`CF <http://cfconventions.org/>`_ is a `netCDF
<http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf>`_ convention which is in
wide and growing use for the storage of model-generated and
observational data relating to the atmosphere, ocean and Earth system.
This package is an implementation of the `CF data model
<http://cf-trac.llnl.gov/trac/ticket/95>`_, and as such it is an API
allows for the full scope of data and metadata interactions described
by the CF conventions.
With this package you can:
* Read `CF-netCDF <http://cfconventions.org/>`_ files,
`CFA-netCDF <http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~david/cfa/0.4>`_ files
and UK Met Office fields files and PP files.
* Create CF fields.
* Write fields to CF-netCDF and CFA-netCDF files on disk.
* Aggregate collections of fields into as few multidimensional
fields as possible using the `CF aggregation rules
* Create, delete and modify a field's data and metadata.
* Select and subspace fields according to their metadata.
* Perform broadcastable, metadata-aware arithmetic, comparison and
trigonometric operation with fields.
* Collapse fields by statistical operations.
* Sensibly deal with date-time data.
* Allow for cyclic axes.
* Visualize fields the `cfplot package
All of the above use :ref:`LAMA` functionality, which allows multiple
fields larger than the available memory to exist and be manipulated.
See the `cf-python home page <http://cfpython.bitbucket.org/>`_ for
downloads, installation and source code.
__Conventions__ = 'CF-1.5'
__author__ = 'David Hassell'
__date__ = '09 February 2016'
__version__ = '1.1.4'
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
import imp
import platform
# Check the version of python
if not (StrictVersion('2.6.0')
<= StrictVersion(platform.python_version())
< StrictVersion('3.0.0')):
raise ValueError(
"Bad python version: cf requires 2.6 <= python < 3.0. Got %s" %
# Check the version of numpy
import numpy
if StrictVersion(numpy.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.7'):
raise ImportError(
"Bad numpy version: cf %s requires numpy >= 1.7. Got %s" %
(__version__, numpy.__version__))
# Check the version of netCDF4
import netCDF4
if StrictVersion(netCDF4.__version__) < StrictVersion('0.9.7'):
raise ImportError(
"Bad netCDF4 version: cf %s requires netCDF4 >= 0.9.7. Got %s" %
(__version__, netCDF4.__version__))
except ImportError:
_found_ESMF = False
_found_ESMF = True
from .variable import Variable
from .coordinate import Coordinate, DimensionCoordinate, AuxiliaryCoordinate
from .coordinatebounds import CoordinateBounds
from .coordinatereference import CoordinateReference
from .cellmeasure import CellMeasure
from .domain import Domain
from .field import Field, FieldList
from .read import read
from .write import write
from .utils import Dict #List, Dict
from .units import Units
from .cfdatetime import Datetime, dt
from .timeduration import TimeDuration, Y, M, D, h, m, s
from .data.data import Data
from .aggregate import aggregate
from .query import (Query, lt, le, gt, ge, eq, ne, contain,
wi, wo, set, year, month, day, hour, minute,
second, dtlt, dtle, dtgt, dtge, dteq, dtne,
cellsize, cellge, cellgt, cellle, celllt,
cellwi, cellwo, djf, mam, jja, son, seasons)
from .flags import Flags
from .cellmethods import CellMethods
from .constants import *
from .functions import *