Bases: cf.variable.Variable
A CF dimension or auxiliary coordinate construct.
The coordinate array’s bounds (if present) are stored in the bounds attribute. The climatology CF property indicates if the bounds are intervals of climatological time.
If the coordinate is connected to one or more transform constructs then pointers to the transformations are stored in the transforms attribute.
Parameters : |
add_offset | The add_offset CF property. |
axis | The axis CF property. |
calendar | The calendar CF property. |
comment | The comment CF property. |
_FillValue | The _FillValue CF property. |
history | The history CF property. |
leap_month | The leap_month CF property. |
leap_year | The leap_year CF property. |
long_name | The long_name CF property. |
missing_value | The missing_value CF property. |
month_lengths | The month_lengths CF property. |
positive | The positive CF property. |
scale_factor | The scale_factor CF property. |
standard_name | The standard_name CF property. |
units | The units CF property. |
valid_max | The valid_max CF property. |
valid_min | The valid_min CF property. |
valid_range | The valid_range CF property. |
array | A numpy array deep copy of the data array. |
Data | The Data object containing the data array. |
dtype | Numpy data-type of the data array. |
_FillValue | The _FillValue CF property. |
first_datum | The first element of the data array. |
hardmask | Whether the mask is hard (True) or soft (False). |
isscalar | True if and only if the data array is a scalar array. |
last_datum | The last element of the data array. |
mask | A variable containing the mask of the data array. |
ndim | Number of dimensions in the data array. |
shape | Tuple of the data array’s dimension sizes. |
size | Number of elements in the data array. |
Units | The Units object containing the units of the data array. |
varray | Return a numpy view of the data. |
bounds | The cf.CoordinateBounds object containing the data array’s cell |
climatology | Indicator for the coordinate array’s bounds representing climatological time intervals. |
id | A definitive identity for the variable. |
isbounded | True if and only if the coordiante has cell bounds. |
islatitude | True if and only if the coordinate represents latitude. |
islongitude | True if and only if the coordinate represents longitude. |
properties | A dictionary of the CF properties. |
subspace | Return a new coordinate whose data and bounds are subspaced in a consistent manner. |
transforms | A list containing pointers to the coordinate’s transforms. |
binary_mask | Return a binary missing data mask of the data array. |
chunk | |
contiguous | Return True if a coordinate is contiguous. |
copy | Return a deep copy. |
cos | Take the trigonometric cosine of the data array and bounds in place. |
delprop | Delete a CF property. |
dump | Return a string containing a full description of the coordinate. |
equals | True if two variables are logically equal, False otherwise. |
expand_dims | axis is an integer |
flip | Flip dimensions of the data array and bounds in place. |
getprop | Get a CF property. |
hasprop | Return True if the variable has a CF property. |
identity | Return the variable’s identity. |
insert_data | Insert a new data array into the coordinate in place. |
insert_bounds | Insert a new bounds data array into the coordinate in-place. |
match | Determine whether or not a variable satisfies conditions. |
name | Return a name for the variable. |
override_units | Override the data array units in place. |
select | Return the instance if it matches the given conditions. |
setitem | Set selected elements of the data array in place. |
setmask | Set selected elements of the data array’s mask in place. |
setprop | Set a CF property. |
sin | Take the trigonometric sine of the data array and bounds in place. |
squeeze | Remove size 1 dimensions from the data array and bounds in place. |
transpose | Permute the dimensions of the data array and bounds in place. |