Source code for cf.cfdatetime

import netCDF4

# Work: Running Sphinx v1.2b1

from datetime import datetime

from numpy import array     as numpy_array
from numpy import ndarray   as numpy_ndarray
from numpy import ndim      as numpy_ndim
from numpy import vectorize as numpy_vectorize

from .functions import inspect as cf_inspect
from .units     import Units

if netCDF4.__version__ <= '1.1.1':
    _netCDF4_netcdftime_parse_date = netCDF4.netcdftime._parse_date
    _netCDF4_netcdftime_strftime   = netCDF4.netcdftime._strftime
    _netCDF4_netcdftime_parse_date = netCDF4.netcdftime.netcdftime._parse_date
    _netCDF4_netcdftime_strftime   = netCDF4.netcdftime._datetime._strftime

# ====================================================================
# Datetime object (overrides netCDF4.netcdftime.datetime)
# ====================================================================

[docs]class Datetime(object): # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Adapted from Jeff Whitaker's netCDF4.netcdftime.datetime # ---------------------------------------------------------------- ''' A date-time object which supports CF calendars. Any date and time valid in any CF calendar is allowed. In many situations, it may be used interchangeably with a built-in `datetime.datetime` object. For example: >>> import datetime >>> d = cf.Datetime(2004, 2, 30) >>> d > datetime.datetime(2004, 2, 1) True **Attributes** ============== ====================================================== Attribute Description ============== ====================================================== `!year` The year of the date `!month` The month of the year of the date `!day` The day of the month of the date `!hour` The hour of the day of the date `!minute` The minute of the hour of the date `!second` The second of the minute of the date `!microsecond` The microsecond of the second of the date ============== ====================================================== .. seealso:: `cf.dt`, `cf.TimeDuration` ''' def __init__(self, year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, dayofwk=-1, dayofyr=1): '''**Initialization** :Parameters: year : int The year. month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond : ints, optional The month of the year, the day of the month and time of the day. *month* and *day* default to 1 and *hour*; *minute*, *second* and *microsecond* default to 0. :Examples: >>> cf.Datetime(2003) <CF Datetime: 2003-01-01 00:00:00> >>> d = cf.Datetime(2003, 2, 30) >>> d = cf.Datetime(2003, 2, 30, 0) >>> d = cf.Datetime(2003, 2, 30, 0, 0) >>> d = cf.Datetime(2003, 2, 30, 0, 0, 0) >>> d = cf.Datetime(2003, 4, 5, 12, 30, 15) >>> d = cf.Datetime(year=2003, month=4, day=5, hour=12, minute=30, second=15) >>> d.year, d.month,, d.hour, d.minute, d.second (2003, 4, 5, 12, 30, 15) >>> d.timetuple() (2003, 4, 5, 12, 30, 15, -1, 1) ''' # ------------------------------------------------------------ # NOTE: dayofyr is set to 1 by default, otherwise # time.strftime will complain. # ------------------------------------------------------------ self.year = year self.month = month = day self.hour = hour self.minute = minute self.second = second self.microsecond = microsecond self.dayofwk = dayofwk self.dayofyr = dayofyr self.format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' #--- End: def def __deepcopy__(self, memo): ''' Used if copy.deepcopy is called ''' return self.copy() #--- End: def def __repr__(self): ''' x__repr__() <==> repr(x) ''' return '<CF %s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self) #--- End: def def __str__(self): ''' x__str__() <==> str(x) ''' return self.strftime() #--- End: def def __eq__(self, other): ''' x__eq__(y) <==> x==y ''' try: return self._timetuple6() == other.timetuple()[:6] except AttributeError: return NotImplemented #--- End: def def __ne__(self, other): ''' x__ne__(y) <==> x!=y ''' try: return self._timetuple6() != other.timetuple()[:6] except AttributeError: return NotImplemented #--- End: def def __ge__(self, other): ''' x__ge__(y) <==> x>=y ''' try: return self._timetuple6() >= other.timetuple()[:6] except AttributeError: return NotImplemented #--- End: def def __gt__(self, other): ''' x__gt__(y) <==> x>y ''' try: return self._timetuple6() > other.timetuple()[:6] except AttributeError: return NotImplemented #--- End: def def __le__(self, other): ''' x__le__(y) <==> x<=y ''' try: return self._timetuple6() <= other.timetuple()[:6] except AttributeError: return NotImplemented #--- End: def def __lt__(self, other): ''' x__lt__(y) <==> x<y ''' try: return self._timetuple6() < other.timetuple()[:6] except AttributeError: return NotImplemented #--- End: def def _to_real_datetime(self): return datetime(self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.microsecond) #--- End: def def __hash__(self): try: d = self._to_real_datetime() except ValueError: return hash(self.timetuple()) else: return hash(d) #--- End: def # @property # def year(self): return self._year # # @property # def month(self): return self._month # # @property # def day(self): return self._day # # @property # def hour(self):return self._hour # # @property # def minute(self): return self._minute # # @property # def second(self): return self._second # # @property # def microsecond(self): return self._microsecond # # @property # def dayofwk(self): return self._dayofwk # # @property # def dayofyr(self): return self._dayofyr def _timetuple6(self): ''' Return a tuple of the first six date-time attributes. ``d._timetuple6()`` is equivalent to ``(d.year, d.month,, d.hour, d.minute, d.second)``. :Returns: out : tuple The first six date-time attributes. :Examples: >>> d = cf.Datetime(2005, 6, 7, 23, 45, 57) >>> d._timetuple6() (2005, 6, 7, 23, 45, 57) ''' return (self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second) #--- End: def
[docs] def copy(self): ''' Return a deep copy. ``d.copy()`` is equivalent to ``copy.deepcopy(d)``. :Returns: out : The deep copy. :Examples: >>> e = d.copy() ''' return type(self)(*self.timetuple()[:-1])
#--- End: def
[docs] def inspect(self): ''' Inspect the attributes. .. seealso:: `cf.inspect` :Returns: None ''' print cf_inspect(self)
#--- End: def def strftime(self, format=None): if format is None: format = self.format return _netCDF4_netcdftime_strftime(self, format) #--- End: def
[docs] def timetuple(self): ''' Return a tuple of the date-time attributes. ``d.timetuple()`` is equivalent to ``(d.year, d.month,, d.hour, d.minute, d.second, d.dayofwk, d.dayofyr, -1)``. :Returns: out : tuple The date-time attributes. :Examples: >>> d = cf.Datetime(2005, 6, 7, 23, 45, 57, 999888) >>> d.timetuple() (2005, 6, 7, 23, 45, 57, -1, 1, -1) ''' return (self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.dayofwk, self.dayofyr, -1)
#--- End: def @classmethod
[docs] def utcnow(cls): ''' Return the current Gregorian calendar UTC date and time. :Returns: out: cf.Datetime The current UTC date and time. :Examples: >>> cf.Datetime.utcnow() <CF Datetime: 2013-11-19 17:55:59> >>> d = cf.Datetime(2005, 6, 7) >>> d.utcnow() <CF Datetime: 2013-11-19 17:56:07> >>> d <CF Datetime: 2005-06-07 00:00:00> ''' return cls(*datetime.utcnow().timetuple()[:-1])
#--- End: def #--- End: class netCDF4.netcdftime.datetime = Datetime
[docs]def dt(*args, **kwargs): '''Return a date-time variable for a given date and time. The date and time may be specified with an ISO 8601-like date-time string (in which non-Gregorian calendar dates are allowed) or by providing a value for the year and, optionally, the month, day, hour, minute, second and microsecond. .. seealso:: `cf.Datetime` :Parameters: args, kwargs : If the first positional argument is a string, then it must be an ISO 8601-like date-time string from which a `cf.Datetime` object is initialized. Otherwise, the positional and keyword arguments are used to explicitly initialize a `cf.Datetime` object, so see `cf.Datetime` for details. :Returns: out : cf.Datetime The new date-time object. :Examples: >>> d = cf.dt(2003, 2, 30) >>> d = cf.dt(2003, 2, 30, 0, 0, 0) >>> d = cf.dt('2003-2-30') >>> d = cf.dt('2003-2-30 0:0:0') >>> d = cf.dt(2003, 4, 5, 12, 30, 15) >>> d = cf.dt(year=2003, month=4, day=5, hour=12, minute=30, second=15) >>> d = cf.dt('2003-04-05 12:30:15') >>> d.year, d.month,, d.hour, d.minute, d.second (2003, 4, 5, 12, 30, 15) ''' if kwargs: return Datetime(*args, **kwargs) elif not args: raise ValueError("34 woah!") else: arg0 = args[0] if isinstance(arg0, basestring): return st2Datetime(arg0) else: return Datetime(*args)
#--- End: def def st2dt(array, units_in, dummy0=None, dummy1=None): ''' The returned array is always independent. :Parameters: array : numpy array-like units_in : cf.Units dummy0 : *optional* Ignored. dummy1 : *optional* Ignored. :Returns: out : numpy array An array of `cf.Datetime` or `datetime.datetime` objects with the same shape as *array*. :Examples: ''' if units_in._calendar in ('gregorian' 'standard', 'none'): return array_st2datetime(array) else: return array_st2Datetime(array) #--- End: def def st2datetime(date_string): ''' Parse an ISO 8601 date-time string into a datetime.datetime object. :Parameters: date_string : str :Returns: out : datetime.datetime ''' if date_string.count('-') != 2: raise ValueError("A string must contain a year, a month and a day") year,month,day,hour,minute,second,utc_offset = _netCDF4_netcdftime_parse_date(date_string) if utc_offset: raise ValueError("Can't specify a time offset from UTC") return datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) #--- End: def array_st2datetime = numpy_vectorize(st2datetime, otypes=[object]) def st2Datetime(date_string): ''' Parse an ISO 8601 date-time string into a `cf.Datetime` object. :Parameters: date_string : str :Returns: out : cf.Datetime ''' if date_string.count('-') != 2: raise ValueError("A string must contain a year, a month and a day") year,month,day,hour,minute,second,utc_offset = _netCDF4_netcdftime_parse_date(date_string) if utc_offset: raise ValueError("Can't specify a time offset from UTC") return Datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) #--- End: def array_st2Datetime = numpy_vectorize(st2Datetime, otypes=[object]) def rt2dt(array, units_in, dummy0=None, dummy1=None): ''' The returned array is always independent. :Parameters: array : numpy array-like units_in : cf.Units dummy0 : Ignored. dummy1 : Ignored. :Returns: out : numpy array An array of `cf.Datetime` or `datetime.datetime` objects with the same shape as *array*. ''' ndim = numpy_ndim(array) array = units_in._utime.num2date(array) if not ndim: array = numpy_array(array, dtype=object) return array #--- End: def def dt2rt(array, dummy0, units_out, dummy1=None): ''' The returned array is always independent. :Parameters: array : numpy array-like of date-time objects dummy0 : Ignored. units_out : cf.Units dummy1 : Ignored. :Returns: out : numpy array An array of numbers with the same shape as *array*. ''' ndim = numpy_ndim(array) if not ndim and isinstance(array, numpy_ndarray): # This necessary because date2num gets upset if you pass # it a scalar numpy array array = array.item() array = units_out._utime.date2num(array) if not ndim: array = numpy_array(array) return array #--- End: def def _JulianDayFromDate(date, calendar='standard'): ''' Create a Julian Day from a 'datetime-like' object. Returns the fractional Julian Day (resolution 1 second). if calendar='standard' or 'gregorian' (default), Julian day follows Julian Calendar on and before 1582-10-5, Gregorian calendar after 1582-10-15. if calendar='proleptic_gregorian', Julian Day follows gregorian calendar. if calendar='julian', Julian Day follows julian calendar. Algorithm: Meeus, Jean (1998) Astronomical Algorithms (2nd Edition). Willmann-Bell, Virginia. p. 63 This is taken from netCDF4.netcdftime.JulianDayFromDate, with an error check added. ''' # based on by David Finlayson. year=date.year; month=date.month; hour=date.hour; minute=date.minute; second=date.second try: datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Bad %s calendar date: %s" % (calendar, date)) # Convert time to fractions of a day day = day + hour/24.0 + minute/1440.0 + second/86400.0 # Start Meeus algorithm (variables are in his notation) if (month < 3): month = month + 12 year = year - 1 A = int(year/100) # MC # jd = int(365.25 * (year + 4716)) + int(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + \ # day - 1524.5 jd = 365.*year + int(0.25 * year + 2000.) + int(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + \ day + 1718994.5 # optionally adjust the jd for the switch from # the Julian to Gregorian Calendar # here assumed to have occurred the day after 1582 October 4 if calendar in ['standard','gregorian']: if jd >= 2299170.5: # 1582 October 15 (Gregorian Calendar) B = 2 - A + int(A/4) elif jd < 2299160.5: # 1582 October 5 (Julian Calendar) B = 0 else: raise ValueError('impossible date (falls in gap between end of Julian calendar and beginning of Gregorian calendar') elif calendar == 'proleptic_gregorian': B = 2 - A + int(A/4) elif calendar == 'julian': B = 0 else: raise ValueError('unknown calendar, must be one of julian,standard,gregorian,proleptic_gregorian, got %s' % calendar) # adjust for Julian calendar if necessary jd = jd + B return jd #--- End: def netCDF4.netcdftime.JulianDayFromDate = _JulianDayFromDate def _NoLeapDayFromDate(date): ''' Creates a Julian Day for a calendar with no leap years from a date-time instance. Returns the fractional Julian Day (resolution 1 second). ''' year=date.year; month=date.month; hour=date.hour; minute=date.minute; second=date.second if month == 2 and day > 28: raise ValueError("Bad 365_day calendar date: %s" % date) if year != 0: try: datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Bad 365_day calendar date: %s" % date) # Convert time to fractions of a day day = day + hour/24.0 + minute/1440.0 + second/86400.0 # Start Meeus algorithm (variables are in his notation) if (month < 3): month = month + 12 year = year - 1 jd = int(365. * (year + 4716)) + int(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + \ day - 1524.5 return jd #--- End: def if netCDF4.__version__ <= '1.1.1': netCDF4.netcdftime._NoLeapDayFromDate = _NoLeapDayFromDate else: netCDF4.netcdftime.netcdftime._NoLeapDayFromDate = _NoLeapDayFromDate