cf.close_files | Close open files containing sub-arrays of master data arrays. |
cf.close_one_file | Close an arbitrary open file containing a sub-array of a master data array. |
cf.dump | Print a description of an object. |
cf.open_files | Return the open files containing sub-arrays of master data arrays. |
cf.open_files_threshold_exceeded | Return True if the total number of open files is greater than the current threshold. |
cf.pickle | Write a binary pickled representation of an object to a file. | | Read fields from files into cf.Field objects. |
cf.write | Write fields to a CF-netCDF or CFA-netCDF file. |
cf.unpickle | Return the reconstituted (unpickled) object from a binary pickle file. |
cf.aggregate | Aggregate fields into as few fields as possible. |
cf.collapse |
cf.equals | True if and only if two objects are logically equal. |
cf.equivalent | True if and only if two objects are logically equivalent. |
cf.contain | Return a cf.Query object for cells of a variable for containing a value. |
cf.eq | Return a cf.Query object for a variable for being equal to a value. | | Return a cf.Query object for a variable for being greater than or equal to a value. | | Return a cf.Query object for a variable for being strictly greater than a value. |
cf.le | Return a cf.Query object for a variable for being less than or equal to a value. | | Return a cf.Query object for a variable for being strictly less than a value. | | Return a cf.Query object for a variable for being equal to a value. |
cf.set | Return a cf.Query object for a variable for being equal to any member of a collection. |
cf.wi | Return a cf.Query object for a variable being within a range. |
cf.wo | Return a cf.Query object for a variable for being without a range. |
Climatological seasons
cf.djf | Return a cf.Query object for season December, January, February. |
cf.mam | Return a cf.Query object for the season March, April, May. |
cf.jja | Return a cf.Query object for season June, July, August. |
cf.son | Return a cf.Query object for season September, October, November. |
cf.seasons | Return a list cf.Query objects for all seasons in a year. |
cf.dteq | Return a cf.Query object for a variable being equal to a date-time. |
cf.dtge | Return a cf.Query object for a variable being not earlier than a date-time. |
cf.dtgt | Return a cf.Query object for a variable being later than a date-time. |
cf.dtle | Return a cf.Query object for a variable being not later than a date-time. |
cf.dtlt | Return a cf.Query object for a variable being earlier than a date-time. |
cf.dtne | Return a cf.Query object for a variable being not equal to a date-time. |
cf.year | Return a cf.Query object for date-time years. |
cf.month | Return a cf.Query object for date-time months. | | Return a cf.Query object for date-time days. |
cf.hour | Return a cf.Query object for date-time hours. |
cf.minute | Return a cf.Query object for date-time minutes. |
cf.second | Return a cf.Query object for date-time seconds. |
Coordinate cell bounds
cf.cellgt | Return a cf.Query object for coordinate cell bounds being strictly greater than a value. |
cf.cellge | Return a cf.Query object for coordinate cell bounds being greater than or equal to a value. |
cf.cellle | Return a cf.Query object for coordinate cell bounds being less than or equal to a value. |
cf.celllt | Return a cf.Query object for coordinate cell bounds being strictly less than a value. |
cf.cellwi | Return a cf.Query object for coordinate cell bounds being within a range. |
cf.cellwo | Return a cf.Query object for coordinate cell bounds being outside a range. |
cf.cellsize | Return a cf.Query object for the cell size of a coordinate object. |
cf.dt | Return a date-time variable for a given date and time. |
cf.Y | Return a time duration of calendar years in a cf.TimeDuration object. |
cf.M | Return a time duration of calendar months in a cf.TimeDuration object. |
cf.D | Return a time duration of days in a cf.TimeDuration object. |
cf.h | Return a time duration of hours in a cf.TimeDuration object. |
cf.m | Return a time duration of minutes in a cf.TimeDuration object. |
cf.s | Return a time duration of seconds in a cf.TimeDuration object. |
cf.ATOL | The value of absolute tolerance for testing numerically tolerant equality. |
cf.CHUNKSIZE | The memory chunk size in bytes for data storage and processing. |
cf.FM_THRESHOLD | The amount of memory which is kept free as a temporary work space. |
cf.MINNCFM | The number of chunks of memory to be kept free as a temporary work space. |
cf.OF_FRACTION | The amount of concurrently open files above which files containing data arrays may be automatically closed. |
cf.REGRID_LOGGING | Whether or not to enable ESMPy logging. |
cf.RTOL | The value of relative tolerance for testing numerically tolerant equality. |
cf.TEMPDIR | The directory for internally generated temporary files. |
cf.abspath | Return a normalized absolute version of a file name. |
cf.dirname | Return the directory name of a file. |
cf.flat | Return an iterator over an arbitrarily nested sequence. |
cf.pathjoin | Join two file path components intelligently. |
cf.relpath | Return a relative filepath to a file. |