
class cf.AncillaryVariables(fields=None)[source]

Bases: cf.fieldlist.FieldList

A sequence of ancillary variable fields stored in a list-like object.


Parameters :
fields : (sequence of) cf.Field, optional

Create a new field list with these fields.


>>> fl = cf.FieldList()
>>> len(fl)
>>> f
<CF Field: air_temperature() K>
>>> fl = cf.FieldList(f)
>>> len(fl
>>> fl = cf.FieldList([f, f])
>>> len(fl)
>>> fl = cf.FieldList(cf.FieldList([f] * 3))
>>> len(fl)

AncillaryVariables attributes

subspace Subspace each field in the list, returning a new list of fields.

AncillaryVariables methods

aux Return an auxiliary coordinate object, or its domain identifier, from each field.
auxs Return auxiliary coordinate objects from each field.
axes Return domain axis identifiers from each field.
binary_mask Return a binary (0 and 1) missing data mask for each field.
chunk Partition the data array of each field.
clip Clip (limit) the values in the data array of each field in place.
close Close all referenced open data files from each field.
cm Return a cell measure object, or its domain identifier, from each field.
cms Return cell measure objects from each field.
coord Return a dimension or auxiliary coordinate object, or its domain identifier, from each field.
coords Return dimension or auxiliary coordinate objects from each field.
copy Return a deep copy.
cos Take the trigonometric cosine of the data array of each field in place.
count Return the number of occurrences of a value
data_axes Return the axes of a domain item from each field.
datum Return an element of the data array of each field as a standard Python
delattr Delete a named attribute on each element of the list.
delprop Delete a CF property from each field.
dim Return a dimension coordinate object, or its domain identifier, from each field.
dims Return dimension coordinate objects from each field.
dump Return a full description of each the field.
equals True if two instances are equal, False otherwise.
expand_dims Insert a size 1 axis into the data array of each field in place.
fill_value Return the data array missing data value for each field.
finalize Finalize each field to ensure internal consistency.
flip Flip axes of each field in place.
getattr Get a named attribute from each element of the list.
getprop Get a CF property from each field.
hasprop For each field, return True if a CF property exists, otherise False.
identity Return the identity of each field.
index Return the first index of a value.
indices For each field, return the data array indices which correspond to item values.
insert_data Insert a new data array into the only field in place.
item Return a domain item, or its domain identifier, from each field.
item_axes Return the axes of a domain item from each field.
items Return domain items from each field.
iter Return an iterator over the results of a method applied to the field list.
match Test whether or not each field satisfies the given conditions.
method Return the results of a method applied to each field.
name Return a name for each field.
override_units Override the data array units in place.
remove_axes Remove and return axes from each field.
remove_axis Remove and return an axis from each field.
remove_data Remove and return the data array from each field.
remove_item Remove and return a domain item from each field.
remove_items Remove and return domain items from each field.
select Return fields which satisfy the given conditions.
set_equals True if two instances are set-wise equal, False otherwise.
setattr Set a named attribute on each element of the list.
setdata Set data array elements depending on a condition.
setprop Set a CF property on each field.
sin Take the trigonometric sine of the data array of each field in place.
sort Sort the fields in place.
squeeze Remove size 1 axes from the data array of each field in place.
subspace Subspace each field in the list, returning a new list of fields.
transform Return a transform object, or its domain identifier, from each field.
transforms Return transform objects from each field.
transpose Permute the dimensions of the data array of each field in place.
unsqueeze Insert size 1 axes into the data array of each field.

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