Source code for cf.cellmethods

import collections

from copy import deepcopy
from re import sub    as re_sub
from re import search as re_search
from ast import literal_eval as ast_literal_eval

from .functions import equals
from .functions import inspect as cf_inspect

from import Data

from . import _found_ESMF

_collapse_cell_methods = {
    'max'            : 'maximum',
    'mean'           : 'mean',
    'mid_range'      : 'mid_range',
    'min'            : 'minimum',
    'range'          : 'range',
    'sd'             : 'standard_deviation',
    'sum'            : 'sum',
    'var'            : 'variance',
    'sample_size'    : None, 
    'sum_of_weights' : None,
    'sum_of_weights2': None,

# ====================================================================
# _CellMethod object
# ====================================================================

class _CellMethod(object):

============  ========================================================
Attribute     Description
============  ========================================================
============  ========================================================

    def __init__(self):
        self.axes      = ()
        self.names     = ()
        self.intervals = ()
        self.method    = None
        self.comment   = None
        self.where     = None
        self.within    = None
        self.over      = None
    #--- End: def

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):

Used if copy.deepcopy is called on the variable.

        return self.copy()
    #--- End: def

    def __hash__(self):

x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)

        return hash(str(self))
    #--- End: if

    def __repr__(self):

x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)

        return '<CF _CellMethod: %s>' % str(self)
    #--- End: def

    def __str__(self):

x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Return a CF-netCDF-like string of the cell method.

Note that if the intention use this string in a CF-netCDF cell_methods
attribute then the cell method's `!name` attribute may need to be
modified, where appropriate, to reflect netCDF variable names.

        string = []
        x = []
        for axis, name in zip(self.axes, self.names):
            if name is None:
                if axis is not None:
                    name = axis
                    name = '?'

            x.append('%s:' % name)
        #--- End: for

        method = self.method
        if method is None:
            method = ''


        for portion in ('within', 'where', 'over'):
            p = getattr(self, portion, None)
            if p is not None:
                string.extend((portion, p))
        #--- End: for

        intervals = self.intervals
        if intervals:
            x = ['(']

            y = ['interval: %s' % data for data in intervals]
            x.append(' '.join(y))

            if self.comment is not None:
                x.append(' comment: %s' % self.comment)



        elif self.comment is not None:
            string.append('(%s)' % self.comment)

        return ' '.join(string)
    #--- End: def

    def __eq__(self):

x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y

        return self.equals(y)
    #--- End: def

    def __ne__(self, other):

x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y

        return not self.__eq__(other)
    #--- End: def

    def copy(self):

Return a deep copy.

``c.copy()`` is equivalent to ``copy.deepcopy(c)``.


    out : 
        The deep copy.


>>> d = c.copy()

        new = _CellMethod.__new__(_CellMethod)

        new.axes    = self.axes     
        new.names   = self.names    
        new.method  = self.method   
        new.comment = self.comment  
        new.where   = self.where    
        new.within  = self.within   
        new.over    = self.over     

        new.intervals = tuple([data.copy() for data in self.intervals])

        return new
    #--- End: def

    def equals(self, other, rtol=None, atol=None,
               ignore_fill_value=False, traceback=False):

True if two cell methods are equal, False otherwise.

The `!axes` attribute is ignored in the comparison.


    other : 
        The object to compare for equality.

    atol : float, optional
        The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
        default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used.

    rtol : float, optional
        The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
        default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used.

    ignore_fill_value : bool, optional
        If True then data arrays with different fill values are
        considered equal. By default they are considered unequal.

    traceback : bool, optional
        If True then print a traceback highlighting where the two
        instances differ.


    out : bool
        Whether or not the two instances are equal.


        if self is other:
            return True

        # Check that each instance is the same type
        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
            if traceback:
                print("%s: Different types: %s != %s" %
            return False
        #--- End: if

        names0 = self.names
        names1 = other.names        
#        indices0 = sorted(range(len(names0)), key=names0.__getitem__)
#        indices1 = sorted(range(len(names1)), key=names1.__getitem__)
#        names0 = sorted(names0)
 #       names1 = sorted(names1)

        if names0 != names1:
            if traceback:
                print("%s: Different names: %s != %s" %
                      (CellMethods.__name__, names0, names1))
            return False

        if None in names0 or None in names0:
            if traceback:
                print("%s: Missing names: %s, %s" %
                      (CellMethods.__name__, names0, names1))
                return False
            #--- End: if

        for attr in ('method', 'within', 'over', 'where', 'comment'):
            x = getattr(self, attr)
            y = getattr(other, attr)
            if x != y:
                if traceback:
                    print("%s: Different %s: %r != %r" %
                          (CellMethods.__name__, attr, x, y))
                return False

        intervals0 = self.intervals
        intervals1 = other.intervals
        if intervals0:
            if not intervals1:
                if traceback:
                    print("%s: Different intervals: %r != %r" %
                          (CellMethods.__name__, intervals0, intervals1))
                return False
            #--- End: if

            if len(intervals0) != len(intervals1):
                if traceback:
                    print("%s: Different intervals: %r != %r" %
                          (CellMethods.__name__, intervals0, intervals1))
                return False
            #--- End: if

            for data0, data1 in zip(intervals0, intervals1):
                if not data0.equals(data1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol,
                    if traceback:
                        print("%s: Different intervals: %r != %r" %
                              (CellMethods.__name__, data0, data1))
                    return False
        elif intervals1:
            if traceback:
                print("%s: Different intervals: %r != %r" %
                      (CellMethods.__name__, intervals0, intervals1))
            return False
        #--- End: if

        return True
    #--- End: def

    def equivalent(self, other, rtol=None, atol=None, traceback=False):

True if two cell methods are equivalent, False otherwise.

The `axes` attribute is ignored in the comparison.


    other : 
        The object to compare for equality.

    atol : float, optional
        The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
        default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used.

    rtol : float, optional
        The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
        default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used.


    out : bool
        Whether or not the two instances are equivalent.


        if self is other:
            return True

        # Check that each instance is the same type
        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
            if traceback:
                print("%s: Different types: %s != %s" %
            return False
        #--- End: if

        names0 = self.names
        names1 = other.names        
        indices0 = sorted(range(len(names0)), key=names0.__getitem__)
        indices1 = sorted(range(len(names1)), key=names1.__getitem__)
        names0 = sorted(names0)
        names1 = sorted(names1)

        if None in names0 or None in names1 or names0 != names1:
            if traceback:
                print("%s: Nonequivalent names: %r, %r" %
                      (CellMethods.__name__, names0, names1))
            return False
        #--- End: if

        for attr in ('method', 'within', 'over', 'where', 'comment'):
            x = getattr(self, attr)
            y = getattr(other, attr)
            if x != y:
                if traceback:
                    print("%s: Nonequivalent %s: %r, %r" %
                          (CellMethods.__name__, attr, x, y))
                return False
        #--- End: if

        intervals0 = self.intervals
        intervals1 = other.intervals
        if intervals0:
            if not intervals1:
                if traceback:
                    print("%s: Nonequivalent intervals: %r, %r" %
                          (CellMethods.__name__, intervals0, intervals1))
                return False
            #--- End: if

            if len(intervals0) == 1:
                intervals0 = intervals0 * len(names0)
            if len(intervals1) == 1:
                intervals1 = intervals1 * len(names1)

            if len(intervals0) != len(intervals1):
                if traceback:
                    print("%s: Nonequivalent intervals: %r, %r" %
                          (CellMethods.__name__, intervals0, intervals1))
                return False
            #--- End: if

            # Sort the intervals
            intervals0 = [intervals0[i] for i in indices0]
            intervals1 = [intervals1[i] for i in indices1]

            for data0, data1 in zip(intervals0, intervals1):
                if not data0.allclose(data1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
                    if traceback:                    
                        print("%s: Nonequivalent intervals: %r, %r" %
                              (CellMethods.__name__, data0, data1))
                    return False

        elif intervals1:
            if traceback:
                print("%s: Nonequivalent intervals: %r, %r" %
                      (CellMethods.__name__, intervals0, intervals1))
            return False
        #--- End: if

        return True
    #--- End: def

    def inspect(self):

Inspect the attributes.

.. seealso:: `cf.inspect`



        print cf_inspect(self)
    #--- End: def

#--- End: def

# ====================================================================
# CellMethods object
# ====================================================================

[docs]class CellMethods(collections.MutableSequence): ''' A CF cell methods object to describe the characteristic of a field that is represented by cell values. ''' def __init__(self, cell_methods=None): ''' **Initialization** :Parameters: string : str, optional Initialize new instance from a CF-netCDF-like cell methods string. See the `parse` method for details. By default an empty cell methods is created. :Examples: >>> c = cf.CellMethods() >>> c = cf.CellMethods('time: max: height: mean') ''' if not cell_methods: self._list = [] elif isinstance(cell_methods, basestring): self._list = [] self._parse(cell_methods) else: self._list = list(cell_methods) #--- End: def def __delitem__(self, index): ''' x.__delitem__(index) <==> del x[index] ''' del self._list[index] #--- End: def def __deepcopy__(self, memo): ''' Used if copy.deepcopy is called on the variable. ''' return self.copy() #--- End: def def __getitem__(self, index): ''' x.__getitem__(index) <==> x[index] s ''' if isinstance(index, (int, long)): return type(self)((self._list[index],)) else: return type(self)(self._list[index]) #--- End: def def __hash__(self): ''' x.__hash__() <==> hash(x) ''' return hash(str(self)) #--- End: if def __len__(self): ''' x.__len__() <==> len(x) ''' return len(self._list) #--- End: def def __repr__(self): ''' x.__repr__() <==> repr(x) ''' return '<CF %s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) #--- End: def def __setitem__(self, index, value): ''' x.__setitem__(index, value) <==> x[index]=value ''' if not isinstance(value, self.__class__): raise ValueError( "Can't assign %s to %s[%s]" % (value.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__, index)) if isinstance(index, (int, long)): index = slice(index, index+1) self._list[index] = value._list #--- End: def def __str__(self): ''' x.__str__() <==> str(x) ''' return ' '.join([str(cm) for cm in self._list]) #--- End: def def __eq__(self, other): ''' x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y ''' return self.equals(other) #--- End: def def __ne__(self, other): ''' x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y ''' return not self.__eq__(other) #--- End: def def __add__(self, other): ''' x.__add__(y) <==> x+y ''' new = self.copy() new.extend(other) return new #--- End: def def __mul__(self, other): ''' x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n ''' return type(self)(self._list * other) #--- End: def def __rmul__(self, other): ''' x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x ''' return self * other #--- End: def def __iadd__(self, other): ''' x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y ''' self.extend(other) return self #--- End: def def __imul__(self, other): ''' x.__imul__(n) <==> x*=n ''' self._list = self._list * other return self #--- End: def def _parse(self, string=None): ''' Parse a CF cell_methods string into this `cf.CellMethods` instance in place. :Parameters: string : str, optional The CF cell_methods string to be parsed into the `cf.CellMethods` object. By default the cell methods will be empty. :Returns: None :Examples: >>> c = cf.CellMethods() >>> c = c._parse('time: minimum within years time: mean over years (ENSO years)') >>> print c Cell methods : time: minimum within years time: mean over years (ENSO years) ''' if not string: self._list[:] = [] return # Split the cell_methods string into a list of strings ready # for parsing into the result list. E.g. # 'lat: mean (interval: 1 hour)' # maps to # ['lat:', 'mean', '(', 'interval:', '1', 'hour', ')'] cell_methods = re_sub('\((?=[^\s])' , '( ', string) cell_methods = re_sub('(?<=[^\s])\)', ' )', cell_methods).split() while cell_methods: cm = _CellMethod() axes = [] names = [] while cell_methods: if not cell_methods[0].endswith(':'): break # Check that "name" ebds with colon? How? ('lat: mean (area-weighted) or lat: mean (interval: 1 degree_north comment: area-weighted)') names.append(cell_methods.pop(0)[:-1]) axes.append(None) #--- End: while cm.axes = tuple(axes) cm.names = tuple(names) if not cell_methods: self.append(cm) break # Method cm.method = cell_methods.pop(0) if not cell_methods: self.append(cm) break # Climatological statistics and statistics which apply to # portions of cells while cell_methods[0] in ('within', 'where', 'over'): attr = cell_methods.pop(0) setattr(cm, attr, cell_methods.pop(0)) if not cell_methods: break #--- End: while if not cell_methods: self.append(cm) break # interval and comment intervals = [] if cell_methods[0].endswith('('): cell_methods.pop(0) if not (re_search('^(interval|comment):$', cell_methods[0])): cell_methods.insert(0, 'comment:') while not re_search('^\)$', cell_methods[0]): term = cell_methods.pop(0)[:-1] if term == 'interval': interval = cell_methods.pop(0) if cell_methods[0] != ')': units = cell_methods.pop(0) else: units = None try: # parsed_interval = float(ast_literal_eval(interval)) parsed_interval = ast_literal_eval(interval) except: raise ValueError( "Unparseable cell methods interval: {0!r}".format( interval+' '+units if units is not None else interval)) try: intervals.append(Data(parsed_interval, units)) except: raise ValueError( "Unparseable cell methods interval: {0!r}".format( interval+' '+units if units is not None else interval)) continue #--- End: if if term == 'comment': comment = [] while cell_methods: if cell_methods[0].endswith(')'): break if cell_methods[0].endswith(':'): break comment.append(cell_methods.pop(0)) #--- End: while cm.comment = ' '.join(comment) #--- End: if #--- End: while if cell_methods[0].endswith(')'): cell_methods.pop(0) #--- End: if n_intervals = len(intervals) if n_intervals > 1 and n_intervals != len(names): raise ValueError("0798798 ") cm.intervals = tuple(intervals) self.append(cm) #--- End: while #--- End: def @property def axes(self): return tuple([cm.axes for cm in self._list]) @axes.setter def axes(self, value): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider c[i].axes=value" % self.__class__.__name__) if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError("%s axes attribute must be a tuple or list" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].axes = tuple(value) #--- End: def @axes.deleter def axes(self): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider del c[i].axes" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].axes = () #--- End: def @property def comment(self): ''' Each cell method's comment keyword. ''' return tuple([cm.comment for cm in self._list]) @comment.deleter def comment(self): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider del c[i].comment" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].comment = None #--- End: def @property def method(self): ''' Each cell method's method keyword. These describe how the cell values of field have been determined or derived. :Examples: >>> c = cf.CellMethods('time: minimum area: mean') >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum area: mean> >>> c.method ['minimum', 'mean'] >>> c[1].method = 'variance' >>> c.method ['minimum', 'variance'] >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum area: variance> >>> d = c[1] >>> d <CF CellMethods: area: variance> >>> d.method ['variance'] >>> d.method = 'maximum' >>> d.method ['maximum'] >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum area: maximum> ''' return tuple([cm.method for cm in self._list]) #--- End: def @method.setter def method(self, value): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider c[i].method=value" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].method = value #--- End: def @method.deleter def method(self): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider del c[i].method" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].method = None #--- End: def @property def names(self): ''' Each cell method's name keyword(s). :Examples: >>> c = cf.CellMethods('time: minimum area: mean') >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum area: mean> >>> c.names (('time',), ('area',)) >>> c[1].names = ['lat', 'lon'] >>> c.names (('time',), ('lat', 'lon')) >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum lat: lon: mean> >>> d = c[1] >>> d <CF CellMethods: lat: lon: mean> >>> d.names (('lat', 'lon'),) >>> d.names = ('area',) >>> d.names (('area',),) >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum area: mean> ''' return tuple([cm.names for cm in self._list]) @names.setter def names(self, value): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider c[i].names=value" % self.__class__.__name__) if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("%s names attribute must be a tuple or list" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].names = tuple(value) # Make sure that axes has the same number of elements as names len_value = len(value) if len_value != len(self.axes[0]): self.axes = (None,) * len_value #--- End: def @names.deleter def names(self): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider del c[i].names" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].names = () #--- End: def @property def intervals(self): ''' Each cell method's interval keyword(s). :Examples: >>> c = cf.CellMethods('time: minimum (interval: 1 hr) lat: lon: mean (interval: 0.1 degree_N interval: 0.2 degree_E)') >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum (interval: 1 hr) lat: lon: mean (interval: 0.1 degree_N interval: 0.2 degree_E)> >>> c.intervals [[<CF Data: 1 hr>], [<CF Data: 0.1 degree_N>, <CF Data: 0.2 degree_E>]] >>> c[0].intervals = ['3600 seconds'] >>> c.intervals >>> c[0].intervals [[<CF Data: 3600 seconds>]] >>> c[0].intervals = [cf.Data(60, 'minutes')] >>> c[0].intervals [[<CF Data: 60 minutes>]] >>> c[0].intervals = [1] >>> c[0].intervals [[<CF Data: 1 >]] >>> del c[0].intervals >>> c.intervals >>> [[], [<CF Data: 0.1 degree_N>, <CF Data: 0.2 degree_E>]] >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum lat: lon: mean (interval: 0.1 degree_N interval: 0.2 degree_E)> ''' return tuple([cm.intervals for cm in self._list]) @intervals.setter def intervals(self, value): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider c[i].intervals=value" % self.__class__.__name__) if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError( "%s intervals attribute must be a tuple or list, not a %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, value.__class__.__name__)) # Parse the intervals values = [] for interval in value: if isinstance(interval, basestring): i = interval.split() try: x = ast_literal_eval(i.pop(0)) except: raise ValueError( "Unparseable cell methods interval: %r" % interval) if interval: units = ' '.join(i) else: units = None try: d = Data(x, units) except: raise ValueError( "Unparseable cell methods interval: %r" % interval) else: try: d = Data.asdata(interval, copy=True) except: raise ValueError( "Unparseable cell methods interval: %r" % interval) #--- End: if if d.size != 1: raise ValueError( "Unparseable cell methods interval: %r" % interval) if d.ndim > 1: d.squeeze(i=True) values.append(d) #--- End: for self._list[0].intervals = tuple(values) #--- End: def @intervals.deleter def intervals(self): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider del c[i].intervals" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].intervals = () #--- End: def @property def over(self): ''' Each cell method's over keyword. These describe how climatological statistics have been derived. .. seealso:: `within` :Examples: >>> c = cf.CellMethods('time: minimum area: mean') >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum time: mean> >>> c.over [None, None] >>> c[0].within = 'years' >>> c[1].over = 'years' >>> c.over >>> [None, 'years'] >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum within years time: mean over years> >>> d = c[1] >>> d <CF CellMethods: time: mean over years> >>> del d.over >>> d.over [None] >>> d <CF CellMethods: time: mean> >>> del c[0].within >>> c.within () >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum time: mean> ''' return tuple([cm.over for cm in self._list]) #--- End: def @over.setter def over(self, value): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider c[i].over=value" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].over = value #--- End: def @over.deleter def over(self): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider del c[i].over" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].over = None #--- End: def @property def where(self): ''' Each cell method's where keyword. ''' return tuple([cm.where for cm in self._list]) #--- End: def @where.setter def where(self, value): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError("Must select a %s element to update. Consider c[i].where=value" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].where = value #--- End: def @where.deleter def where(self): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider del c[i].where" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].where = None #--- End: def @property def within(self): ''' Each cell method's within keyword. These describe how climatological statistics have been derived. .. seealso:: `over` :Examples: >>> c = cf.CellMethods('time: minimum area: mean') >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum time: mean> >>> c.within (None, None) >>> c[0].within = 'years' >>> c[1].over = 'years' >>> c.within >>> ('years', None) >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum within years time: mean over years> >>> d = c[0] >>> d <CF CellMethods: time: minimum within years> >>> del d.within >>> d.within (None,) >>> d <CF CellMethods: time: minimum> >>> del c[1].over >>> c <CF CellMethods: time: minimum time: mean> ''' return tuple([cm.within for cm in self._list]) #--- End: def @within.setter def within(self, value): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider c[i].within=value" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].within = value #--- End: def @within.deleter def within(self): if len(self._list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Must select a %s element to update. Consider del c[i].within" % self.__class__.__name__) self._list[0].within = None #--- End: def
[docs] def copy(self): ''' Return a deep copy. ``c.copy()`` is equivalent to ``copy.deepcopy(c)``. :Returns: out : The deep copy. :Examples: >>> d = c.copy() ''' new = CellMethods.__new__(CellMethods) new._list = [cm.copy() for cm in self._list] return new
#--- End: def
[docs] def dump(self, display=True, prefix=None): ''' Return a string containing a full description of the instance. If a cell methods 'name' is followed by a '*' then that cell method is relevant to the data in a way which may not be precisely defined its corresponding dimension or dimensions. :Parameters: display : bool, optional If False then return the description as a string. By default the description is printed, i.e. ``c.dump()`` is equivalent to ``print c.dump(display=False)``. prefix : str, optional Set the common prefix of component names. By default the instance's class name is used. :Returns: out : None or str A string containing the description. :Examples: ''' if prefix is None: prefix = self.__class__.__name__ string = [] for i, cm in enumerate(self._list): string.append('%s[%d] -> %s' % (prefix, i, cm)) string = '\n'.join(string) if display: print string else: return string
#--- End: def
[docs] def equals(self, other, rtol=None, atol=None, ignore_fill_value=False, traceback=False): ''' True if two cell methods are equal, False otherwise. The `axes` attribute is ignored in the comparison. :Parameters: other : The object to compare for equality. atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used. rtol : float, optional The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used. ignore_fill_value : bool, optional If True then data arrays with different fill values are considered equal. By default they are considered unequal. traceback : bool, optional If True then print a traceback highlighting where the two instances differ. :Returns: out : bool Whether or not the two instances are equal. :Examples: ''' if self is other: return True # Check that each instance is the same type if self.__class__ != other.__class__: if traceback: print("%s: Different types: %s != %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__)) return False #--- End: if if len(self._list) != len(other._list): if traceback: print("%s: Different numbers of methods: %d != %d" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self._list), len(other._list))) return False #--- End: if for cm0, cm1 in zip(self._list, other._list): if not cm0.equals(cm1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, ignore_fill_value=ignore_fill_value, traceback=traceback): return False #--- End: for return True
#--- End: def
[docs] def equivalent(self, other, rtol=None, atol=None, traceback=False): ''' True if two cell methods are equivalent, False otherwise. The `axes` attributes are ignored in the comparison. :Parameters: other : The object to compare for equality. atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used. rtol : float, optional The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used. :Returns: out : bool Whether or not the two instances are equivalent. :Examples: ''' if self is other: return True # Check that each instance is the same type if self.__class__ != other.__class__: if traceback: print("%s: Different types: %s != %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__)) return False #--- End: if if len(self._list) != len(other._list): if traceback: print("%s: Different numbers of methods: %d != %d" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self._list), len(other._list))) return False #--- End: if for cm0, cm1 in zip(self._list, other._list): if not cm0.equivalent(cm1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, traceback=traceback): return False #--- End: for return True
#--- End: def
[docs] def has_cellmethod(self, other): ''' Return True if and only if this cell methods is a super set of another. :Parameters: other : cf.CellMethods The other cell methods for comparison. :Returns: out : bool Whether or not this cell methods is a super set of the other. :Examples: ''' if len(other) != 1: return False found_match = False cm1 = other._list[0] for cm in self._list: if cm.equivalent(cm1): found_match = True break #--- End: for return found_match
#--- End: def
[docs] def extend(self, value): self._list.extend(value._list)
#--- End: def
[docs] def insert(self, index, value): self._list.insert(index, value)
#--- End: def
[docs] def inspect(self): ''' Inspect the attributes. .. seealso:: `cf.inspect` :Returns: None ''' print cf_inspect(self)
#--- End: def
[docs] def netcdf_translation(self, f): ''' Translate netCDF variable names stored in the `!names` attribute into `axes` and `names` attributes. :Parameters: f : cf.Field The field which provides the translation. :Returns: out : cf.CellMethods A new cell methods instance with translated names. :Examples: >>> c = cf.CellMethods('t: mean lon: mean') >>> c.names = (('t',), ('lon',)) >>> c.axes = ((None,), (None,)) >>> d = c.netcdf_translation(f) >>> d.names = (('time',), ('longitude',)) >>> d.axes = (('dim0',), ('dim2',)) >>> d <CF CellMethods: 'time: mean longitude: mean') ''' cell_methods = self.copy() domain = f.domain # Change each names value to a standard_name (or domain # coordinate identifier) and create the axes attribute. # From the CF conventions (1.5): In the specification of this # attribute, name can be a dimension of the variable, a scalar # coordinate variable, a valid standard name, or the word # 'area'. for cm in cell_methods._list: names = cm.names if names == ('area',): cm.axes = (None,) continue #--- End: if names = list(names) axes = [] dim_coords = f.dims() # Still here? for i, name in enumerate(names): axis = None for axis, ncdim in domain.nc_dimensions.iteritems(): if name == ncdim: break axis = None #--- End: for if axis is not None: # name is a netCDF dimension name (including # scalar coordinates). axes.append(axis) if axis in dim_coords: names[i] = dim_coords[axis].name('domain:%s' % axis) else: names[i] = None else: # name must be a standard name axes.append(domain.axis({'standard_name': name}, role='d', exact=True)) #--- End: for cm.names = tuple(names) cm.axes = tuple(axes) #--- End: for return cell_methods
#--- End: def def netcdf_names(self, axis_to_ncdim, axis_to_ncscalar): ''' Translate `names` to CF-netCDF names. :Parameters: axis_to_ncdim: dict The first dictionary which provides the translation. axis_to_ncscalar: dict The alternative dictionary which provides the translation. :Returns: out : cf.CellMethods A new cell methods instance with translated names. :Examples: >>> c = cf.CellMethods('t: mean lon: mean') >>> c.names = (('t',), ('lon',)) >>> c.axes = ((None,), (None,)) >>> d = c.netcdf_translation(f) >>> d.names = (('time',), ('longitude',)) >>> d.axes = (('dim0',), ('dim2',)) >>> d <CF CellMethods: 'time: mean longitude: mean') ''' new = self.copy() for cm in new._list: if cm.names == ('area',): continue names = [] for axis, name in zip(cm.axes, cm.names): names.append( axis_to_ncdim.get(axis, axis_to_ncscalar.get(axis, name))) #--- End: for cm.names = tuple(names) #--- End: for return new #--- End: def def set_axes(self, f, override=False): '''Create new cell methods with `axes` inferred from `names`. :Parameters: f : cf.Field The field providing the translation. override : bool, optional If True then change existing `axes` elements. By default exisiting `axes` elements are not changed. :Returns: out : cf.CellMethods A new cell methods instance :Examples: >>> c = cf.CellMethods('t: mean lon: mean') >>> c.names = (('t',), ('lon',)) >>> c.axes = ((None,), (None,)) >>> d = c.netcdf_translation(f) >>> d.names = (('time',), ('longitude',)) >>> d.axes = (('dim0',), ('dim2',)) >>> d <CF CellMethods: 'time: mean longitude: mean') ''' new = self.copy() for cm in new._list: names = cm.names if names == ('area',): cm.axes = (None,) continue cm.axes = tuple([(f.domain.axis(name) if axis is None or override else axis) for axis, name in zip(cm.axes, names)]) #--- End: for return new
#--- End: def #--- End: class