
class cf.TimeDuration(duration, units=None, year=None, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)[source]

Bases: object

A duration of time.

The duration of time is a number of either calendar years, calender months, days, hours, minutes or seconds.

Creating time intervals

A time interval of exactly the time duration, starting or ending at a particular date-time, may be produced with the interval method:

>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(6, 'calendar_months')
>>> t
<CF TimeDuration: 6 calendar_months (from Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> t.interval(1999, 12)
(<CF Datetime: 1999-12-01 00:00:00>, <CF Datetime: 2000-06-01 00:00:00>)
>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(5, 'days', hour=6)
>>> t
<CF TimeDuration: 5 days (from Y-01-01 06:00:00)>
>>> t.interval(2004, 3, 2, end=True)
(datetime.datetime(2004, 2, 26, 6, 0), <CF Datetime: 2004-03-02 06:00:00>)
>>> t.interval(2004, 3, 2, end=True, calendar='noleap')
(<CF Datetime: 2004-02-25 06:00:00>, <CF Datetime: 2004-03-02 06:00:00>)
>>> t.interval(2004, 3, 2, end=True, calendar='360_day')
(<CF Datetime: 2004-02-27 06:00:00>, <CF Datetime: 2004-03-02 06:00:00>)
>>> t.interval(2004, 3, 2, end=True, calendar='360_day', iso='start and duration')
'2004-02-27 06:00:00/P5D'

Arithmetic and comparison operators

Arithmetic and comparison operations are defined for cf.TimeDuration objects, cf.Data objects, numpy arrays and numbers:

>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'calendar_years') > cf.TimeDuration(1, 'calendar_years')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'calendar_years') < cf.TimeDuration(25, 'calendar_months')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'hours') <= cf.TimeDuration(1, 'days')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'hours') == cf.TimeDuration(1/12.0, 'days')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'days') == cf.TimeDuration(48, 'hours')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'days') == cf.Data(2)
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'days') == cf.Data([2.], 'days')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'days') > cf.Data([[60]], 'seconds')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'hours') <= 2
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'days') != 30.5
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'calendar_years') > numpy.array(1.5)
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'calendar_months') < numpy.array([[12]])
>>> cf.TimeDuration(30, 'days') + 2
<CF TimeDuration: 32 days (from Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(64, 'calendar_years') - 2.5
<CF TimeDuration: 61.5 calendar_years (from Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(64, 'calendar_years') + cf.TimeDuration(23, 'calendar_months')
<CF TimeDuration: 65.9166666667 calendar_years (from Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'hours') / numpy.array(8)
<CF TimeDuration: 4 hours (from Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'hours') / numpy.array(8.0)
<CF TimeDuration: 4.5 hours (from Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'hours') // numpy.array(8.0)
<CF TimeDuration: 4.0 hours (from Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'calendar_months') * cf.Data([[2.25]])
<CF TimeDuration: 81.0 calendar_months (from Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'calendar_months') // cf.Data([0.825], '10')
<CF TimeDuration: 4.3 calendar_months (from Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'calendar_months') % 10
<CF Data: 6 calendar_months>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'calendar_months') % cf.Data(1, 'calendar_year')
<CF Data: 0.0 calendar_months>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'calendar_months') % cf.Data(2, 'calendar_year')
<CF Data: 12.0 calendar_months>

The in place operators (+=, //=, etc.) are supported in a similar manner.


Attribute Description
duration The length of the time duration in a cf.Data object with units.
year The default year for time interval creation.
month The default month for time interval creation.
day The default day for time interval creation.
hour The default hour for time interval creation.
minute The default minute for time interval creation.
second The default second for time interval creation.


For convenience, the following functions may also be used to create time duration objects:

Function Description
cf.Y Create a time duration of calendar years.
cf.M Create a time duration of calendar months.
cf.D Create a time duration of days.
cf.h Create a time duration of hours.
cf.m Create a time duration of minutes.
cf.s Create a time duration of seconds.

See also

cf.Data, cf.Datetime

New in version 1.0.


duration : data-like

The length of the time duration.

units : str, optional

The units of the time duration. Only required if duration is not a cf.Data object which contains the units. Must be one a units string equivalent to calendar years, calendar months, days, hours, minutes or seconds.

year, month, day, hour, minute, second : ints or None, optional

The default date-time elements for defining when a time interval based on this time duration (created with the interval method) begins or ends. See cf.TimeDuration.interval for details.

>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(cf.Data(3 , 'calendar_years'))
>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(cf.Data(12 , 'hours'))
>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(18 , 'calendar_months')
>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(30 , 'days')
>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(1 , 'day', hour=6)

TimeDuration attributes

isint True if the time duration is a whole number.
iso Return the time duration as an ISO 8601 time duration string.
Units The units of the time duration.

TimeDuration methods

copy Return a deep copy.
equals True if two time durations are equal.
equivalent True if two time durations are logically equivalent.
inspect Inspect the attributes.
interval Return a time interval of exactly the time duration.

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