of the other space. Noe that The keys of the transform attribute dictionary need not be the same.

Equality of numbers is to within a tolerance. Refer to cf for details.

  • other (object) – The variable to compare against for equality.
  • atol (None or float) – Optional. If None then use the default method for setting the absolute tolerance for numerical equality (refer to cf for details). If a number then set the absolute tolerance to this value for all such comparisons.
  • rtol (None or float) – Optional. If None then use the default method for setting the relative tolerance for numerical equality (refer to cf for details). If a number then set the relative tolerance to this value for all such comparisons.

True if the two objects are congruent, False otherwise.


Return a list of the cf dictionary’s key names which match the given regular expression.

Parameters:regex (str) – Optional. The regular expression with which to identify key names.
Returns:A list of keys names.


>>> d.keys()
['dim2', 'dim0', 'dim1', 'aux0', 'cm0']
>>> d.get_keys()
['dim2', 'dim0', 'dim1', 'aux0', 'cm0']
>>> d.get_keys('dim')
['dim2', 'dim0', 'dim1']
>>> d.get_keys('^aux|^dim')
['dim2', 'dim0', 'dim1', 'aux0']
>>> d.get_keys('dim[123]')
['dim2', 'dim1']

CFD.has_key(k) -> True if CFD has a key k, else False

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