from numpy import argsort as numpy_argsort
from numpy import array as numpy_array
from numpy import ceil as numpy_ceil
from numpy import cos as numpy_cos
from numpy import count_nonzero as numpy_count_nonzero
from numpy import dtype as numpy_dtype
from numpy import e as numpy_e
from numpy import empty as numpy_empty
from numpy import exp as numpy_exp
from numpy import floor as numpy_floor
from numpy import ndarray as numpy_ndarray
from numpy import ndim as numpy_ndim
from numpy import log as numpy_log
from numpy import log10 as numpy_log10
from numpy import log2 as numpy_log2
from numpy import ones as numpy_ones
from numpy import reshape as numpy_reshape
from numpy import result_type as numpy_result_type
from numpy import rint as numpy_rint
from numpy import round as numpy_round
from numpy import seterr as numpy_seterr
from numpy import shape as numpy_shape
from numpy import sin as numpy_sin
from numpy import size as numpy_size
from numpy import tan as numpy_tan
from numpy import tile as numpy_tile
from numpy import trunc as numpy_trunc
from numpy import unique as numpy_unique
from numpy import unravel_index as numpy_unravel_index
from numpy import where as numpy_where
from numpy import vectorize as numpy_vectorize
from numpy import zeros as numpy_zeros
from import array as numpy_ma_array
from import count as numpy_ma_count
from import empty as numpy_ma_empty
from import is_masked as numpy_ma_is_masked
from import isMA as numpy_ma_isMA
from import masked as numpy_ma_masked
from import masked_all as numpy_ma_masked_all
from import masked_invalid as numpy_ma_masked_invalid
from import masked_where as numpy_ma_masked_where
from import MaskedArray as numpy_ma_MaskedArray
from import nomask as numpy_ma_nomask
from import ones as numpy_ma_ones
from import where as numpy_ma_where
from import zeros as numpy_ma_zeros
import operator
from functools import partial
from operator import mul as operator_mul
from math import ceil as math_ceil
from sys import byteorder, getrefcount
from itertools import izip
from itertools import product as itertools_product
from ..netcdf.filearray import NetCDFFileArray
from import UMFileArray
from ..cfdatetime import st2dt, dt2rt, rt2dt
from ..units import Units
from ..constants import masked as cf_masked
parse_indices, _numpy_allclose, abspath,
pathjoin, hash_array, get_subspace, set_subspace,
from ..functions import inspect as cf_inspect
from ..functions import _section
from .filearray import FileArray, CreateArray
from .partition import Partition
from .partitionmatrix import PartitionMatrix
from .collapse_functions import *
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# _seterr = How floating-point errors in the results of arithmetic
# operations are handled. These defaults are those of
# numpy 1.10.1.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
_seterr = {'divide' : 'warn',
'invalid': 'warn',
'over' : 'warn',
'under' : 'ignore',
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# _seterr_raise_to_ignore = As _seterr but with any values of 'raise'
# changed to 'ignore'.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
_seterr_raise_to_ignore = _seterr.copy()
for key, value in _seterr.iteritems():
if value == 'raise':
_seterr_raise_to_ignore[key] = 'ignore'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# _mask_fpe[0] = Whether or not to automatically set
# FloatingPointError exceptions to masked values in
# arimthmetic.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
_mask_fpe = [False]
_xxx = numpy_empty((), dtype=object)
_empty_set = set()
_units_None = Units()
_units_1 = Units('1')
_units_radians = Units('radians')
_dtype_object = numpy_dtype(object)
_dtype_float = numpy_dtype(float)
_cached_axes = {0: []}
def _initialise_axes(ndim):
ndim : int
out : list
>>> _initialise_axes(0)
>>> _initialise_axes(1)
>>> _initialise_axes(3)
['dim1', 'dim2', 'dim3']
>>> _initialise_axes(3) is _initialise_axes(3)
axes = _cached_axes.get(ndim, None)
if axes is None:
axes = ['dim%d' % i for i in xrange(ndim)]
_cached_axes[ndim] = axes
#--- End: if
return axes
#--- End: def
# ====================================================================
# Data object
# ====================================================================
[docs]class Data(object):
An N-dimensional data array with units and masked values.
* Contains an N-dimensional, indexable and broadcastable array with
many similarities to a `numpy` array.
* Contains the units of the array elements.
* Supports masked arrays, regardless of whether or not it was
initialised with a masked array.
* Stores and operates on data arrays which are larger then the
available memory.
A data array is indexable in a similar way to numpy array:
>>> d.shape
(12, 19, 73, 96)
>>> d[...].shape
(12, 19, 73, 96)
>>> d[slice(0, 9), 10:0:-2, :, :].shape
(9, 5, 73, 96)
There are three extensions to the numpy indexing functionality:
* Size 1 dimensions are never removed bi indexing.
An integer index i takes the i-th element but does not reduce the
rank of the output array by one:
>>> d.shape
(12, 19, 73, 96)
>>> d[0, ...].shape
(1, 19, 73, 96)
>>> d[:, 3, slice(10, 0, -2), 95].shape
(12, 1, 5, 1)
Size 1 dimensions may be removed with the `squeeze` method.
* The indices for each axis work independently.
When more than one dimension's slice is a 1-d boolean sequence or
1-d sequence of integers, then these indices work independently
along each dimension (similar to the way vector subscripts work in
Fortran), rather than by their elements:
>>> d.shape
(12, 19, 73, 96)
>>> d[0, :, [0, 1], [0, 13, 27]].shape
(1, 19, 2, 3)
* Boolean indices may be any object which exposes the numpy array
>>> d.shape
(12, 19, 73, 96)
>>> d[..., d[0, 0, 0]>d[0, 0, 0].min()]
**Cyclic axes**
A `Data` object is picklable.
A `Data` object is hashable, but note that, since it is mutable, its
hash value is only valid whilst the data array is not changed in
def __init__(self, data=None, units=None, fill_value=None, hardmask=True,
chunk=True, loadd=None, dt=False):
data : array-like, optional
The data for the array.
units : str or Units, optional
The units of the data. By default the array elements are
fill_value : optional
The fill value of the data. By default, or if None, the numpy
fill value appropriate to the array's data type will be used.
hardmask : bool, optional
If False then the mask is soft. By default the mask is hard.
chunk : bool, optional
If False then the data array will be stored in a single
partition. By default the data array will be partitioned if it
is larger than the chunk size, as returned by the
`cf.CHUNKSIZE` function.
dt : bool, optional
If True then strings (such as ``'1990-12-1 12:00'``) given by
the *data* argument are interpreted as date-times. By default
they are not interpreted as date-times.
loadd : dict, optional
Initialise the data array from a dictionary serialization of a
`cf.Data` object. All other arguments are ignored.
>>> d = cf.Data(5)
>>> d = cf.Data([1,2,3], units='K')
>>> import numpy
>>> d = cf.Data(numpy.arange(10).reshape(2,5), units=cf.Units('m/s'), fill_value=-999)
>>> d = cf.Data(tuple('fly'))
empty_list = []
# The _flip attribute is an unordered subset of the data
# array's axis names. It is a subset of the axes given by the
# _axes attribute. It is used to determine whether or not to
# reverse an axis in each partition's sub-array during the
# creation of the partition's data array. DO NOT CHANGE IN
self._flip = empty_list
# The _all_axes attribute must be None or a tuple
self._all_axes = None
self._hardmask = hardmask
self._isdt = False
if loadd is not None:
#--- End: if
# The _cyclic attribute contains the axes of the data array
# which are cyclic (and therefore allow cyclic slicing). It is
# a subset of the axes given by the _axes attribute. DO NOT
self._cyclic = _empty_set
units = Units(units)
self._Units = units
self._fill_value = fill_value
if data is None:
self._dtype = None
if not isinstance(data, FileArray):
check_free_memory = True
if isinstance(data, self.__class__):
if not isinstance(data, numpy_ndarray):
data = numpy_array(data)
if (data.dtype.kind == 'O' and not dt and
hasattr(data.item((0,)*data.ndim), 'timetuple')):
# We've been given one or more date-time objects
dt = True
check_free_memory = False
#--- End: if
dtype = data.dtype
if dt or units.isreftime:
self._isdt = dtype.kind in 'SO'
if self._isdt:
if not units:
units = Units('days since 1970-1-1', units._calendar)
self._Units = units
elif not units:
raise ValueError(
"Can't initialise a numeric reference-time array with %r" %
if not units.isreftime:
raise ValueError(
"Can't initialise a date-time array with %r" % units)
if dtype.kind == 'S':
# Convert date-time strings to date-time objects
data = st2dt(data, units)
dtype = data.dtype
# dtype = _dtype_float
#--- End: if
shape = data.shape
ndim = data.ndim
axes = _initialise_axes(ndim)
matrix = _xxx.copy()
matrix[()] = Partition(location = [(0, n) for n in shape],
shape = list(shape),
axes = axes,
flip = empty_list,
Units = units,
subarray = data,
part = empty_list)
self.partitions = PartitionMatrix(matrix, empty_list)
self._dtype = dtype
self._ndim = ndim
self._shape = shape
self._size = data.size
# The _axes attribute is the ordered list of the data array's
# axis names. Each axis name is an arbitrary, unique
self._axes = axes
if chunk:
if check_free_memory and FREE_MEMORY() < FM_THRESHOLD():
#--- End: def
def __array__(self, *dtype):
Returns a numpy array copy the data array.
If the data array is stored as date-time objects then a numpy array of
numeric reference times will be returned.
out : numpy.ndarray
The numpy array copy the data array.
>>> (d.array == numpy.array(d)).all()
if not dtype:
return self.array
return self.array.astype(dtype[0]) #, copy=False) OUght to work!
#--- End: def
[docs] def __contains__(self, value):
Membership test operator ``in``
x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x
Returns True if the value is contained anywhere in the data array. The
value may be a `cf.Data` object.
>>> d = cf.Data([[0.0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]], 'm')
>>> 4 in d
>>> cf.Data(3) in d
>>> cf.Data([2.5], units='2 m') in d
>>> [[2]] in d
>>> numpy.array([[[2]]]) in d
>>> cf.Data(2, 'seconds') in d
if isinstance(value, self.__class__):
self_units = self.Units
value_units = value.Units
if value_units.equivalent(self_units):
if not value_units.equals(self_units):
value = value.copy()
value.Units = self_units
elif value_units:
return False
value = value.unsafe_array
#--- End: if
pda_args = self.pda_args(revert_to_file=True) #, readonly=True)
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
if value in array:
return True
#--- End: for
return False
#--- End: def
def subspace(self):
Return a new object which will get or set a subspace of the array.
``e=d.subspace[indices]`` is equivalent to
``e=d[indices]``. ``d.subspace[indices]=x`` is equivalent to
return SubspaceData(self)
#--- End: def
def __data__(self):
Returns a new reference to self.
return self
#--- End: def
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
Used if copy.deepcopy is called.
return self.copy()
#--- End: def
# def __getstate__(self):
# '''
#Called when pickling.
# None
# out : dict
# A dictionary of the instance's attributes
# return dict([(attr, getattr(self, attr))
# for attr in self.__slots__ if hasattr(self, attr)])
# #--- End: def
# def __setstate__(self, odict):
# '''
#Called when unpickling.
# odict : dict
# The output from the instance's `__getstate__` method.
# None
# for attr, value in odict.iteritems():
# setattr(self, attr, value)
# #--- End: def
[docs] def __hash__(self):
The built-in function `hash`
Generating the hash temporarily realizes the entire array in memory,
which may not be possible for large arrays.
The hash value is dependent on the data type and shape of the data
array. If the array is a masked array then the hash value is
independent of the fill value and of data array values underlying any
masked elements.
The hash value may be different if regenerated after the data array
has been changed in place.
The hash value is not guaranteed to be portable across versions of
Python, numpy and cf.
out : int
The hash value.
>>> print d.array
[[0 1 2 3]]
>>> d.hash()
>>> d[1, 0] =
>>> print d.array
[[0 -- 2 3]]
>>> hash(d)
>>> d.hardmask = False
>>> d[0, 1] = 999
>>> d[0, 1] =
>>> d.hash()
>>> d.squeeze()
>>> print d.array
[0 -- 2 3]
>>> hash(d)
>>> d.dtype = float
>>> print d.array
[0.0 -- 2.0 3.0]
>>> hash(d)
return hash_array(self.unsafe_array)
#--- End: def
def __float__(self):
if self.size != 1:
raise TypeError(
"only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars")
return float(self.datum())
#--- End: def
def __round__(self, *n):
if self.size != 1:
raise TypeError(
"only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars")
return round(self.datum(), *n)
#--- End: def
def __int__(self):
if self.size != 1:
raise TypeError(
"only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars")
return int(self.datum())
#--- End: def
[docs] def __iter__(self):
Efficient iteration.
x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)
>>> d = cf.Data([1, 2, 3], 'metres')
>>> for e in d:
... print repr(e)
>>> d = cf.Data([[1, 2], [4, 5]], 'metres')
>>> for e in d:
... print repr(e)
<CF Data: [1, 2] metres>
<CF Data: [4, 5] metres>
>>> d = cf.Data(34, 'metres')
>>> for e in d:
... print repr(e)
TypeError: iteration over a 0-d Data
ndim = self._ndim
if not ndim:
raise TypeError("Iteration over 0-d %s" % self.__class__.__name__)
elif ndim == 1:
if self.fits_in_memory(self.dtype.itemsize):
i = iter(self.unsafe_array)
while 1:
for n in xrange(self._size):
yield self[n].unsafe_array[0]
# ndim > 1
for n in xrange(self._shape[0]):
yield self[n, ...].squeeze(0, i=True)
#--- End: def
[docs] def __len__(self):
The built-in function `len`
x.__len__() <==> len(x)
>>> len(cf.Data([1, 2, 3]))
>>> len(cf.Data([[1, 2, 3]]))
>>> len(cf.Data([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
>>> len(cf.Data(1))
TypeError: len() of scalar Data
shape = self._shape
if shape:
return shape[0]
raise TypeError("len() of scalar %s" % self.__class__.__name__)
#--- End: def
[docs] def __nonzero__(self):
Truth value testing and the built-in operation `bool`
x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0
>>> bool(cf.Data(1))
>>> bool(cf.Data([[False]]))
>>> bool(cf.Data([1, 2]))
ValueError: The truth value of Data with more than one element is ambiguous. Use d.any() or d.all()
if self._size == 1:
return bool(self.unsafe_array)
raise ValueError(
"The truth value of Data with more than one element is ambiguous. Use d.any() or d.all()")
#--- End: def
[docs] def __repr__(self):
The built-in function `repr`
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
return '<CF %s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
#--- End: def
[docs] def __str__(self):
The built-in function `str`
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
self_units = self.Units
isreftime = self_units.isreftime
if not self_units or self_units.equals(_units_1):
units = None
elif not isreftime:
units = self_units.units
units = getattr(self_units, 'calendar', '')
size = self._size
ndim = self._ndim
open_brackets = '[' * ndim
close_brackets = ']' * ndim
first = self.datum(0)
if size == 1:
if isreftime and not self._isdt:
# Convert reference time to date-time
first = rt2dt(first, self_units).item()
out = '%s%s%s' % (open_brackets, first, close_brackets)
last = self.datum(-1)
if isreftime and not self._isdt:
# Convert reference times to date-times
first, last = rt2dt((first, last), self_units)
if size >= 3:
out = '%s%s, ..., %s%s' % (open_brackets, first,
last, close_brackets)
out = '%s%s, %s%s' % (open_brackets, first,
last, close_brackets)
#--- End: if
if units:
out += ' %s' % units
return out
#--- End: def
[docs] def __getitem__(self, indices):
Implement indexing
x.__getitem__(indices) <==> x[indices]
size = self._size
if size == 1 or indices is Ellipsis:
return self.copy()
d = self
axes = d._axes
flip = d._flip
shape = d._shape
cyclic_axes = d._cyclic
indices, roll, flip_axes = _parse_indices(d, indices)
if roll:
for axis, shift in roll.iteritems():
if axes[axis] not in cyclic_axes:
raise IndexError(
"Can't take a cyclic slice of a non-cyclic axis (axis %d)" % axis)
d = d.roll(axis, shift)
#--- End: if
new_shape = tuple(map(_size_of_index, indices, shape))
new_size = long(reduce(operator_mul, new_shape, 1))
new = Data.__new__(Data)
new._shape = new_shape
new._size = new_size
new._ndim = d._ndim
new._fill_value = d._fill_value
new._hardmask = d._hardmask
new._isdt = d._isdt
new._all_axes = d._all_axes
new._cyclic = cyclic_axes
new._axes = axes
new._flip = flip
new._dtype = d.dtype
new.Units = d.Units
partitions = d.partitions
new_partitions = PartitionMatrix(_overlapping_partitions(partitions,
if new_size != size:
new.partitions = new_partitions
# Flip axes
if flip_axes:
new.flip(flip_axes, i=True)
# Remove size 1 axes from the partition matrix
if cyclic_axes:
# Mark cyclic axes which have reduced size as non-cyclic
x = [axis
for axis, n0, n1 in izip(axes, shape, new_shape)
if axis in cyclic_axes and n1 != n0]
if x:
new._cyclic = cyclic_axes.difference(x)
#--- End: if
return new
#--- End: def
[docs] def __setitem__(self, indices, value):
Implement indexed assignment
x.__setitem__(indices, y) <==> x[indices]=y
Assignment to data array elements defined by indices.
Elements of a data array may be changed by assigning values to a
subspace. See `__getitem__` for details on how to define subspace of
the data array.
**Missing data**
The treatment of missing data elements during assignment to a subspace
depends on the value of the `hardmask` attribute. If it is True then
masked elements will notbe unmasked, otherwise masked elements may be
set to any value.
In either case, unmasked elements may be set, (including missing
Unmasked elements may be set to missing data by assignment to the
`cf.masked` constant or by assignment to a value which contains masked
.. seealso:: `cf.masked`, `hardmask`, `where`
def _mirror_slice(index, size):
Return a slice object which creates the reverse of the input
The step of the input slice must have a step of `.
index : slice
A slice object with a step of 1.
size : int
out : slice
>>> s = slice(2, 6)
>>> t = _mirror_slice(s, 8)
>>> s, t
slice(2, 6), slice(5, 1, -1)
>>> range(8)[s]
[2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> range(8)[t]
[5, 4, 3, 2]
>>> range(7, -1, -1)[s]
[5, 4, 3, 2]
>>> range(7, -1, -1)[t]
[2, 3, 4, 5]
start, stop, step = index.indices(size)
size -= 1
start = size - start
stop = size - stop
if stop < 0:
stop = None
return slice(start, stop, -1)
#--- End: def
pda_args = self.pda_args()
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# parse the indices
# ------------------------------------------------------------
indices, roll, flip_axes = _parse_indices(self, indices)
if roll:
for iaxis, shift in roll.iteritems():
self.roll(iaxis, shift, i=True)
scalar_value = False
if value is cf_masked:
scalar_value = True
copied = False
if not isinstance(value, Data):
# Convert to the value to a Data object
value = type(self)(value, self.Units)
if value.Units.equivalent(self.Units):
if not value.Units.equals(self.Units):
value = value.copy()
value.Units = self.Units
copied = True
elif not value.Units:
value = value.override_units(self.Units)
copied = True
raise ValueError("Some bad units %r, %r" %
(self.Units, value.Units))
#--- End: if
value2dt = self._isdt and not value._isdt
if value._size == 1:
scalar_value = True
if value2dt:
if not copied:
value = value.copy()
#--- End: if
value = value.datum(0)
#--- End: if
if scalar_value:
# --------------------------------------------------------
# The value is logically scalar
# --------------------------------------------------------
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
p_indices, shape = partition.overlaps(indices)
if p_indices is None:
# This partition does not overlap the indices
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
if value is cf_masked and not partition.masked:
# The assignment is masking elements, so turn a
# non-masked sub-array into a masked one.
array = array.view(numpy_ma_MaskedArray)
partition.subarray = array
set_subspace(array, p_indices, value)
#--- End: for
if roll:
for iaxis, shift in roll.iteritems():
self.roll(iaxis, -shift, i=True)
#--- End: if
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Still here? Then the value is not logically scalar.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
data0_shape = self._shape
value_shape = value._shape
shape0 = map(_size_of_index, indices, data0_shape)
self_ndim = self._ndim
value_ndim = value._ndim
align_offset = self_ndim - value_ndim
if align_offset >= 0:
# self has more dimensions than other
shape0 = shape0[align_offset:]
shape1 = value_shape
ellipsis = None
flip_axes = [i-align_offset for i in flip_axes
if i >= align_offset]
# value has more dimensions than self
v_align_offset = -align_offset
if value_shape[:v_align_offset] != [1] * v_align_offset:
# Can only allow value to have more dimensions then
# self if the extra dimensions all have size 1.
raise ValueError("Can't broadcast shape %r across shape %r" %
(value_shape, data0_shape))
shape1 = value_shape[v_align_offset:]
ellipsis = Ellipsis
align_offset = 0
#--- End: if
# Find out which of the dimensions of value are to be
# broadcast, and those which are not. Note that, as in numpy,
# it is not allowed for a dimension in value to be larger than
# a size 1 dimension in self
base_value_indices = []
non_broadcast_dimensions = []
for i, (a, b) in enumerate(izip(shape0, shape1)):
if b == 1:
elif a == b and b != 1:
raise ValueError("Can't broadcast shape %r across shape %r" %
(shape1, shape0))
#--- End: for
previous_location = ((-1,),) * self_ndim
start = [0] * value_ndim
# save = pda_args['save']
keep_in_memory = pda_args['keep_in_memory']
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
p_indices, shape = partition.overlaps(indices)
if p_indices is None:
# This partition does not overlap the indices
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Find which elements of value apply to this partition
# --------------------------------------------------------
value_indices = base_value_indices[:]
for i in non_broadcast_dimensions:
j = i + align_offset
location = partition.location[j][0]
reference_location = previous_location[j][0]
if location > reference_location:
stop = start[i] + shape[j]
value_indices[i] = slice(start[i], stop)
start[i] = stop
elif location == reference_location:
value_indices[i] = previous_slice[i]
elif location < reference_location:
stop = shape[j]
value_indices[i] = slice(0, stop)
start[i] = stop
#--- End: for
previous_location = partition.location
previous_slice = value_indices[:]
for i in flip_axes:
value_indices[i] = _mirror_slice(value_indices[i], shape1[i])
if ellipsis:
value_indices.insert(0, ellipsis)
# --------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------
if value2dt:
v = value[tuple(value_indices)].dtarray
v = value[tuple(value_indices)].varray
if keep_in_memory: #not save:
v = v.copy()
# Update the partition's data
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
if not partition.masked and numpy_ma_isMA(v):
# The sub-array is not masked and the assignment is
# masking elements, so turn the non-masked sub-array
# into a masked one.
array = array.view(numpy_ma_MaskedArray)
partition.subarray = array
#--- End: if
set_subspace(array, p_indices, v)
#--- End: For
if roll:
# Unroll
for iaxis, shift in roll.iteritems():
self.roll(iaxis, -shift, i=True)
#--- End: def
[docs] def dumpd(self):
Return a dictionary serialization of the data array.
.. seealso:: `loadd`
out : dict
The serialization.
>>> d = cf.Data([[1, 2, 3]], 'm')
>>> d.dumpd()
{'Partitions': [{'location': [(0, 1), (0, 3)],
'subarray': array([[1, 2, 3]])}],
'Units': <CF Units: m>,
'_axes': ['dim0', 'dim1'],
'_pmshape': (),
'dtype': dtype('int64'),
'shape': (1, 3)}
>>> d.flip(1)
>>> d.transpose()
>>> d.Units *= 1000
>>> d.dumpd()
{'Partitions': [{'Units': <CF Units: m>,
'axes': ['dim0', 'dim1'],
'location': [(0, 3), (0, 1)],
'subarray': array([[1, 2, 3]])}],
'Units': <CF Units: 1000 m>,
'_axes': ['dim1', 'dim0'],
'_flip': ['dim1'],
'_pmshape': (),
'dtype': dtype('int64'),
'shape': (3, 1)}
>>> d.dumpd()
{'Partitions': [{'Units': <CF Units: m>,
'location': [(0, 1), (0, 3)],
'subarray': array([[1, 2, 3]])}],
'Units': <CF Units: 1000 m>,
'_axes': ['dim0', 'dim1'],
'_flip': ['dim1'],
'_pmshape': (),
'dtype': dtype('int64'),
'shape': (1, 3)}
>>> e = cf.Data(loadd=d.dumpd())
>>> e.equals(d)
axes = self._axes
units = self.Units
dtype = self.dtype
cfa_data = {
'dtype' : dtype,
'Units' : units,
'shape' : self._shape,
'_axes' : axes[:],
'_pmshape': self._pmshape,
pmaxes = self._pmaxes
if pmaxes:
cfa_data['_pmaxes'] = pmaxes[:]
flip = self._flip
if flip:
cfa_data['_flip'] = flip[:]
fill_value = self._fill_value
if fill_value is not None:
cfa_data['fill_value'] = fill_value
cyclic = self._cyclic
if cyclic:
cfa_data['_cyclic'] = cyclic.copy()
partitions = []
for index, partition in self.partitions.ndenumerate():
attrs = {}
p_subarray = partition.subarray
p_dtype = p_subarray.dtype
# Location in partition matrix
if index:
attrs['index'] = index
# Sub-array location
attrs['location'] = partition.location[:]
# Sub-array part
p_part = partition.part
if p_part:
attrs['part'] = p_part[:]
# Sub-array axes
p_axes = partition.axes
if p_axes != axes:
attrs['axes'] = p_axes[:]
# Sub-array units
p_Units = partition.Units
if p_Units != units:
attrs['Units'] = p_Units
# Sub-array flipped axes
p_flip = partition.flip
if p_flip:
attrs['flip'] = p_flip[:]
# --------------------------------------------------------
# File format specific stuff
# --------------------------------------------------------
if isinstance(p_subarray, NetCDFFileArray):
# ----------------------------------------------------
# NetCDF File Array
# ----------------------------------------------------
attrs['format'] = 'netCDF'
subarray = {}
for attr in ('file', 'shape'):
subarray[attr] = getattr(p_subarray, attr)
for attr in ('ncvar', 'varid'):
value = getattr(p_subarray, attr, None)
if value is not None:
subarray[attr] = value
#--- End: for
if p_dtype != dtype:
subarray['dtype'] = p_dtype
attrs['subarray'] = subarray
elif isinstance(p_subarray, UMFileArray):
# ----------------------------------------------------
# UM File Array
# ----------------------------------------------------
attrs['format'] = 'UM'
subarray = {}
for attr in ('file', 'shape',
'header_offset', 'data_offset', 'disk_length'):
subarray[attr] = getattr(p_subarray, attr)
#--- End: for
if p_dtype != dtype:
subarray['dtype'] = p_dtype
attrs['subarray'] = subarray
attrs['subarray'] = p_subarray
#--- End: if
#--- End: for
cfa_data['Partitions'] = partitions
return cfa_data
#--- End:s def
[docs] def loadd(self, d):
Reset the data array in place from a dictionary serialization.
.. seealso:: `dumpd`
d : dict
A dictionary serialization of a `cf.Data` object, as returned
by its `dumpd` method.
>>> d = cf.Data([[1, 2, 3]], 'm')
>>> e = cf.Data([6, 7, 8, 9], 's')
>>> e.loadd(d.dumpd())
>>> e.equals(d)
>>> e is d
>>> e = cf.Data(loadd=d.dumpd())
>>> e.equals(d)
axes = list(d.get('_axes', ()))
shape = tuple(d.get('shape', ()))
units = d.get('Units', None)
if units is None:
units = Units()
dtype = d['dtype']
self._dtype = dtype
self.Units = units
self._axes = axes
self._flip = list(d.get('_flip', ()))
self._fill_value = d.get('fill_value', None)
self._shape = shape
self._ndim = len(shape)
self._size = long(reduce(operator_mul, shape, 1))
cyclic = d.get('_cyclic', None)
if cyclic:
self._cyclic = cyclic.copy()
self._cyclic = _empty_set
filename = d.get('file', None)
if filename is not None:
filename = abspath(filename)
base = d.get('base', None)
if base is not None:
base = abspath(base)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialise an empty partition array
# ------------------------------------------------------------
partition_matrix = PartitionMatrix(
numpy_empty(d.get('_pmshape', ()), dtype=object),
list(d.get('_pmaxes', ()))
pmndim = partition_matrix.ndim
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Fill the partition array with partitions
# ------------------------------------------------------------
for attrs in d['Partitions']:
# Find the position of this partition in the partition
# matrix
if 'index' in attrs:
index = attrs['index']
if len(index) == 1:
index = index[0]
index = tuple(index)
index = (0,) * pmndim
location = attrs.get('location', None)
if location is not None:
location = location[:]
# Default location
location = [[0, i] for i in shape]
partition = Partition(
location = location,
axes = attrs.get('axes', axes)[:],
flip = attrs.get('flip', [])[:],
Units = attrs.get('Units', units),
part = attrs.get('part', [])[:],
fmt = attrs.get('format', None)
if fmt is None:
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Subarray is effectively a numpy array in memory
# ----------------------------------------------------
partition.subarray = attrs['subarray']
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Subarray is in a file on disk
# ----------------------------------------------------
partition.subarray = attrs['subarray']
if fmt not in ('netCDF', 'UM'):
raise TypeError(
"Don't know how to load sub-array from file format %r" %
# Set the 'subarray' attribute
kwargs = attrs['subarray'].copy()
kwargs['shape'] = tuple(kwargs['shape'])
kwargs['ndim'] = len(kwargs['shape'])
kwargs['size'] = long(reduce(operator_mul, kwargs['shape'], 1))
kwargs.setdefault('dtype', dtype)
if 'file' in kwargs:
f = kwargs['file']
if f == '':
kwargs['file'] = filename
if base is not None:
f = pathjoin(base, f)
kwargs['file'] = abspath(f)
kwargs['file'] = filename
if fmt == 'netCDF':
partition.subarray = NetCDFFileArray(**kwargs)
elif fmt == 'UM':
partition.subarray = UMFileArray(**kwargs)
#--- End: if
# Put the partition into the partition array
partition_matrix[index] = partition
#--- End: for
# Save the partition array
self.partitions = partition_matrix
#--- End: def
[docs] def ceil(self, i=False):
Return the ceiling of the data array.
.. versionadded:: 1.0
.. seealso:: `floor`, `rint`, `trunc`
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> print d.array
[-1.9 -1.5 -1.1 -1. 0. 1. 1.1 1.5 1.9]
>>> print d.ceil().array
[-1. -1. -1. -1. 0. 1. 2. 2. 2.]
return self.func(numpy_ceil, out=True, i=i)
#---End: def
[docs] def chunk(self, chunksize=None):
Partition the data array
chunksize : int, optional
>>> d.chunk()
>>> d.chunk(100000)
if not chunksize:
# Set the default chunk size
chunksize = CHUNKSIZE()
# Define the factor which, when multiplied by the size of a
# partition, determines how many chunks are in the partition.
factor = (self.dtype.itemsize + 1.0)/chunksize
if self._size*factor <= 1:
# Don't do any partitioning if the data array is already
# smaller than the chunk size
# Initialise the dictionary relating each axisq to new
# partition boundaries for that axis
axes = self._axes
d = {}
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Find any new partition boundaries for each axis
# ------------------------------------------------------------
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
n_chunks = int(partition.size*factor + 0.5)
if n_chunks <= 1:
extra_boundaries = []
chunk_dims = []
for size, location, axis in izip(partition.shape,
if size == 1 or n_chunks <= 1:
if size <= n_chunks:
d[axis] = range(location[0]+1, location[1])
n_chunks = int(math_ceil(n_chunks/float(size)))
step = int(size/n_chunks)
d[axis] = range(location[0]+step, location[1], step)
#--- End: if
#--- End: for
#--- End: for
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Create any new partition boundaries for each axis
# ------------------------------------------------------------
for axis in axes[::-1]: #, extra_bounds in d.iteritems():
extra_bounds = d.get(axis, None)
if not extra_bounds:
if axis not in self.partitions.axes:
# Create a new partition axis
self.partitions.expand_dims(axis, i=True)
# Create the new partitions
self.add_partitions(sorted(extra_bounds), axis)
#--- End: for
#--- End: def
def _combined_units(self, data1, method, inplace):
data1 : cf.Data
method : str
inplace : bool
out : {cf.Data, cf.Data, cf.Units}
>>> d._combined_units(e, '__sub__')
>>> d._combined_units(e, '__imul__')
>>> d._combined_units(e, '__irdiv__')
>>> d._combined_units(e, '__lt__')
>>> d._combined_units(e, '__rlshift__')
>>> d._combined_units(e, '__iand__')
method_type = method[-5:-2]
data0 = self
units0 = data0.Units
units1 = data1.Units
if not units0 and not units1:
return data0, data1, units0
if (units0.isreftime and units1.isreftime and
not units0.equivalent(units1)):
if units0._calendar and not units1._calendar:
data1 = data1.override_calendar(units0._calendar)
data1.Units = units0
elif units1._calendar and not units0._calendar:
if not inplace:
inplace = True
data0 = data0.copy()
data0.override_calendar(units1._calendar, i=True)
data0.Units = units1
#--- End: if
if method_type in ('_eq', '_ne', '_lt', '_le', '_gt', '_ge'):
# Operator is one of ==, !=, >=, >, <=, <
if units0.equivalent(units1):
# Units are equivalent
if not units0.equals(units1):
data1 = data1.copy()
data1.Units = units0
return data0, data1, _units_None
elif not units1 or not units0:
# At least one of the units is undefined
return data0, data1, _units_None
raise ValueError("Can't compare %r to %r" %
(units0, units1))
#--- End: if
# still here?
if method_type in ('and', '_or', 'ior', 'ror', 'xor', 'ift'):
# Operation is one of &, |, ^, >>, <<
if units0.equivalent(units1):
# Units are equivalent
if not units0.equals(units1):
data1 = data1.copy()
data1.Units = units0
return data0, data1, units0
elif not units1:
# units1 is undefined
return data0, data1, units0
elif not units0:
# units0 is undefined
return data0, data1, units1
# Both units are defined and not equivalent
raise ValueError("Can't operate with %s on data with %r to %r" %
(method, units0, units1))
#--- End: if
# Still here?
if units0.isreftime:
# units0 is reference time
if method_type == 'sub':
if units1.isreftime:
if units0.equivalent(units1):
# Equivalent reference_times: the output units
# are time
if not units0.equals(units1):
data1 = data1.copy()
data1.Units = units0
return data0, data1, Units(_ut_unit=units0._ut_unit)
# Non-equivalent reference_times: raise an
# exception
getattr(units0, method)(units1)
elif units1.istime:
# reference_time minus time: the output units are
# reference_time
time0 = Units(_ut_unit=units0._ut_unit)
if not units1.equals(time0):
data1 = data1.copy()
data1.Units = time0
return data0, data1, units0
elif not units1:
# reference_time minus no_units: the output units
# are reference_time
return data0, data1, units0
# reference_time minus something not yet accounted
# for: raise an exception
getattr(units0, method)(units1)
elif method_type == 'add':
if units1.istime:
# reference_time plus time: the output units are
# reference_time
time0 = Units(_ut_unit=units0._ut_unit)
if not units1.equals(time0):
data1 = data1.copy()
data1.Units = time0
return data0, data1, units0
elif not units1:
# reference_time plus no_units: the output units
# are reference_time
return data0, data1, units0
# reference_time plus something not yet accounted
# for: raise an exception
getattr(units0, method)(units1)
# Raise an exception
getattr(units0, method)(units1)
elif units1.isreftime:
# units1 is reference time
if method_type == 'add':
if units0.istime:
# Time plus reference_time: the output units are
# reference_time
time1 = Units(_ut_unit=units1._ut_unit)
if not units0.equals(time1):
if not inplace:
data0 = data0.copy()
data0.Units = time1
return data0, data1, units1
elif not units0:
# No_units plus reference_time: the output units
# are reference_time
return data0, data1, units1
# Raise an exception
getattr(units0, method)(units1)
#--- End: if
# Still here?
if method_type in ('mul', 'div'):
# Method is one of *, /, //
# print '???', method_type, repr(units0), repr(units1)
if not units1:
# units1 is undefined
return data0, data1, getattr(units0, method)(_units_1)
elif not units0:
# units0 is undefined
return data0, data1, getattr(_units_1, method)(units1)
# elif units0.equivalent(units1) and not units0.equals(units1):
# # Both units are defined and equivalent but not equal
# data1 = data1.copy()
# data1.Units = units0
# print 'arse', units0, units1, getattr(units0, method)(units0)
# return data0, data1, getattr(units0, method)(units0)# !!!!!!! units0*units0 YOWSER
# Both units are defined (note: if the units are
# noncombinable then this will raise an exception)
# print 'WOOOOOOL', method_type
return data0, data1, getattr(units0, method)(units1)
#--- End: if
# Still here?
if method_type in ('sub', 'add', 'mod'):
# Operator is one of +, -
if units0.equivalent(units1):
# Units are equivalent
if not units0.equals(units1):
data1 = data1.copy()
data1.Units = units0
return data0, data1, units0
elif not units1:
# units1 is undefined
return data0, data1, units0
elif not units0:
# units0 is undefined
return data0, data1, units1
# Both units are defined and not equivalent (note: if
# the units are noncombinable then this will raise an
# exception)
return data0, data1, getattr(units0, method)(units1)
#--- End: if
# Still here?
if method_type == 'pow':
if method == '__rpow__':
# Operator is __rpow__
if not units1:
# units1 is undefined
if not units0:
# units0 is undefined
return data0, data1, _units_None
elif units0.isdimensionless:
# units0 is dimensionless
if not units0.equals(_units_1):
if not inplace:
data0 = data0.copy()
data0.Units = _units_1
return data0, data1, _units_None
elif units1.isdimensionless:
# units1 is dimensionless
if not units1.equals(_units_1):
data1 = data1.copy()
data1.Units = _units_1
if not units0:
# units0 is undefined
return data0, data1, _units_1
elif units0.isdimensionless:
# units0 is dimensionless
if not units0.equals(_units_1):
if not inplace:
data0 = data0.copy()
data0.Units = _units_1
return data0, data1, _units_1
# units1 is defined and is not dimensionless
if data0._size > 1:
raise ValueError("kkkkkkkkkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj")
if not units0:
return data0, data1, units1 ** data0.datum(0)
elif units0.isdimensionless:
# units0 is dimensionless
if not units0.equals(_units_1):
if not inplace:
data0 = data0.copy()
data0.Units = _units_1
return data0, data1, units1 ** data0.datum(0)
# --- End: if
# This will deliberately raise an exception
units1 ** units0
# Operator is __pow__
if not units0:
# units0 is undefined
if not units1:
# units0 is undefined
return data0, data1, _units_None
elif units1.isdimensionless:
# units0 is dimensionless
if not units1.equals(_units_1):
data1 = data1.copy()
data1.Units = _units_1
return data0, data1, _units_None
elif units0.isdimensionless:
# units0 is dimensionless
if not units0.equals(_units_1):
if not inplace:
data0 = data0.copy()
data0.Units = _units_1
if not units1:
# units1 is undefined
return data0, data1, _units_1
elif units1.isdimensionless:
# units1 is dimensionless
if not units1.equals(_units_1):
data1 = data1.copy()
data1.Units = _units_1
return data0, data1, _units_1
# units0 is defined and is not dimensionless
if data1._size > 1:
raise ValueError("kkkkkkkkkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 8888888888888888")
if not units1:
return data0, data1, units0 ** data1.datum(0)
elif units1.isdimensionless:
# units1 is dimensionless
if not units1.equals(_units_1):
data1 = data1.copy()
data1.Units = _units_1
return data0, data1, units0 ** data1.datum(0)
#--- End: if
# This will deliberately raise an exception
units0 ** units1
#--- End: if
#--- End: if
# Still here?
raise ValueError("Can't operate with %s on data with %r to %r" %
(method, units0, units1))
#--- End: def
def _binary_operation(self, other, method):
Implement binary arithmetic and comparison operations with the numpy
broadcasting rules.
It is called by the binary arithmetic and comparison
methods, such as `__sub__`, `__imul__`, `__rdiv__`, `__lt__`, etc.
.. seealso:: `_unary_operation`
other : object
The object on the right hand side of the operator.
method : str
The binary arithmetic or comparison method name (such as
``'__imul__'`` or ``'__ge__'``).
new : Data
A new Data object, or if the operation was in place, the same
Data object.
>>> d = cf.Data([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> e = cf.Data([1, 1, 3, 4])
>>> f = d._binary_operation(e, '__add__')
>>> print f.array
[1 2 5 7]
>>> e = d._binary_operation(e, '__lt__')
>>> print e.array
[ True False True True]
>>> d._binary_operation(2, '__imul__')
>>> print d.array
[0 2 4 6]
inplace = (method[2] == 'i')
method_type = method[-5:-2]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Ensure that other is an independent Data object
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if getattr(other, '_NotImplemented_RHS_Data_op', False):
# Make sure that
return NotImplemented
elif not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
other = type(self).asdata(other)
if other._isdt and self.Units.isreftime:
# Make sure that an array of date-time objects has the
# right calendar.
other.override_units(self.Units, i=True)
#--- End: if
data0 = self.copy()
data0, other, new_Units = data0._combined_units(other, method, True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Bring other into memory, if appropriate.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Find which dimensions need to be broadcast in one or other
# of the arrays.
# Method:
# For each common dimension, the 'broadcast_indices' list
# will have a value of None if there is no broadcasting
# required (i.e. the two arrays have the same size along
# that dimension) or a value of slice(None) if broadcasting
# is required (i.e. the two arrays have the different sizes
# along that dimension and one of the sizes is 1).
# Example:
# If c.shape is (7,1,6,1,5) and d.shape is (6,4,1) then
# broadcast_indices will be
# [None,slice(None),slice(None)].
# The indices to d which correspond to a partition of c,
# are the relevant subset of partition.indices updated
# with the non None elements of the broadcast_indices
# list.
# In this example, if a partition of c were to have a
# partition.indices value of (slice(0,3), slice(0,1),
# slice(2,4), slice(0,1), slice(0,5)), then the relevant
# subset of these is partition.indices[2:] and the
# corresponding indices to d are (slice(2,4), slice(None),
# slice(None))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
data0_shape = data0._shape
data1_shape = other._shape
if data0_shape == data1_shape:
# self and other have the same shapes
broadcasting = False
align_offset = 0
ellipsis = None
new_shape = data0_shape
new_ndim = data0._ndim
new_axes = data0._axes
new_size = data0._size
# self and other have different shapes
broadcasting = True
data0_ndim = data0._ndim
data1_ndim = other._ndim
align_offset = data0_ndim - data1_ndim
if align_offset >= 0:
# self has at least as many axes as other
shape0 = data0_shape[align_offset:]
shape1 = data1_shape
new_shape = data0_shape[:align_offset]
new_ndim = data0_ndim
new_axes = data0._axes
# other has more axes than self
align_offset = -align_offset
shape0 = data0_shape
shape1 = data1_shape[align_offset:]
new_shape = data1_shape[:align_offset]
new_ndim = data1_ndim
if not data0_ndim:
new_axes = other._axes
new_axes = []
existing_axes = self._all_axis_names()
for n in new_shape:
axis = data0._new_axis_identifier(existing_axes)
#--- End: for
new_axes += data0._axes
#--- End: for
align_offset = 0
#--- End: if
broadcast_indices = []
for a, b in izip(shape0, shape1):
if a == b:
new_shape += (a,)
# Still here?
if a > 1 and b == 1:
new_shape += (a,)
elif b > 1 and a == 1:
new_shape += (b,)
raise ValueError(
"Can't broadcast shape %s against shape %s" %
(data1_shape, data0_shape))
#--- End: for
new_size = long(reduce(operator_mul, new_shape, 1))
dummy_location = [None] * new_ndim
#---End: if
new_flip = []
# if broadcasting:
# max_size = 0
# for partition in data0.partitions.matrix.flat:
# indices0 = partition.indices
# indices1 = tuple([
# (index if not broadcast_index else broadcast_index)
# for index, broadcast_index in izip(
# indices0[align_offset:], broadcast_indices)
# ])
# indices1 = (Ellipsis,) + indices
# shape0 = partition.shape
# shape1 = [index.stop - index.start
# for index in parse_indices(other, indices1)]
# broadcast_size = 1
# for n0, n1 in izip_longest(shape0[::-1], shape1[::-1], fillvalue=1):
# if n0 > 1:
# broadcast_size *= n0
# else:
# broadcast_size *= n1
# #--- End: for
# if broadcast_size > max_size:
# max_size = broadcast_size
# #--- End: for
# chunksize = CHUNKSIZE()
# ffff = max_size*(new_dtype.itemsize + 1)
# if ffff > chunksize:
# data0.chunk(chunksize*(chunksize/ffff))
# #--- End: if
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a Data object which just contains the metadata for
# the result. If we're doing a binary arithmetic operation
# then result will get filled with data and returned. If we're
# an augmented arithmetic assignment then we'll update self
# with this new metadata.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
#if new_shape != data0_shape:
# set_location_map = True
# new_size = self._size
# dummy_location = [None] * new_ndim
# set_location_map = False
# new_size = long(reduce(mul, new_shape, 1))
# if not set_location_map:
# new_size = long(reduce(mul, new_shape, 1))
# else:
# new_size = self._size
result = data0.copy()
result._shape = new_shape
result._ndim = new_ndim
result._size = new_size
result._axes = new_axes
# result._flip = new_flip
# Is the result an array of date-time objects?
new_isdt = data0._isdt and new_Units.isreftime
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the data type of the result
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if method_type in ('_eq', '_ne', '_lt', '_le', '_gt', '_ge'):
new_dtype = numpy_dtype(bool)
elif not new_isdt:
if 'true' in method:
new_dtype = numpy_dtype(float)
elif not inplace:
new_dtype = numpy_result_type(data0.dtype, other.dtype)
new_dtype = data0.dtype
new_dtype = _dtype_object
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Set flags to control whether or not the data of result and
# self should be kept in memory
# ------------------------------------------------------------
keep_result_in_memory = result.fits_in_memory(new_dtype.itemsize)
keep_self_in_memory = data0.fits_in_memory(data0.dtype.itemsize)
if not inplace:
# When doing a binary arithmetic operation we need to
# decide whether or not to keep self's data in memory
revert_to_file = True
# save_self = not data0.fits_in_memory(data0.dtype.itemsize)
# keep_self_in_memory = data0.fits_in_memory(data0.dtype.itemsize)
# When doing an augmented arithmetic assignment we don't
# need to keep self's original data in memory
revert_to_file = False
# save_self = False
# keep_self_in_memory = True
#--- End: if
# dimensions = self._axes
# direction = self.direction
# units = self.Units
pda_args = data0.pda_args(keep_in_memory=keep_self_in_memory,
if data0._isdt:
# If self is a datatime array then make sure that it gets
# converted to a reference time array prior to the
# operation
pda_args['func'] = dt2rt
pda_args['update'] = False
#--- End: if
original_numpy_seterr = numpy_seterr(**_seterr)
# Think about dtype, here.
for partition_r, partition_s in izip(result.partitions.matrix.flat,
indices = partition_s.indices
array0 = partition_s.dataarray(**pda_args)
# print array0, type(array0)
if broadcasting:
indices = tuple([
(index if not broadcast_index else broadcast_index)
for index, broadcast_index in izip(
indices[align_offset:], broadcast_indices)
indices = (Ellipsis,) + indices
#--- End: if
# if other._isdt:
# # If other is a datatime array then make sure that it
# # gets converted to a reference time array prior to
# # the operation
# array1 = other[indices].rtarray
# else:
array1 = other[indices].array #unsafe_array
# UNRESOLVED ISSUE: array1 could be much larger than the chunk size.
if not inplace:
partition = partition_r
partition = partition_s
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Do the binary operation on this partition's data
# --------------------------------------------------------
# print method, 'A', type(array0), array0.dtype, type(array1), array1.dtype
array0 = getattr(array0, method)(array1)
# print method, 'A', array0, type(array0), array0.dtype
except FloatingPointError as error:
# Floating point point errors have been trapped
if _mask_fpe[0]:
# Redo the calculation ignoring the errors and
# then set invalid numbers to missing data
array0 = getattr(array0, method)(array1)
array0 = numpy_ma_masked_invalid(array0, copy=False)
# Raise the floating point error exception
raise FloatingPointError(error)
except TypeError as error:
if inplace:
raise TypeError(
"Incompatible result data type ({0!r}) for in-place {1!r} arithmetic".format(
numpy_result_type(array0.dtype, array1.dtype).name,
raise TypeError(error)
#--- End: try
if new_isdt:
# Convert result array to a date-time object array
array0 = rt2dt(array0, data0.Units)
if array0 is NotImplemented:
array0 = numpy_zeros(partition.shape, dtype=bool)
if not inplace:
p_datatype = array0.dtype
if new_dtype != p_datatype:
new_dtype = numpy_result_type(p_datatype, new_dtype)
partition.subarray = array0
partition.Units = new_Units
partition.axes = new_axes
partition.flip = new_flip
if broadcasting:
partition.location = dummy_location
partition.shape = list(array0.shape)
#--- End: if
partition._original = False
partition._write_to_disk = False
if not inplace:
#--- End: for
# Reset numpy.seterr
if not inplace:
result._isdt = new_isdt
result.Units = new_Units
result.dtype = new_dtype
result._flip = new_flip
if broadcasting:
return result
# Update the metadata for the new master array in place
data0._isdt = new_isdt
data0._shape = new_shape
data0._ndim = new_ndim
data0._size = new_size
data0._axes = new_axes
data0._flip = new_flip
data0.Units = new_Units
data0.dtype = new_dtype
if broadcasting:
self.__dict__ = data0.__dict__
return self
#--- End: def
def _query_set(self, values, exact=True):
if not exact:
raise ValueError("Can't, as yet, regex on non string")
i = iter(values)
v =
out = (self == v)
for v in i:
out |= (self == v)
return out
# new = self.copy()
# pda_args = new.pda_args(revert_to_file=True)
# for partition in new.partitions.matrix.flat:
# array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
# i = iter(values)
# value =
# out = (array == value)
# for value in i:
# out |= (array == value)
# partition.subarray = out
# partition.close()
# #--- End: for
# new.dtype = bool
# return new
#--- End: def
def _query_contain(self, value):
return self == value
#--- End: def
def _query_wi(self, value0, value1):
return (self >= value0) & (self <= value1)
# new = self.copy()
# pda_args = new.pda_args(revert_to_file=True)
# for partition in new.partitions.matrix.flat:
# array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
# print array, new.Units, type(value0), value1
# partition.subarray = (array >= value0) & (array <= value1)
# partition.close()
# #--- End: for
# new.dtype = bool
# return new
#--- End: def
def _query_wo(self, value0, value1):
return (self < value0) | (self > value1)
# new = self.copy()
# pda_args = new.pda_args(revert_to_file=True)
# for partition in new.partitions.matrix.flat:
# array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
# partition.subarray = (array < value0) | (array > value1)
# partition.close()
# #--- End: for
# new.dtype = bool
# return new
#--- End: def
def concatenate(cls, data, axis=0, _preserve=True):
Join a sequence of data arrays together.
data : sequence of cf.Data
The data arrays to be concatenated. Concatenation is carried
out in the order given. Each data array must have equivalent
units and the same shape, except in the concatenation
axis. Note that scalar arrays are treated as if they were one
axis : int, optional
The axis along which the arrays will be joined. The default is
0. Note that scalar arrays are treated as if they were one
_preserve : bool, optional
If False then the time taken to do the concatenation is
reduced at the expense of changing the input data arrays given
by the *data* parameter in place and **these in place changes
will render the input data arrays unusable**. Therefore, only
set to False if it is 100% certain that the input data arrays
will not be accessed again. By default the input data arrays
are preserved.
out : cf.Data
The concatenated data array.
>>> d = cf.Data([[1, 2], [3, 4]], 'km')
>>> e = cf.Data([[5.0, 6.0]], 'metre')
>>> f = cf.Data.concatenate((d, e))
>>> print f.array
[[ 1. 2. ]
[ 3. 4. ]
[ 0.005 0.006]]
>>> f.equals(cf.Data.concatenate((d, e), axis=-2))
>>> e = cf.Data([[5.0], [6.0]], 'metre')
>>> f = cf.Data.concatenate((d, e), axis=1)
>>> print f.array
[[ 1. 2. 0.005]
[ 3. 4. 0.006]]
>>> d = cf.Data(1, 'km')
>>> e = cf.Data(50.0, 'metre')
>>> f = cf.Data.concatenate((d, e))
>>> print f.array
[ 1. 0.05]
>>> e = cf.Data([50.0, 75.0], 'metre')
>>> f = cf.Data.concatenate((d, e))
>>> print f.array
[ 1. 0.05 0.075]
data = tuple(data)
if len(data) < 2:
raise ValueError(
"Can't concatenate: Must provide two or data arrays")
data0 = data[0]
data = data[1:]
if _preserve:
data0 = data0.copy()
# If data0 appears more than once in the input data arrays
# then we need to copy it
for d in data:
if d is data0:
data0 = data0.copy()
#--- End: if
# Turn a scalar array into a 1-d array
ndim = data0._ndim
if not ndim:
ndim = 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Check that the axis, shapes and units of all of the input
# data arrays are consistent
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if axis < 0:
axis += ndim
if not 0 <= axis < ndim:
raise ValueError(
"Can't concatenate: Invalid axis (expected %d <= axis < %d)" %
(-ndim, ndim))
shape0 = data0._shape
units0 = data0.Units
axis_p1 = axis + 1
for data1 in data:
shape1 = data1._shape
if (shape0[axis_p1:] != shape1[axis_p1:] or
shape0[:axis] != shape1[:axis]):
raise ValueError(
"Can't concatenate: All the input array axes except for the concatenation axis must have the same size")
if not units0.equivalent(data1.Units):
raise ValueError(
"Can't concatenate: All the input arrays must have equivalent units")
#--- End: for
for i, data1 in enumerate(data):
if _preserve:
data1 = data1.copy()
# If data1 appears more than once in the input data
# arrays then we need to copy it
for d in data[i+1:]:
if d is data1:
data1 = data1.copy()
#--- End: if
# Turn a scalar array into a 1-d array
if not data1._ndim:
shape1 = data1._shape
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 1. Make sure that the internal names of the axes match
# ------------------------------------------------------------
axis_map = {}
if data1._pmsize < data0._pmsize:
for axis1, axis0 in izip(data1._axes, data0._axes):
axis_map[axis1] = axis0
for axis1, axis0 in izip(data1._axes, data0._axes):
axis_map[axis0] = axis1
#--- End: if
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Find the internal name of the concatenation axis
# ------------------------------------------------------------
Paxis = data0._axes[axis]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 2. Make sure that the aggregating axis is an axis of the
# partition matrix of both arrays and that the partition
# matrix axes are the same in both arrays (although, for
# now, they may have different orders)
# Note:
# a) This may involve adding new partition matrix axes to
# either or both of data0 and data1.
# b) If the aggregating axis needs to be added it is inserted
# as the outer (slowest varying) axis to reduce the
# likelihood of having to (expensively) transpose the
# partition matrix.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
for f, g in izip((data0, data1),
(data1, data0)):
g_pmaxes = g.partitions.axes
if Paxis in g_pmaxes:
g_pmaxes = g_pmaxes[:]
f_partitions = f.partitions
f_pmaxes = f_partitions.axes
for pmaxis in g_pmaxes[::-1] + [Paxis]:
if pmaxis not in f_pmaxes:
f_partitions.expand_dims(pmaxis, i=True)
# if Paxis not in f_partitions.axes:
# f_partitions.expand_dims(Paxis, i=True)
#--- End: for
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 3. Make sure that aggregating axis is the outermost (slowest
# varying) axis of the partition matrix of data0
# ------------------------------------------------------------
ipmaxis = data0.partitions.axes.index(Paxis)
if ipmaxis:
data0.partitions.swapaxes(ipmaxis, 0, i=True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 4. Make sure that the partition matrix axes of data1 are in
# the same order as those in data0
# ------------------------------------------------------------
pmaxes1 = data1.partitions.axes
ipmaxes = [pmaxes1.index(pmaxis) for pmaxis in data0.partitions.axes]
data1.partitions.transpose(ipmaxes, i=True)
# --------------------------------------------------------
# 5. Create new partition boundaries in the partition
# matrices of data0 and data1 so that their partition
# arrays may be considered as different slices of a
# common, larger hyperrectangular partition array.
# Note:
# * There is no need to add any boundaries across the
# concatenation axis.
# --------------------------------------------------------
boundaries0 = data0.partition_boundaries()
boundaries1 = data1.partition_boundaries()
for dim in data0.partitions.axes[1:]:
# Still here? Then see if there are any partition matrix
# boundaries to be created for this partition dimension
bounds0 = boundaries0[dim]
bounds1 = boundaries1[dim]
symmetric_diff = set(bounds0).symmetric_difference(bounds1)
if not symmetric_diff:
# The partition boundaries for this partition
# dimension are already the same in data0 and data1
# Still here? Then there are some partition boundaries to
# be created for this partition dimension in data0 and/or
# data1.
for f, g, bf, bg in ((data0, data1, bounds0, bounds1),
(data1, data0, bounds1, bounds0)):
extra_bounds = [i for i in bg if i in symmetric_diff]
f.add_partitions(extra_bounds, dim)
#--- End: for
#--- End: for
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 6. Concatenate data0 and data1 partition matrices
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if data0._flip != data1._flip:
matrix0 = data0.partitions.matrix
matrix1 = data1.partitions.matrix
new_pmshape = list(matrix0.shape)
new_pmshape[0] += matrix1.shape[0]
# Initialise an empty partition matrix with the new shape
new_matrix = numpy_empty(new_pmshape, dtype=object)
# Insert the data0 partition matrix
new_matrix[:matrix0.shape[0]] = matrix0
# Insert the data1 partition matrix
new_matrix[matrix0.shape[0]:] = matrix1
data0.partitions.matrix = new_matrix
# Update the location map of the partition matrix of data0
data0.partitions.set_location_map((Paxis,), (axis,))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 7. Update the size, shape and dtype of data0
# ------------------------------------------------------------
data0._size += long(data1._size)
shape0 = list(shape0)
shape0[axis] += shape1[axis]
data0._shape = tuple(shape0)
dtype0 = data0.dtype
dtype1 = data1.dtype
if dtype0 != dtype1:
data0.dtype = numpy_result_type(dtype0, dtype1)
#--- End: for
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Done
# ------------------------------------------------------------
return data0
#--- End: def
def concatenate2(self, data, axis=0, i=False, _preserve=True):
Join a sequence of data arrays together.
data : sequence of cf.Data
The data arrays to be concatenated. Concatenation is carried
out in the order given. Each data array must have equivalent
units and the same shape, except in the concatenation
axis. Note that scalar arrays are treated as if they were one
axis : int, optional
The axis along which the arrays will be joined. The default is
0. Note that scalar arrays are treated as if they were one
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
_preserve : bool, optional
If False then the time taken to do the concatenation is
reduced at the expense of changing the input data arrays given
by the *data* parameter in place and **these in place changes
will render the input data arrays unusable**. Therefore, only
set to False if it is 100% certain that the input data arrays
will not be accessed again. By default the input data arrays
are preserved.
out : cf.Data
The concatenated data array.
>>> d = cf.Data([[1, 2], [3, 4]], 'km')
>>> e = cf.Data([[5.0, 6.0]], 'metre')
>>> f = cf.Data.concatenate((d, e))
>>> print f.array
[[ 1. 2. ]
[ 3. 4. ]
[ 0.005 0.006]]
>>> f.equals(cf.Data.concatenate((d, e), axis=-2))
>>> e = cf.Data([[5.0], [6.0]], 'metre')
>>> f = cf.Data.concatenate((d, e), axis=1)
>>> print f.array
[[ 1. 2. 0.005]
[ 3. 4. 0.006]]
>>> d = cf.Data(1, 'km')
>>> e = cf.Data(50.0, 'metre')
>>> f = cf.Data.concatenate((d, e))
>>> print f.array
[ 1. 0.05]
>>> e = cf.Data([50.0, 75.0], 'metre')
>>> f = cf.Data.concatenate((d, e))
>>> print f.array
[ 1. 0.05 0.075]
data = tuple(data)
if len(data) < 1:
raise ValueError(
"Can't concatenate: Must provide two or data arrays")
data0 = self
if _preserve:
data0 = data0.copy()
# If data0 appears more than once in the input data arrays
# then we need to copy it
for d in data:
if d is data0:
data0 = data0.copy()
#--- End: if
# Turn a scalar array into a 1-d array
ndim = data0._ndim
if not ndim:
ndim = 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Check that the axis, shapes and units of all of the input
# data arrays are consistent
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if axis < 0:
axis += ndim
if not 0 <= axis < ndim:
raise ValueError(
"Can't concatenate: Invalid axis (expected %d <= axis < %d)" %
(-ndim, ndim))
shape0 = data0._shape
units0 = data0.Units
axis_p1 = axis + 1
for data1 in data:
shape1 = data1._shape
if (shape0[axis_p1:] != shape1[axis_p1:] or
shape0[:axis] != shape1[:axis]):
raise ValueError(
"Can't concatenate: All the input array axes except for the concatenation axis must have the same size")
if not units0.equivalent(data1.Units):
raise ValueError(
"Can't concatenate: All the input arrays must have equivalent units")
#--- End: for
for i, data1 in enumerate(data):
if _preserve:
data1 = data1.copy()
# If data1 appears more than once in the input data
# arrays then we need to copy it
for d in data[i+1:]:
if d is data1:
data1 = data1.copy()
#--- End: if
# Turn a scalar array into a 1-d array
if not data1._ndim:
shape1 = data1._shape
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 1. Make sure that the internal names of the axes match
# ------------------------------------------------------------
axis_map = {}
if data1._pmsize < data0._pmsize:
for axis1, axis0 in izip(data1._axes, data0._axes):
axis_map[axis1] = axis0
for axis1, axis0 in izip(data1._axes, data0._axes):
axis_map[axis0] = axis1
#--- End: if
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Find the internal name of the concatenation axis
# ------------------------------------------------------------
Paxis = data0._axes[axis]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 2. Make sure that the aggregating axis is an axis of the
# partition matrix of both arrays and that the partition
# matrix axes are the same in both arrays (although, for
# now, they may have different orders)
# Note:
# a) This may involve adding new partition matrix axes to
# either or both of data0 and data1.
# b) If the aggregating axis needs to be added it is inserted
# as the outer (slowest varying) axis to reduce the
# likelihood of having to (expensively) transpose the
# partition matrix.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
for f, g in izip((data0, data1),
(data1, data0)):
g_pmaxes = g.partitions.axes
if Paxis in g_pmaxes:
g_pmaxes = g_pmaxes[:]
f_partitions = f.partitions
f_pmaxes = f_partitions.axes
for pmaxis in g_pmaxes[::-1] + [Paxis]:
if pmaxis not in f_pmaxes:
f_partitions.expand_dims(pmaxis, i=True)
# if Paxis not in f_partitions.axes:
# f_partitions.expand_dims(Paxis, i=True)
#--- End: for
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 3. Make sure that aggregating axis is the outermost (slowest
# varying) axis of the partition matrix of data0
# ------------------------------------------------------------
ipmaxis = data0.partitions.axes.index(Paxis)
if ipmaxis:
data0.partitions.swapaxes(ipmaxis, 0, i=True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 4. Make sure that the partition matrix axes of data1 are in
# the same order as those in data0
# ------------------------------------------------------------
pmaxes1 = data1.partitions.axes
ipmaxes = [pmaxes1.index(pmaxis) for pmaxis in data0.partitions.axes]
data1.partitions.transpose(ipmaxes, i=True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 5. Create new partition boundaries in the partition
# matrices of data0 and data1 so that their partition
# arrays may be considered as different slices of a common,
# larger hyperrectangular partition array.
# Note:
# * There is no need to add any boundaries across the
# concatenation axis.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
boundaries0 = data0.partition_boundaries()
boundaries1 = data1.partition_boundaries()
for dim in data0.partitions.axes[1:]:
# Still here? Then see if there are any partition matrix
# boundaries to be created for this partition dimension
bounds0 = boundaries0[dim]
bounds1 = boundaries1[dim]
symmetric_diff = set(bounds0).symmetric_difference(bounds1)
if not symmetric_diff:
# The partition boundaries for this partition
# dimension are already the same in data0 and data1
# Still here? Then there are some partition boundaries to
# be created for this partition dimension in data0 and/or
# data1.
for f, g, bf, bg in ((data0, data1, bounds0, bounds1),
(data1, data0, bounds1, bounds0)):
extra_bounds = [i for i in bg if i in symmetric_diff]
f.add_partitions(extra_bounds, dim)
#--- End: for
#--- End: for
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 6. Concatenate data0 and data1 partition matrices
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if data0._flip != data1._flip:
matrix0 = data0.partitions.matrix
matrix1 = data1.partitions.matrix
new_pmshape = list(matrix0.shape)
new_pmshape[0] += matrix1.shape[0]
# Initialise an empty partition matrix with the new shape
new_matrix = numpy_empty(new_pmshape, dtype=object)
# Insert the data0 partition matrix
new_matrix[:matrix0.shape[0]] = matrix0
# Insert the data1 partition matrix
new_matrix[matrix0.shape[0]:] = matrix1
data0.partitions.matrix = new_matrix
# Update the location map of the partition matrix of data0
data0.partitions.set_location_map((Paxis,), (axis,))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# 7. Update the size, shape and dtype of data0
# ------------------------------------------------------------
data0._size += long(data1._size)
shape0 = list(shape0)
shape0[axis] += shape1[axis]
data0._shape = tuple(shape0)
dtype0 = data0.dtype
dtype1 = data1.dtype
if dtype0 != dtype1:
data0.dtype = numpy_result_type(dtype0, dtype1)
#--- End: for
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Done
# ------------------------------------------------------------
return data0
#--- End: def
def _move_flip_to_partitions(self):
This does not change the master array.
flip = self._flip
if not flip:
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
p_axes = partition.axes
p_flip = partition.flip[:]
for axis in flip:
if axis in p_flip:
elif axis in p_axes:
#--- End: for
partition.flip = p_flip
#--- End: for
self._flip = []
#--- End: def
def _parse_axes(self, axes, method):
axes : (sequence of) int
The axes of the data array. May be one of, or a sequence of
any combination of zero or more of:
* The integer position of a dimension in the data array
(negative indices allowed).
method : str
out : list
ndim = self._ndim
if isinstance(axes, (int, long)):
axes = (axes,)
axes2 = []
for axis in axes:
if 0 <= axis < ndim:
elif -ndim <= axis < 0:
axes2.append(axis + ndim)
raise ValueError(
"Can't %s: Invalid axis: %r" % (method, axis))
#--- End: for
# Check for duplicate axes
n = len(axes2)
if n > 1 and n > len(set(axes2)):
raise ValueError("Can't %s: Duplicate axis (%s)" %
(method, axes2))
return axes2
#--- End: def
def _unary_operation(self, operation):
Implement unary arithmetic operations.
It is called by the unary arithmetic methods, such as
.. seealso:: `_binary_operation`
operation : str
The unary arithmetic method name (such as "__invert__").
new : Data
A new Data array.
>>> d = cf.Data([[1, 2, -3, -4, -5]])
>>> e = d._unary_operation('__abs__')
>>> print e.array
[[1 2 3 4 5]]
>>> e = d.__abs__()
>>> print e.array
[[1 2 3 4 5]]
>>> e = abs(d)
>>> print e.array
[[1 2 3 4 5]]
new = self.copy()
pda_args = new.pda_args()
for partition in new.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
partition.subarray = getattr(operator, operation)(array)
#--- End: for
return new
#--- End: def
[docs] def __add__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``+``
x.__add__(y) <==> x+y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__add__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __iadd__(self, other):
The augmented arithmetic assignment ``+=``
x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__iadd__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __radd__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``+`` with reflected operands
x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x
return self._binary_operation(other, '__radd__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __sub__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``-``
x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__sub__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __isub__(self, other):
The augmented arithmetic assignment ``-=``
x.__isub__(y) <==> x-=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__isub__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rsub__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``-`` with reflected operands
x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x
return self._binary_operation(other, '__rsub__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __mul__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``*``
x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__mul__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __imul__(self, other):
The augmented arithmetic assignment ``*=``
x.__imul__(y) <==> x*=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__imul__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rmul__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``*`` with reflected operands
x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x
return self._binary_operation(other, '__rmul__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __div__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``/``
x.__div__(y) <==> x/y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__div__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __idiv__(self, other):
The augmented arithmetic assignment ``/=``
x.__idiv__(y) <==> x/=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__idiv__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rdiv__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``/`` with reflected operands
x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x
return self._binary_operation(other, '__rdiv__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __floordiv__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``//``
x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__floordiv__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __ifloordiv__(self, other):
The augmented arithmetic assignment ``//=``
x.__ifloordiv__(y) <==> x//=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__ifloordiv__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``//`` with reflected operands
x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x
return self._binary_operation(other, '__rfloordiv__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``/`` (true division)
x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__truediv__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __itruediv__(self, other):
The augmented arithmetic assignment ``/=`` (true division)
x.__itruediv__(y) <==> x/=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__itruediv__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rtruediv__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``/`` (true division) with reflected
x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x
return self._binary_operation(other, '__rtruediv__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __pow__(self, other, modulo=None):
The binary arithmetic operations ``**`` and ``pow``
x.__pow__(y) <==> x**y
if modulo is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("3-argument power not supported for '%s'" %
return self._binary_operation(other, '__pow__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __ipow__(self, other, modulo=None):
The augmented arithmetic assignment ``**=``
x.__ipow__(y) <==> x**=y
if modulo is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("3-argument power not supported for '%s'" %
return self._binary_operation(other, '__ipow__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rpow__(self, other, modulo=None):
The binary arithmetic operations ``**`` and ``pow`` with reflected
x.__rpow__(y) <==> y**x
if modulo is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("3-argument power not supported for %r" %
return self._binary_operation(other, '__rpow__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __mod__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``%``
x.__mod__(y) <==> x % y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__mod__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __imod__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``%=``
x.__imod__(y) <==> x %= y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__imod__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rmod__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``%`` with reflected operands
x.__rmod__(y) <==> y % x
return self._binary_operation(other, '__rmod__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
The rich comparison operator ``==``
x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__eq__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __ne__(self, other):
The rich comparison operator ``!=``
x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__ne__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __ge__(self, other):
The rich comparison operator ``>=``
x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__ge__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __gt__(self, other):
The rich comparison operator ``>``
x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__gt__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __le__(self, other):
The rich comparison operator ``<=``
x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__le__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __lt__(self, other):
The rich comparison operator ``<``
x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__lt__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __and__(self, other):
The binary bitwise operation ``&``
x.__and__(y) <==> x&y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__and__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __iand__(self, other):
The augmented bitwise assignment ``&=``
x.__iand__(y) <==> x&=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__iand__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rand__(self, other):
The binary bitwise operation ``&`` with reflected operands
x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x
return self._binary_operation(other, '__rand__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __or__(self, other):
The binary bitwise operation ``|``
x.__or__(y) <==> x|y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__or__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __ior__(self, other):
The augmented bitwise assignment ``|=``
x.__ior__(y) <==> x|=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__ior__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __ror__(self, other):
The binary bitwise operation ``|`` with reflected operands
x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x
return self._binary_operation(other, '__ror__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __xor__(self, other):
The binary bitwise operation ``^``
x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__xor__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __ixor__(self, other):
The augmented bitwise assignment ``^=``
x.__ixor__(y) <==> x^=y
return self._binary_operation(other, '__ixor__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rxor__(self, other):
The binary bitwise operation ``^`` with reflected operands
x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x
return self._binary_operation(other, '__rxor__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __lshift__(self, y):
The binary bitwise operation ``<<``
x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y
return self._binary_operation(y, '__lshift__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __ilshift__(self, y):
The augmented bitwise assignment ``<<=``
x.__ilshift__(y) <==> x<<=y
return self._binary_operation(y, '__ilshift__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rlshift__(self, y):
The binary bitwise operation ``<<`` with reflected operands
x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x
return self._binary_operation(y, '__rlshift__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rshift__(self, y):
The binary bitwise operation ``>>``
x.__lshift__(y) <==> x>>y
return self._binary_operation(y, '__rshift__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __irshift__(self, y):
The augmented bitwise assignment ``>>=``
x.__irshift__(y) <==> x>>=y
return self._binary_operation(y, '__irshift__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __rrshift__(self, y):
The binary bitwise operation ``>>`` with reflected operands
x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x
return self._binary_operation(y, '__rrshift__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __abs__(self):
The unary arithmetic operation ``abs``
x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)
return self._unary_operation('__abs__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __neg__(self):
The unary arithmetic operation ``-``
x.__neg__() <==> -x
return self._unary_operation('__neg__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __invert__(self):
The unary bitwise operation ``~``
x.__invert__() <==> ~x
return self._unary_operation('__invert__')
#--- End: def
[docs] def __pos__(self):
The unary arithmetic operation ``+``
x.__pos__() <==> +x
return self._unary_operation('__pos__')
#--- End: def
def _all_axis_names(self):
Return a set of all the dimension names in use by the data array.
Note that the output set includes dimensions of individual partitions
which are not dimensions of the master data array.
out : list of str
The axis names.
>>> d._axes
['dim1', 'dim0']
[['dim0', 'dim0'],
['dim1', 'dim0', 'dim2']]
>>> d._all_axis_names()
set(['dim2', dim0', 'dim1'])
all_axes = self._all_axes
if not all_axes:
return self._axes[:]
return list(all_axes)
#--- End: def
def _change_axis_names(self, axis_map):
Change the axis names.
The axis names are arbitrary, so mapping them to another arbitrary
collection does not change the data array values, units, nor axis
# Find any axis names which are not mapped. If there are any,
# then update axis_map.
all_axes = self._all_axes
if all_axes:
d = set(all_axes).difference(axis_map)
if d:
axis_map = axis_map.copy()
existing_axes = all_axes[:]
for axis in d:
if axis in axis_map.itervalues():
axis_map[axis] = self._new_axis_identifier(existing_axes)
axis_map[axis] = axis
#--- End: for
#--- End: if
if all([axis0==axis1 for axis0, axis1 in axis_map.iteritems()]):
# Return without doing anything if the mapping is null
# Axes
self._axes = [axis_map[axis] for axis in self._axes]
# All axes
if all_axes:
self._all_axes = tuple([axis_map[axis] for axis in all_axes])
# Flipped axes
flip = self._flip
if flip:
self._flip = [axis_map[axis] for axis in flip]
# Partitions in the partition matrix
#--- End: def
def _collapse(self, func, fpartial, ffinalise, axes=None, squeeze=False,
weights=None, mtol=1, units=None, i=False, **kwargs):
Collapse the data array in place.
func : function
fpartial : function
ffinalize : function
axes : (sequence of) int, optional
The axes to be collapsed. By default flattened input is
used. Each axis is identified by its integer position. No axes
are collapsed if *axes* is an empty sequence.
squeeze : bool, optional
If False then the axes which are collapsed are left in the
result as axes with size 1. In this case the result will
broadcast correctly against the original array. By default
collapsed axes are removed.
weights : *optional*
kwargs : *optional*
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
ndim = d._ndim
self_axes = d._axes
self_shape = d._shape
original_self_axes = self_axes[:]
if axes is None:
# Collapse all axes
axes = range(ndim)
n_collapse_axes = ndim
n_non_collapse_axes = 0
Nmax = d._size
elif not axes and axes != 0:
# Collapse no axes
return d
# Collapse some (maybe all) axes
axes = d._parse_axes(axes, '_collapse')
n_collapse_axes = len(axes)
n_non_collapse_axes = ndim - n_collapse_axes
Nmax = 1
for i in axes:
Nmax *= self_shape[i]
#--- End: if
# Parse the weights.
# * Change the keys from dimension names to the integer
# positions of the dimensions.
# * Make sure all non-null weights are Data objects.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if weights is not None:
if not isinstance(weights, dict):
# If the shape of the weights is not the same as the
# shape of the data array then the weights are assumed
# to span the collapse axes in the order in which they
# are given
if numpy_shape(weights) == self_shape:
weights = {tuple(self_axes): weights}
weights = {tuple([self_axes[i] for i in axes]): weights}
weights = weights.copy()
weights_axes = set()
for key, value in weights.items():
del weights[key]
key = d._parse_axes(key, 'asdasds12983487')
if weights_axes.intersection(key):
raise ValueError("Duplicate weights axis")
weights[tuple([self_axes[i] for i in key])] = value
#--- End: for
if not weights_axes.intersection(axes):
# Ignore all of the weights if none of them span
# any collapse axes
weights = {}
#--- End: if
for key, weight in weights.items():
if weight is None or numpy_size(weight) == 1:
# Ignore undefined weights and size 1 weights
del weights[key]
weight_ndim = numpy_ndim(weight)
if weight_ndim != len(key):
raise ValueError(
"Can't collapse: Incorrect number of weights axes (%d != %d)" %
(weight.ndim, len(key)))
if weight_ndim > ndim:
raise ValueError(
"Can't collapse: Incorrect number of weights axes (%d > %d)" %
(weight.ndim, ndim))
for n, axis in izip(numpy_shape(weight), key):
if n != self_shape[self_axes.index(axis)]:
raise ValueError(
"Can't collapse: Incorrect weights shape %r" %
#--- End :for
# Convert weight to a data object, if necessary.
weight = type(self).asdata(weight)
if weight.dtype.char == 'S':
# Ignore string-valued weights
del weights[key]
weights[key] = weight
#--- End: for
#--- End: if
if axes != range(n_non_collapse_axes, ndim):
transpose_iaxes = [i for i in range(ndim) if i not in axes] + axes
d.transpose(transpose_iaxes, i=True)
#--- End: if
if weights:
# Optimize when weights span only non-partitioned axes
# (do this before permuting the order of the weight
# axes to be consistent with the order of the data
# axes)
weights = d._collapse_optimize_weights(weights)
# Permute the order of the weight axes to be
# consistent with the order of the data axes
self_axes = d._axes
for key, w in weights.items():
key1 = tuple([axis for axis in self_axes if axis in key])
if key1 != key:
w = w.transpose([key.index(axis) for axis in key1])
del weights[key]
ikey = tuple([self_axes.index(axis) for axis in key1])
weights[ikey] = w
#--- End: for
# Add the weights to kwargs
kwargs['weights'] = weights
#--- End: if
# Initialise the output data array
new = d[(Ellipsis,) + (0,)*n_collapse_axes]
# new._auxiliary_mask = None # pending .....
for partition in new.partitions.matrix.flat:
del partition.subarray
# save = not new.fits_in_memory(new.dtype.itemsize)
keep_in_memory = new.fits_in_memory(new.dtype.itemsize)
datatype = d.dtype
if units is None:
new_units = new.Units
new_units = units
p_axes = new._axes[:n_non_collapse_axes]
p_units = new_units
c_slice = (slice(None),) * n_collapse_axes
for partition in new.partitions.matrix.flat:
partition.axes = p_axes
partition.flip = []
partition.part = []
partition.Units = p_units
if squeeze:
partition.location = partition.location[:n_non_collapse_axes]
partition.shape = partition.shape[:n_non_collapse_axes]
indices = partition.indices[:n_non_collapse_axes] + c_slice
partition.subarray = d._collapse_subspace(
func, fpartial, ffinalise,
indices, n_non_collapse_axes, n_collapse_axes,
Nmax, mtol, **kwargs)
p_datatype = partition.subarray.dtype
if datatype != p_datatype:
datatype = numpy_result_type(p_datatype, datatype)
#--- End: for
new._all_axes = None
new._flip = []
new.dtype = datatype
new.Units = new_units
if squeeze:
new._axes = p_axes
new._ndim = ndim - n_collapse_axes
new._shape = new._shape[:new._ndim]
new_axes = new._axes
if new_axes != original_self_axes:
iaxes = [new_axes.index(axis) for axis in original_self_axes]
new.transpose(iaxes, i=True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Update d in place
# ------------------------------------------------------------
d.__dict__ = new.__dict__
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Return
# ------------------------------------------------------------
return d
#--- End: def
def _collapse_subspace(self, func, fpartial, ffinalise, indices,
n_non_collapse_axes, n_collapse_axes,
Nmax, mtol, weights=None, **kwargs):
Collapse a subspace of a data array.
If set, *weights* and *kwargs* are passed to the function call. If
there is a *weights* keyword argument then this should either evaluate
to False or be a dictionary of weights for at least one of the data
func : function
fpartial : function
ffinalise : function
indices: tuple
The indices of the master array which would create the
n_non_collapse_axes : int
The number of data array axes which are not being
collapsed. It is assumed that they are in the slowest moving
n_collapse_axes : int
The number of data array axes which are being collapsed. It is
assumed that they are in the fastest moving positions.
weights : dict, optional
kwargs : *optional*
out : list
ndim = self._ndim
master_shape = self.shape
data = self[indices]
# if data._pmndim and data.fits_in_memory(data.dtype.itemsize):
# data.varray
# True iff at least two, but not all, axes are to be
# collapsed.
reshape = 1 < n_collapse_axes < ndim
out = None
if n_collapse_axes == ndim:
# All axes are to be collapsed
kwargs.pop('axis', None)
# At least one axis, but not all axes, are to be
# collapsed. It is assumed that the collapse axes are in
# the last (fastest varying) positions (-1, -2, ...). We
# set kwargs['axis']=-1 (actually we use the +ve integer
# equivalent of -1) if there is more then one collapse
# axis because, in this case (i.e. reshape is True), we
# will reshape everything.
kwargs['axis'] = ndim - n_collapse_axes
masked = False
sub_samples = 0
pda_args = data.pda_args(revert_to_file=True) #, readonly=True)
for i, partition in enumerate(data.partitions.matrix.flat):
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
p_masked = partition.masked
if p_masked:
masked = True
if array.mask.all():
# The array is all missing data
# Still here? Then there are some non-missing sub-array
# elements.
if weights is not None:
w = self._collapse_create_weights(array, partition.indices,
master_shape, weights,
wmin = w.min()
if wmin < 0:
raise ValueError("Can't collapse with negative weights")
if wmin == 0:
# Mask the array where the weights are zero
array = numpy_ma_masked_where(w==0, array, copy=True)
if array.mask.all():
# The array is all missing data
#--- End: if
kwargs['weights'] = w
#--- End: if
if reshape:
# At least two, but not all, axes are to be collapsed
# => we need to reshape the array and the weights.
shape = array.shape
ndim = array.ndim
new_shape = shape[:n_non_collapse_axes]
new_shape += (reduce(operator_mul, shape[n_non_collapse_axes:]),)
array = numpy_reshape(array.copy(), new_shape)
if weights is not None:
w = kwargs['weights']
if w.ndim < ndim:
# The weights span only collapse axes (as
# opposed to spanning all axes)
new_shape = (w.size,)
kwargs['weights'] = numpy_reshape(w, new_shape)
#--- End: if
p_out = func(array, masked=p_masked, **kwargs)
if out is None:
if data.partitions.size == i + 1:
# There is exactly one partition so we are done
out = p_out
out = fpartial(p_out)
out = fpartial(out, p_out)
sub_samples += 1
#--- End: for
if out is not None:
# Finalise
N, out = ffinalise(out, sub_samples)
out = self._collapse_mask(out, masked, N, Nmax, mtol)
# no data - retrun all masked
out = numpy_ma_masked_all(data.shape[:n_non_collapse_axes],
return out
#--- End: def
def _collapse_mask(array, masked, N, Nmax, mtol):
array : numpy array
masked : bool
N : numpy array-like
Nmax : int
mtol : numpy array-like
out : numpy array
if masked and mtol < 1:
x = N < (1-mtol)*Nmax
if x.any():
# array = numpy_ma_where(x, numpy_ma_masked, array)
array = numpy_ma_masked_where(x, array, copy=False)
#--- End: if
return array
#--- End: def
def _collapse_create_weights(array, indices, master_indices, master_shape,
master_weights, n_non_collapse_axes,
array : numpy array
indices : tuple
master_indices : tuple
master_shape : tuple
master_weights : dict
n_non_collapse_axes : int
The number of array axes which are not being collapsed. It is
assumed that they are in the slowest moving positions.
n_collapse_axes : int
The number of array axes which are being collapsed. It is
assumed that they are in the fastest moving positions.
out : numpy array or None
array_shape = array.shape
array_ndim = array.ndim
weights_indices = []
for master_index, index, size in izip(master_indices,
start , stop , step = master_index.indices(size)
size1, mod = divmod(stop-start-1, step)
start1, stop1, step1 = index.indices(size1+1)
size2, mod = divmod(stop1-start1, step1)
if mod != 0:
size2 += 1
start += start1 * step
step *= step1
stop = start + (size2-1)*step + 1
weights_indices.append(slice(start, stop, step))
#--- End: for
base_shape = (1,) * array_ndim
masked = False
zero_weights = False
weights = []
for key, weight in master_weights.iteritems():
shape = list(base_shape)
index = []
for i in key:
shape[i] = array_shape[i]
#--- End: for
weight = weight[tuple(index)].unsafe_array
zero_weights = zero_weights or (weight.min() <= 0)
masked = masked or numpy_ma_isMA(weight)
if weight.ndim != array_ndim:
# Make sure that the weight has the same number of
# dimensions as the array
weight = weight.reshape(shape)
#--- End: for
weights_out = weights[0]
if len(weights) > 1:
# There are two or more weights, so create their product
# (can't do this in-place because of broadcasting woe)
for w in weights[1:]:
weights_out = weights_out * w
weights_out_shape = weights_out.shape
if (not masked and
weights_out_shape[:n_non_collapse_axes] == base_shape[:n_non_collapse_axes]):
# The input weights are not masked and only span collapse axes
weights_out = weights_out.reshape(weights_out_shape[n_non_collapse_axes:])
if weights_out_shape[n_non_collapse_axes:] != array_shape[n_non_collapse_axes:]:
# The input weights span some, but not all, of the
# collapse axes, so broadcast the weights over all
# collapse axes
weights_out = broadcast_array(weights_out, array_shape[n_non_collapse_axes:])
if weights_out_shape != array_shape:
# Either a) The input weights span at least one
# non-collapse axis, so broadcast the weights over all
# axes or b) The weights contain masked values
weights_out = broadcast_array(weights_out, array_shape)
if masked and numpy_ma_isMA(array):
if not (array.mask | weights_out.mask == array.mask).all():
raise ValueError("weights mask is duff")
return weights_out
#--- End: def
def _collapse_optimize_weights(self, weights):
Optimise when weights span only non-partitioned axes.
weights : dict
non_partitioned_axes = set(self._axes).difference(self._pmaxes)
x = []
new_key = ()
for key in weights:
if non_partitioned_axes.issuperset(key):
new_key += key
#--- End: for
if len(x) > 1:
reshaped_weights = []
for key in x:
w = weights.pop(key)
w = w.array
shape = [(w.shape[key.index(axis)] if axis in key else 1)
for axis in new_key]
w = w.reshape(shape)
#--- End: for
# Create their product
new_weight = reshaped_weights[0]
for w in reshaped_weights[1:]:
new_weight = new_weight * w
weights[new_key] = type(self)(new_weight)
#--- End: if
return weights
#--- End: def
def _new_axis_identifier(self, existing_axes=None):
Return an axis name not being used by the data array.
The returned axis name will also not be referenced by partitions of
the partition matrix.
existing_axes : sequence of str, optional
out : str
The new axis name.
>>> d._all_axis_names()
['dim1', 'dim0']
>>> d._new_axis_identifier()
>>> d._all_axis_names()
['dim1', 'dim0', 'dim3']
>>> d._new_axis_identifier()
>>> d._all_axis_names()
['dim5', 'dim6', 'dim7']
>>> d._new_axis_identifier()
if existing_axes is None:
existing_axes = self._all_axis_names()
n = len(existing_axes)
axis = 'dim%d' % n
while axis in existing_axes:
n += 1
axis = 'dim%d' % n
#--- End: while
return axis
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def Units(self):
The `cf.Units` object containing the units of the data array.
Deleting this attribute is equivalent to setting it to an undefined
units object, so this attribute is guaranteed to always exist.
>>> d.Units = cf.Units('m')
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: m>
>>> del d.Units
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: >
return self._Units
#--- End: def
def Units(self, value):
dtype = self.dtype
if dtype is not None:
if dtype.kind == 'i':
char = dtype.char
if char == 'i':
old_units = getattr(self, '_Units', None)
if old_units is not None and not old_units.equals(value):
self.dtype = 'float32'
elif char == 'l':
old_units = getattr(self, '_Units', None)
if old_units is not None and not old_units.equals(value):
self.dtype = float
#-- End: if
self._Units = value
#--- End: def
def Units(self): self._Units = _units_None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def data(self):
The data array object as an object identity.
>>> is d
return self
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def Data(self):
The data array object as an object identity.
>>> d.Data is d
return self
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def dtype(self):
The `numpy` data type of the data array.
By default this is the data type with the smallest size and smallest
scalar kind to which all sub-arrays of the master data array may be
safely cast without loss of information. For example, if the
sub-arrays have data types 'int64' and 'float32' then the master data
array's data type will be 'float64'; or if the sub-arrays have data
types 'int64' and 'int32' then the master data array's data type will
be 'int64'.
Setting the data type to a `numpy.dtype` object, or any object
convertible to a `numpy.dtype` object, will cause the master data
array elements to be recast to the specified type at the time that
they are next accessed, and not before. This does not immediately
change the master data array elements, so, for example, reinstating
the original data type prior to data access results in no loss of
Deleting the data type forces the default behaviour. Note that if the
data type of any sub-arrays has changed after `dtype` has been set
(which could occur if the data array is accessed) then the reinstated
default data type may be different to the data type prior to `dtype`
being set.
>>> d = cf.Data([0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
>>> d.dtype
>>> type(d.dtype)
<type 'numpy.dtype'>
>>> d = cf.Data([0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
>>> import numpy
>>> d.dtype = numpy.dtype(int)
>>> print d.array
[0 1 2]
>>> d.dtype = bool
>>> print d.array
[False True True]
>>> d.dtype = 'float64'
>>> print d.array
[ 0. 1. 1.]
>>> d = cf.Data([0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
>>> d.dtype = int
>>> d.dtype = bool
>>> d.dtype = float
>>> print d.array
[ 0.5 1.5 2.5]
datatype = self._dtype
if datatype is None:
flat = self.partitions.matrix.flat
datatype =
for partition in flat:
datatype = numpy_result_type(datatype, partition.subarray)
self._dtype = datatype
#--- End: if
return datatype
#--- End: def
def dtype(self, value):
self._dtype = numpy_dtype(value)
#--- End: def
def dtype(self):
self._dtype = None
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def fill_value(self):
The data array missing data value.
If set to None then the default numpy fill value appropriate to the
data array's data type will be used.
Deleting this attribute is equivalent to setting it to None, so this
attribute is guaranteed to always exist.
>>> d.fill_value = 9999.0
>>> d.fill_value
>>> del d.fill_value
>>> d.fill_value
return self._fill_value
#--- End: def
def fill_value(self, value): self._fill_value = value
def fill_value(self) : self._fill_value = None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def hardmask(self):
Whether the mask is hard (True) or soft (False).
When the mask is hard, masked entries of the data array can not be
unmasked by assignment, but unmasked entries may still be masked.
When the mask is soft, masked entries of the data array may be
unmasked by assignment and unmasked entries may be masked.
By default, the mask is hard.
>>> d.hardmask = False
>>> d.hardmask
return self._hardmask
def hardmask(self, value):
self._hardmask = value
def hardmask(self):
raise AttributeError("Won't delete %s attribute 'hardmask'" %
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def ismasked(self):
True if the data array has any masked values.
>>> d = cf.Data([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
>>> print d.ismasked
>>> d[0, ...] = cf.masked
>>> d.ismasked
pda_args = self.pda_args(revert_to_file=True) #, readonly=True)
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
if partition.masked:
return True
#--- End: for
return False
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def ispartitioned(self):
True if the data array is partitioned.
>>> d._pmsize
>>> d.ispartitioned
>>> d._pmsize
>>> d.ispartitioned
return self._pmsize > 1
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def isscalar(self):
True if the data array is a 0-d scalar array.
>>> d.ndim
>>> d.isscalar
>>> d.ndim >= 1
>>> d.isscalar
return not self._ndim
#--- End: def
# @property
# def max(self):
# '''
#The maximum of the array.
#``d.max`` is equivalent to ``d.max()``.
#.. seealso `max`, `min`
#>>> d = cf.Data([[4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]], 'metre')
#>>> d.max
#<CF Data: 6 metre>
#>> d.max.datum()
# return self.max(keepdims=False)
# pda_args = self.pda_args(revert_to_file=True,
# readonly=True)
# flat = self.partitions.matrix.flat
# partition =
# array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
# m = numpy_amax(array)
# partition.close()
# for partition in flat:
# array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
# m = max(m, numpy_amax(array))
# partition.close()
# #--- End: for
# if m is numpy_ma_masked:
# m = numpy_ma_array(0, mask=True, dtype=array.dtype)
# return type(self)(m, self.Units)
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def nbytes(self):
Total number of bytes consumed by the elements of the array.
Does not include bytes consumed by the array mask
>>> d = cf.Data([[1, 1.5, 2]])
>>> d.dtype
>>> d.size, d.dtype.itemsize
(3, 8)
>>> d.nbytes
>>> d[0] = cf.masked
>>> print d.array
[[-- 1.5 2.0]]
>>> d.nbytes
return self._size * self.dtype.itemsize
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def ndim(self):
Number of dimensions in the data array.
>>> d.shape
(73, 96)
>>> d.ndim
>>> d.shape
>>> d.ndim
return self._ndim
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def _pmaxes(self):
return self.partitions.axes
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def _pmndim(self):
Number of dimensions in the partition matrix.
>>> d._pmshape
(4, 7)
>>> d._pmndim
>>> d._pmshape
>>> d._pmndim
return self.partitions.ndim
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def _pmsize(self):
Number of partitions in the partition matrix.
>>> d._pmshape
(4, 7)
>>> d._pmsize
>>> d._pmndim
>>> d._pmsize
return self.partitions.size
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def _pmshape(self):
Tuple of the partition matrix's dimension sizes.
>>> d._pmshape
(4, 7)
>>> d._pmndim
>>> d._pmshape
return self.partitions.shape
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def shape(self):
Tuple of the data array's dimension sizes.
>>> d.shape
(73, 96)
>>> d.ndim
>>> d.shape
return self._shape
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def size(self):
Number of elements in the data array.
>>> d.shape
(73, 96)
>>> d.size
>>> d.shape
(1, 1, 1)
>>> d.size
>>> d.ndim
>>> d.shape
>>> d.size
return self._size
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def array(self):
A numpy array copy the data array.
If the data array is stored as date-time objects then a numpy array of
numeric reference times will be returned. A numpy array of date-time
objects may be returned by the `dtarray` attribute.
.. seealso:: `dtarray`, `dtvarray`, `varray`
>>> a = d.array
>>> isinstance(a, numpy.ndarray)
pda_args = self.pda_args(revert_to_file=True) #, update=False)
out_data_type = self.dtype
units = self.Units
# isdt = []
# print '_dtarray _isdt=', getattr(self, '_dtarray', False), self._isdt
_dtarray = getattr(self, '_dtarray', False)
if _dtarray:
del self._dtarray
# if not self._isdt:
out_data_type = _dtype_object
# pda_args['func'] = rt2dt
# # Turn off data type checking and partition updating
# pda_args['dtype'] = None
# pda_args['update'] = False
elif self._isdt:
out_data_type = numpy_dtype(float)
# pda_args['func'] = dt2rt
# # Turn off data type checking and partition updating
# pda_args['dtype'] = None
# pda_args['update'] = False
#--- End: if
partitions = self.partitions
# Still here?
array_out = numpy_empty(self._shape, dtype=out_data_type)
masked = False
if not self.ndim:
# --------------------------------------------------------
# array_out is a scalar array so index it with Ellipsis
# (as opposed to the empty tuple which would be returned
# from partition.indices). This prevents bad behaviour
# when p_array is a numpy array of objects (e.g. data-time
# objects).
# --------------------------------------------------------
partition = partitions.matrix[()]
p_array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
# copy okect?
# isdt.append(partition.isdt)
if _dtarray:
if not partition.isdt:
# Convert the partition subarray to an array
# of date-time objects
p_array = rt2dt(p_array, units)
elif partition.isdt:
# Convert the partition subarray to an array of
# reference time floats
p_array = dt2rt(p_array, None, units)
if not masked and partition.masked:
array_out = array_out.view(numpy_ma_MaskedArray)
masked = True
array_out[...] = p_array
# --------------------------------------------------------
# array_out is not a scalar array, so it can safely be
# indexed with partition.indices in all cases.
# --------------------------------------------------------
for partition in partitions.matrix.flat:
p_array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
# isdt.append(partition.isdt)
if _dtarray:
if not partition.isdt:
# Convert the partition subarray to an array
# of date-time objects
p_array = rt2dt(p_array, units)
elif partition.isdt:
# print p_array
# Convert the partition subarray to an array of
# reference time floats
p_array = dt2rt(p_array, None, units)
# print p_array
# copy okect?
if not masked and partition.masked:
array_out = array_out.view(numpy_ma_MaskedArray)
masked = True
array_out[partition.indices] = p_array
#--- End: for
if masked and self._hardmask:
# Harden the mask of the output array
# if isdt and all(isdt):
# self.dtype = _dtype_object
# self._isdt = True
return array_out
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def dtarray(self):
An independent numpy array of date-time objects.
Only applicable to data arrays with reference time units.
If the calendar has not been set then the CF default calendar will be
used and the units will be updated accordingly.
The data type of the data array is unchanged.
.. seealso:: `array`, `asdatetime`, `asreftime`, `dtvarray`, `varray`
if not self.Units.isreftime:
raise ValueError("Can't create date-time array from units %r" %
self._dtarray = True
return self.array
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def dtvarray(self):
A numpy array view the data array converted to date-time objects.
Only applicable for reference time units.
If the calendar has not been set then the CF default calendar will be
used and the units will be updated accordingly.
.. seealso:: `array`, `asdatetime`, `asreftime`, `dtarray`, `varray`
if not self.Units.isreftime:
raise ValueError("Can't create date-time array with units %r" %
self._dtarray = True
return self.varray
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def unsafe_array(self):
A numpy array of the data array.
It is unsafe because it might (or might not) be view to the master
data array - you just don't know. So changing the returned array in
place might have dire consequences.
It is useful because if you are 100% certain that you're not going to
change the returned array in place then this method may be much faster
than the `array` method.
Why not just use the `varray` method? Well, you might not want to
destroy the partition matrix.
The data type of the array is as returned by the `dtype` attribute.
>>> a = d.unsafe_array
>>> isinstance(a, numpy.ndarray)
# partitions = self.partitions
# if partitions.size == 1:
# # If there is only one partition we can speed things up
# pda_args = self.pda_args(revert_to_file=True)
# partition = partitions.matrix.item()
# array_out = partition.dataarray(readonly=True, **pda_args)
# partition.close()
# return array_out
# #--- End: if
# # Still here?
return self.array
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def varray(self):
A numpy array view the data array.
Note that making changes to elements of the returned view changes the
underlying data.
If the data array is stored as date-time objects then a numpy array
view of numeric reference times will be returned. In this case, a
numpy array view of date-time objects may be created with the
`dtvarray` attribute.
.. seealso:: `array`, `dtarray`, `dtvarray`
>>> a = d.varray
>>> type(a)
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> a
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> a[0] = 999
>>> d.varray
array([999, 1, 2, 3, 4])
pda_args = self.pda_args(keep_in_memory=True)
data_type = self.dtype
if getattr(self, '_dtarray', False):
isdt = True
del self._dtarray
if not self._isdt:
data_type = _dtype_object
pda_args['func'] = rt2dt
# Turn off data type checking and partition updating
pda_args['dtype'] = None
elif self._isdt:
isdt = False
data_type = numpy_dtype(float)
pda_args['func'] = dt2rt
# Turn off data type checking and partition updating
pda_args['dtype'] = None
isdt = False
#--- End: if
if self.partitions.size == 1:
# If there is only one partition, then we can return a
# view of the partition's data array without having to
# create an empty array and then filling it up partition
# by partition.
partition = self.partitions.matrix.item()
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
# Note that there is no need to close the partition here.
self._dtype = data_type
self._isdt = isdt
# Flip to []?
return array
#--- End: if
# Still here?
# pda_args['dtype'] = None ## WHY????? for speed!!!
shape = self._shape
array = numpy_empty(shape, dtype=data_type)
masked = False
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
data = partition.dataarray(readonly=True, **pda_args)
if not masked and partition.masked:
array = array.view(numpy_ma_MaskedArray)
masked = True
array[partition.indices] = data
# Note that there is no need to close the partition here
#--- End: for
if masked:
if self._hardmask:
# Harden the mask of the output array
#--- End: if
matrix = _xxx.copy() #numpy_empty((), dtype=object)
matrix[()] = Partition(subarray = array,
location = [(0, n) for n in shape],
axes = self._axes,
flip = [],
shape = list(shape),
Units = self.Units,
part = []
self.partitions = PartitionMatrix(matrix, [])
self._dtype = data_type
self._isdt = isdt
self._flip = []
return array
#--- End: def
def mask(self):
The boolean missing data mask of the data array.
The boolean mask has True where the data array has missing data and
False otherwise.
>>> d.shape
(12, 73, 96)
>>> m = d.mask
>>> m
<CF Data: >
>>> m.dtype
>>> m.shape
(12, 73, 96])
mask = self.copy()
mask_units = _units_None
pda_args = mask.pda_args(
for partition in mask.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
if partition.masked:
# data is a masked array
partition.subarray = array.mask.copy()
# data is not a masked array
partition.subarray = numpy_zeros(array.shape, dtype=bool)
partition.Units = mask_units
#--- End: for
mask.Units = mask_units
mask.dtype = bool
mask._hardmask = False
return mask
#--- End: def
[docs] def mask_fpe(*arg):
Masking of floating-point errors in the results of arithmetic
If masking is allowed then only floating-point errors which would
otherwise be raised as `FloatingPointError` exceptions are
masked. Whether `FloatingPointError` exceptions may be raised is
determined by `cf.Data.seterr`.
If called without an argument then the current behaviour is returned.
Note that if the raising of `FloatingPointError` exceptions has
suppressed then invalid values in the results of arithmetic operations
may be subsequently converted to masked values with the `mask_invalid`
.. seealso:: `cf.Data.seterr`, `mask_invalid`
arg : bool, optional
The new behaviour. True means that `FloatingPointError`
exceptions are suppressed and replaced with masked
values. False means that `FloatingPointError` exceptions are
raised. The default is not to change the current behaviour.
out : bool
The behaviour prior to the change, or the current behaviour if
no new value was specified.
>>> d = cf.Data([0., 1])
>>> e = cf.Data([1., 2])
>>> old = cf.Data.mask_fpe(False)
>>> old = cf.Data.seterr('raise')
>>> e/d
FloatingPointError: divide by zero encountered in divide
>>> e**123456
FloatingPointError: overflow encountered in power
>>> old = cf.Data.mask_fpe(True)
>>> old = cf.Data.seterr('raise')
>>> e/d
<CF Data: [--, 2.0] >
>>> e**123456
<CF Data: [1.0, --] >
>>> old = cf.Data.mask_fpe(True)
>>> old = cf.Data.seterr('ignore')
>>> e/d
<CF Data: [inf, 2.0] >
>>> e**123456
<CF Data: [1.0, inf] >
old = _mask_fpe[0]
if arg:
_mask_fpe[0] = bool(arg[0])
return old
#--- End: def
[docs] def seterr(all=None, divide=None, over=None, under=None, invalid=None):
Set how floating-point errors in the results of arithmetic operations
are handled.
The options for handling floating-point errors are:
============ ========================================================
Treatment Action
============ ========================================================
``'ignore'`` Take no action. Allows invalid values to occur in the
result data array.
``'warn'`` Print a `RuntimeWarning` (via the Python `warnings`
module). Allows invalid values to occur in the result
data array.
``'raise'`` Raise a `FloatingPointError` exception.
============ ========================================================
The different types of floating-point errors are:
================= ================================= =================
Error Description Default treatment
================= ================================= =================
Division by zero Infinite result obtained from ``'warn'``
finite numbers.
Overflow Result too large to be expressed. ``'warn'``
Invalid operation Result is not an expressible ``'warn'``
number, typically indicates that
a NaN was produced.
Underflow Result so close to zero that some ``'ignore'``
precision was lost.
================= ================================= =================
Note that operations on integer scalar types (such as int16) are
handled like floating point, and are affected by these settings.
If called without any arguments then the current behaviour is
.. seealso:: `cf.Data.mask_fpe`, `mask_invalid`
all : str, optional
Set the treatment for all types of floating-point errors at
once. The default is not to change the current behaviour.
divide : str, optional
Set the treatment for division by zero. The default is not to
change the current behaviour.
over : str, optional
Set the treatment for floating-point overflow. The default is
not to change the current behaviour.
under : str, optional
Set the treatment for floating-point underflow. The default is
not to change the current behaviour.
invalid : str, optional
Set the treatment for invalid floating-point operation. The
default is not to change the current behaviour.
out : dict
The behaviour prior to the change, or the current behaviour if
no new values are specified.
Set treatment for all types of floating-point errors to ``'raise'``
and then reset to the previous behaviours:
>>> cf.Data.seterr()
{'divide': 'warn', 'invalid': 'warn', 'over': 'warn', 'under': 'ignore'}
>>> old = cf.Data.seterr('raise')
>>> cf.Data.seterr(**old)
{'divide': 'raise', 'invalid': 'raise', 'over': 'raise', 'under': 'raise'}
>>> cf.Data.seterr()
{'divide': 'warn', 'invalid': 'warn', 'over': 'warn', 'under': 'ignore'}
Set the treatment of division by zero to ``'ignore'`` and overflow to
``'warn'`` without changing the treatment of underflow and invalid
>>> cf.Data.seterr(divide='ignore', over='warn')
{'divide': 'warn', 'invalid': 'warn', 'over': 'warn', 'under': 'ignore'}
>>> cf.Data.seterr()
{'divide': 'ignore', 'invalid': 'warn', 'over': 'ignore', 'under': 'ignore'}
Some examples with data arrays:
>>> d = cf.Data([0., 1])
>>> e = cf.Data([1., 2])
>>> old = cf.Data.seterr('ignore')
>>> e/d
<CF Data: [inf, 2.0] >
>>> e**12345
<CF Data: [1.0, inf] >
>>> cf.Data.seterr(divide='warn')
{'divide': 'ignore', 'invalid': 'ignore', 'over': 'ignore', 'under': 'ignore'}
>>> e/d
RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
<CF Data: [inf, 2.0] >
>>> e**12345
<CF Data: [1.0, inf] >
>>> old = cf.Data.mask_fpe(False)
>>> cf.Data.seterr(over='raise')
{'divide': 'warn', 'invalid': 'ignore', 'over': 'ignore', 'under': 'ignore'}
>>> e/d
RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
<CF Data: [inf, 2.0] >
>>> e**12345
FloatingPointError: overflow encountered in power
>>> cf.Data.mask_fpe(True)
>>> cf.Data.seterr(divide='ignore')
{'divide': 'warn', 'invalid': 'ignore', 'over': 'raise', 'under': 'ignore'}
>>> e/d
<CF Data: [inf, 2.0] >
>>> e**12345
<CF Data: [1.0, --] >
old = _seterr.copy()
if all:
_seterr.update({'divide' : all,
'invalid': all,
'under' : all,
'over' : all})
if all == 'raise':
_seterr_raise_to_ignore.update({'divide' : 'ignore',
'invalid': 'ignore',
'under' : 'ignore',
'over' : 'ignore'})
if divide:
_seterr['divide'] = divide
if divide == 'raise':
_seterr_raise_to_ignore['divide'] = 'ignore'
if over:
_seterr['over'] = over
if over == 'raise':
_seterr_raise_to_ignore['over'] = 'ignore'
if under:
_seterr['under'] = under
if under == 'raise':
_seterr_raise_to_ignore['under'] = 'ignore'
if invalid:
_seterr['invalid'] = invalid
if invalid == 'raise':
_seterr_raise_to_ignore['invalid'] = 'ignore'
#--- End: if
return old
#--- End: def
[docs] def add_partitions(self,
Add partition boundaries.
extra_boundaries : list of int
The boundaries of the new partitions.
pdim : str
The name of the axis to have the new partitions.
>>> d.add_partitions( )
self.partitions.add_partitions(self._axes, self._flip,
#--- End: def
[docs] def all(self):
Test whether all data array elements evaluate to True.
Performs a logical ``and`` over the data array and returns the
result. Masked values are considered as True during computation.
.. seealso:: `allclose`, `any`, `isclose`
out : bool
Whether or not all data array elements evaluate to True.
>>> d = cf.Data([[1, 3, 2]])
>>> print d.array
[[1 3 2]]
>>> d.all()
>>> d[0, 2] = cf.masked
>>> print d.array
[[1 3 --]]
>>> d.all()
>>> d[0, 0] = 0
>>> print d.array
[[0 3 --]]
>>> d.all()
>>> d[...] = cf.masked
>>> print d.array
[[-- -- --]]
>>> d.all()
pda_args = self.pda_args(revert_to_file=True) #, readonly=True)
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
a = array.all()
if not a and a is not numpy_ma_masked:
return False
#--- End: for
return True
#--- End: def
[docs] def allclose(self, y, rtol=None, atol=None):
Returns True if two broadcastable arrays have equal values, False
For numeric data arrays ``d.allclose(y, rtol, atol)`` is equivalent to
``(abs(d - y) <= atol + rtol*abs(y)).all()``, otherwise it is
equivalent to ``(d == y).all()``.
.. seealso:: `all`, `any`, `isclose`
y : data_like
atol : float, optional
The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used.
rtol : float, optional
The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used.
out : bool
>>> d = cf.Data([1000, 2500], 'metre')
>>> e = cf.Data([1, 2.5], 'km')
>>> d.allclose(e)
>>> d = cf.Data(['ab', 'cdef'])
>>> d.allclose([[['ab', 'cdef']]])
>>> d.allclose(e)
>>> d = cf.Data([[1000, 2500], [1000, 2500]], 'metre')
>>> e = cf.Data([1, 2.5], 'km')
>>> d.allclose(e)
>>> d = cf.Data([1, 1, 1], 's')
>>> d.allclose(1)
return self.isclose(y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol).all()
#--- End: def
[docs] def any(self):
Test whether any data array elements evaluate to True.
Performs a logical or over the data array and returns the
result. Masked values are considered as False during computation.
.. seealso:: `all`, `allclose`, `isclose`
>>> d = cf.Data([[0 0 0]])
>>> d.any()
>>> d[0, 0] = cf.masked
>>> print d.array
[[-- 0 0]]
>>> d.any()
>>> d[0, 1] = 3
>>> print d.array
[[0 3 0]]
>>> d.any()
>>> print d.array
[[-- -- --]]
>>> d.any()
pda_args = self.pda_args(revert_to_file=True) #, readonly=True)
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
if array.any():
return True
#--- End: for
return False
#--- End: def
[docs] def max(self, axes=None, squeeze=False, mtol=1, i=False):
Collapse axes with their maximum.
Missing data array elements are omitted from the calculation.
axes : (sequence of) int, optional
squeeze : bool, optional
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
The collapsed array.
.. seealso:: `min`, `mean`, `mid_range`, `sum`, `sd`, `var`
# if weights is not None:
# raise ValueError("can't weight max: %s" % weights)#
return self._collapse(max_f, max_fpartial, max_ffinalise, axes=axes,
squeeze=squeeze, mtol=mtol, i=i)
#--- End: def
[docs] def min(self, axes=None, squeeze=False, mtol=1, i=False):
Collapse axes with their minimum.
Missing data array elements are omitted from the calculation.
axes : (sequence of) int, optional
squeeze : bool, optional
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
The collapsed array.
.. seealso:: `max`, `mean`, `mid_range`, `sum`, `sd`, `var`
return self._collapse(min_f, min_fpartial, min_ffinalise, axes=axes,
squeeze=squeeze, mtol=mtol, i=i)
#--- End: def
[docs] def mean(self, axes=None, squeeze=False, mtol=1, weights=None, i=False):
Collapse axes with their weighted mean.
The weighted mean, :math:`\mu`, for array elements :math:`x_i` and
corresponding weights elements :math:`w_i` is
.. math:: \mu=\frac{\sum w_i x_i}{\sum w_i}
Missing data array elements and their corresponding weights are
omitted from the calculation.
axes : (sequence of) int, optional
The axes to be collapsed. By default flattened input is
used. Each axis is identified by its integer position. No axes
are collapsed if *axes* is an empty sequence.
squeeze : bool, optional
If True then collapsed axes are removed. By default the axes
which are collapsed are left in the result as axes with size
1, meaning that the result is guaranteed to broadcast
correctly against the original array.
weights : data-like or dict, optional
Weights associated with values of the array. By default all
non-missing elements of the array are assumed to have a weight
equal to one. If *weights* is a data-like object then it must
have either the same shape as the array or, if that is not the
case, the same shape as the axes being collapsed. If *weights*
is a dictionary then each key is axes of the array (an int or
tuple of ints) with a corresponding data-like value of weights
for those axes. In this case, the implied weights array is the
outer product of the dictionary's values.
Example: If ``weights={1: w, (2, 0): x}`` then ``w`` must
contain 1-dimensionsal weights for axis 1 and ``x`` must
contain 2-dimensionsal weights for axes 2 and 0. This is
equivalent, for example, to ``weights={(1, 2, 0), y}``,
where ``y`` is the outer product of ``w`` and ``x``. If
``axes=[1, 2, 0]`` then ``weights={(1, 2, 0), y}`` is
equivalent to ``weights=y``. If ``axes=None`` and the array
is 3-dimensionsal then ``weights={(1, 2, 0), y}`` is
equivalent to ``weights=y.transpose([2, 0, 1])``.
mtol : number, optional
For each element in the output data array, the fraction of
contributing input array elements which is allowed to contain
missing data. Where this fraction exceeds *mtol*, missing
data is returned. The default is 1, meaning a missing datum in
the output array only occurs when its contributing input array
elements are all missing data. A value of 0 means that a
missing datum in the output array occurs whenever any of its
contributing input array elements are missing data. Any
intermediate value is permitted.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
The collapsed array.
.. seealso:: `max`, `min`, `mid_range`, `range`, `sum`, `sd`, `var`
>>> d = cf.Data([[1, 2, 4], [1, 4, 9]], 'm')
>>> print d.array
[[1 2 4]
[1 4 9]]
>>> d.mean()
<CF Data: 3.5 m>
>>> d.mean(squeeze=True)
<CF Data: [[3.5]] m>
>>> d.mean(axes=[0, 1])
<CF Data: 3.5 m>
>>> d.mean(axes=[1, 0])
<CF Data: 3.5 m>
>>> print d.mean(axes=0).array
[ 1. 3. 6.5]
>>> print d.mean(axes=1).array
[ 2.33333333 4.66666667]
>>> d.mean(axes=1, squeeze=True)
[[ 2.33333333]
[ 4.66666667]]
>>> y = cf.Data([1, 3])
>>> x = cf.Data([1, 2, 1])
>>> w = cf.expand_dims(y, 1) * x
>>> print w.array
[[1 2 1]
[3 6 3]]
>>> d.mean(weights=w)
<CF Data: 3.9375 m>
>>> d.mean(weights={(0, 1): w})
<CF Data: 3.9375 m>
>>> d.mean(axes=[0, 1], weights={(0, 1): w})
<CF Data: 3.9375 m>
>>> d.mean(axes=[1, 0], weights={(0, 1): w})
<CF Data: 3.9375 m>
>>> d.mean(axes=(0, 1), weights={1: x, 0: y})
<CF Data: 3.9375 m>
>>> d.mean(axes=1, weights=w)
<CF Data: [2.25, 4.5] m>
>>> d.mean(axes=1, weights=x)
<CF Data: [2.25, 4.5] m>
>>> d.mean(axes=1, weights={1: x})
<CF Data: [2.25, 4.5] m>
>>> d.mean(axes=1, weights={(0, 1): w})
<CF Data: [2.25, 4.5] m>
>>> d.mean(axes=1, weights={0: y, (1,): x})
<CF Data: [2.25, 4.5] m>
>>> d.mean(axes=1)
<CF Data: [2.33333333333, 4.66666666667] m>
>>> d.mean(axes=1, weights={0: y})
<CF Data: [2.33333333333, 4.66666666667] m>
>>> e = cf.Data(numpy.arange(24).reshape(3, 2, 4))
>>> print e.array
[[[ 0 1 2 3]
[ 4 5 6 7]]
[[ 8 9 10 11]
[12 13 14 15]]
[[16 17 18 19]
[20 21 22 23]]]
>>> e.mean(axes=[0, 2])
<CF Data: [9.5, 13.5] >
>>> f = e.mean(axes=[0, 2], squeeze=True)
>>> f
<CF Data: [[[9.5, 13.5]]] >
>>> f.shape
(1, 2, 1)
>>> print e.mean(axes=[0, 1]).array
[ 10. 11. 12. 13.]
>>> print e.mean(axes=[0, 1], weights={(1, 0): w}).array
[ 11. 12. 13. 14.]
>>> e[0, 0] = cf.masked
>>> e[-1, -1] = cf.masked
>>> e[..., 2] = cf.masked
>>> print e.array
[[[-- -- -- --]
[4 5 -- 7]]
[[8 9 -- 11]
[12 13 -- 15]]
[[16 17 -- 19]
[-- -- -- --]]]
>>> e.mean()
<CF Data: 11.3333333333 >
>>> print e.mean(axes=[0, 1]).array
[10.0 11.0 -- 13.0]
>>> print e.mean(axes=[0, 1], weights={(1, 0): w}).array
[9.666666666666666 10.666666666666666 -- 12.666666666666666]
return self._collapse(mean_f, mean_fpartial, mean_ffinalise,
axes=axes, squeeze=squeeze, weights=weights,
mtol=mtol, i=i)
#--- End: def
[docs] def sample_size(self, axes=None, squeeze=False, mtol=1, i=False):
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
return self._collapse(sample_size_f, sample_size_fpartial,
axes=axes, squeeze=squeeze, weights=None,
mtol=mtol, units=Units('1'), i=i)
#--- End: def
def binary_mask(self):
'''A binary (0 and 1) mask of the data array.
The binary mask's data array comprises dimensionless 8-bit integers
and has 0 where the data array has missing data and 1 otherwise.
.. seealos:: `mask`
out : Data
The binary mask.
>>> print d.mask.array
[[ True False True False]]
>>> b = d.binary_mask.array
>>> print b
[[0 1 0 1]]
binary_mask = self.copy()
pda_args = binary_mask.pda_args(
_units_1 = _units_1
for partition in binary_mask.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
if partition.masked:
# data is masked
partition.subarray = numpy_array(~array.mask, dtype='int32')
# data is not masked
partition.subarray = numpy_ones(array.shape, dtype='int32')
partition.Units = _units_1
#--- End: for
binary_mask.Units = _units_1
return binary_mask
#--- End: def
[docs] def clip(self, a_min, a_max, units=None, i=False):
Clip (limit) the values in the data array in place.
Given an interval, values outside the interval are clipped to the
interval edges. For example, if an interval of [0, 1] is specified
then values smaller than 0 become 0 and values larger than 1 become 1.
Parameters :
a_min : scalar
a_max : scalar
units : str or Units
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
if units is not None:
# Convert the limits to the same units as the data array
units = Units(units)
self_units = d.Units
if self_units != units:
a_min = Units.conform(a_min, units, self_units)
a_max = Units.conform(a_max, units, self_units)
#--- End: if
pda_args = d.pda_args()
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
array.clip(a_min, a_max, out=array)
#--- End: if
return d
#--- End: def
def asdata(cls, d, copy=False):
'''Convert the input to a `cf.Data` object.
d : data-like
Input data in any form that can be converted to an cf.Data
object. This includes `cf.Data` and `cf.Field` objects, numpy
arrays and any object which may be converted to a numpy array.
out : cf.Data
cf.Data interpretation of *d*. No copy is performed on the
>>> d = cf.Data([1, 2])
>>> cf.Data.asdata(d) is d
>>> d.asdata(d) is d
>>> cf.Data.asdata([1, 2])
<CF Data: [1, 2]>
>>> cf.Data.asdata(numpy.array([1, 2]))
<CF Data: [1, 2]>
data = getattr(d, '__data__', None)
if data is None:
return cls(d)
data = data()
if copy:
return data.copy()
return data
#--- End: def
[docs] def close(self):
Close all files referenced by the data array.
Note that a closed file will be automatically reopened if its contents
are subsequently required.
>>> d.close()
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
#--- End: def
[docs] def copy(self):
Return a deep copy.
``d.copy()`` is equivalent to ``copy.deepcopy(d)``.
out :
The deep copy.
>>> e = d.copy()
new = Data.__new__(Data) ###dch change
new.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
new.partitions = self.partitions.copy()
return new
#--- End: def
[docs] def cos(self, i=False):
Take the trigonometric cosine of the data array in place.
Units are accounted for in the calculation. If the units are not
equivalent to radians (such as Kelvin) then they are treated as if
they were radians. For example, the the cosine of 90 degrees_east is
0.0, as is the sine of 1.57079632 kg m-2.
The Units are changed to '1' (nondimensionsal).
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: degrees_east>
>>> print d.array
[[-90 0 90 --]]
>>> d.cos()
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: 1>
>>> print d.array
[[0.0 1.0 0.0 --]]
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: m s-1>
>>> print d.array
[[1 2 3 --]]
>>> d.cos()
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: 1>
>>> print d.array
[[0.540302305868 -0.416146836547 -0.9899924966 --]]
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
if d.Units.equivalent(_units_radians):
d.Units = _units_radians
return d.func(numpy_cos, units=_units_1, i=True)
#--- End: def
def count(self):
'''Count the non-masked elements of the array !!!!!! along the given axis.
out : int
pda_args = self.pda_args(revert_to_file=True) # , keep_in_memory=False)
n = 0
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
n += numpy_ma_count(array) # not this
# partition.output = numpy_ma_count(array) # but this! or return n?
#--- End: for
#if not parallel:
# for p in parations:
# _worker(p)
# if ?? : break
return n
#--- End: def
def count_masked(self):
return self._size - self.count()
#--- End: def
def cyclic(self, axes=None, iscyclic=True):
out : set
cyclic_axes = self._cyclic
data_axes = self._axes
old = set([data_axes.index(axis) for axis in cyclic_axes])
if axes is None:
return old
axes = [data_axes[i] for i in self._parse_axes(axes, 'cyclic')]
if iscyclic:
self._cyclic = cyclic_axes.union(axes)
self._cyclic = cyclic_axes.difference(axes)
return old
#--- End: def
[docs] def asreftime(self, i=False):
Change the internal representation of data array elements from
datatime-like objects to numeric reference times.
If the calendar has not been set then the default CF calendar will be
used and the units' and the `calendar` attribute will be updated
If the internal representations are already numeric reference times
then no change occurs.
.. seealso:: `asdatetime`
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> d.asreftime()
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
units = d.Units
if not d._isdt:
if units.isreftime:
return d
raise ValueError(
"Can't convert %r data to numeric reference times" %
#--- End: if
pda_args = d.pda_args(func=dt2rt, dtype=None)
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
p_units = partition.Units
partition.Units = Units(p_units.units, p_units._utime.calendar)
#--- End: for
d.Units = Units(units.units, units._utime.calendar)
d._dtype = array.dtype
d._isdt = False
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def asdatetime(self, i=False):
Change the internal representation of data array elements from numeric
reference times to datatime-like objects.
If the calendar has not been set then the default CF calendar will be
used and the units' and the `calendar` attribute will be updated
If the internal representations are already datatime-like objects then
no change occurs.
.. seealso:: `asreftime`
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> f.asdatetime()
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
units = self.Units
if d._isdt:
return d
elif not units.isreftime:
raise ValueError("Can't convert %r data to date-time objects" %
pda_args = d.pda_args(func=rt2dt, dtype=None)
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
p_units = partition.Units
partition.Units = Units(p_units.units, p_units._utime.calendar)
#--- End: for
d.Units = Units(units.units, units._utime.calendar)
d._dtype = array.dtype
d._isdt = True
return d
#--- End: def
def _YMDhms(self, attr):
def func(array, units_in, dummy0, dummy1):
The returned array is always independent.
array : numpy array
units_in : cf.Units
dummy0 :
dummy1 :
out : numpy array
if not self._isdt:
array = rt2dt(array, units_in)
return _array_getattr(array, attr)
#--- End: def
if not self.Units.isreftime:
raise ValueError(
"Can't get %ss from data with %r" % (attr, self.Units))
new = self.copy()
new.Units = _units_None
pda_args = new.pda_args(func=func, dtype=None)
for partition in new.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
new_dtype = array.dtype
#--- End: for
new._dtype = new_dtype
new._isdt = False
return new
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def year(self):
The year of each data array element.
Only applicable for reference time units.
.. seealso:: `~cf.Data.month`, ``, `~cf.Data.hour`,
`~cf.Data.minute`, `~cf.Data.second`
>>> d = cf.Data([[1.93, 5.17]], 'days since 2000-12-29')
>>> d
<CF Data: [[2000-12-30 22:19:12, 2001-01-03 04:04:48]] >
>>> d.year
<CF Data: [[2000, 2001]] >
return self._YMDhms('year')
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def month(self):
The month of each data array element.
Only applicable for reference time units.
.. seealso:: `~cf.Data.year`, ``, `~cf.Data.hour`,
`~cf.Data.minute`, `~cf.Data.second`
>>> d = cf.Data([[1.93, 5.17]], 'days since 2000-12-29')
>>> d
<CF Data: [[2000-12-30 22:19:12, 2001-01-03 04:04:48]] >
>>> d.month
<CF Data: [[12, 1]] >
return self._YMDhms('month')
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def day(self):
The day of each data array element.
Only applicable for reference time units.
.. seealso:: `~cf.Data.year`, `~cf.Data.month`, `~cf.Data.hour`,
`~cf.Data.minute`, `~cf.Data.second`
>>> d = cf.Data([[1.93, 5.17]], 'days since 2000-12-29')
>>> d
<CF Data: [[2000-12-30 22:19:12, 2001-01-03 04:04:48]] >
<CF Data: [[30, 3]] >
return self._YMDhms('day')
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def hour(self):
The hour of each data array element.
Only applicable for reference time units.
.. seealso:: `~cf.Data.year`, `~cf.Data.month`, ``,
`~cf.Data.minute`, `~cf.Data.second`
>>> d = cf.Data([[1.93, 5.17]], 'days since 2000-12-29')
>>> d
<CF Data: [[2000-12-30 22:19:12, 2001-01-03 04:04:48]] >
>>> d.hour
<CF Data: [[22, 4]] >
return self._YMDhms('hour')
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def minute(self):
The minute of each data array element.
Only applicable for reference time units.
.. seealso:: `~cf.Data.year`, `~cf.Data.month`, ``,
`~cf.Data.hour`, `~cf.Data.second`
>>> d = cf.Data([[1.93, 5.17]], 'days since 2000-12-29')
>>> d
<CF Data: [[2000-12-30 22:19:12, 2001-01-03 04:04:48]] >
>>> d.minute
<CF Data: [[19, 4]] >
return self._YMDhms('minute')
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def second(self):
The second of each data array element.
Only applicable for reference time units.
.. seealso:: `~cf.Data.year`, `~cf.Data.month`, ``,
`~cf.Data.hour`, `~cf.Data.minute`
>>> d = cf.Data([[1.93, 5.17]], 'days since 2000-12-29')
>>> d
<CF Data: [[2000-12-30 22:19:12, 2001-01-03 04:04:48]] >
>>> d.second
<CF Data: [[12, 48]] >
return self._YMDhms('second')
#--- End: def
[docs] def unique(self):
The unique elements of the array.
Returns a new object with the sorted unique elements in a one
dimensional array.
>>> d = cf.Data([[4, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3]], 'metre')
>>> d.unique()
<CF Data: [1, 2, 3, 4] metre>
>>> d[1, -1] = cf.masked
>>> d.unique()
<CF Data: [1, 2, 4] metre>
pda_args = self.pda_args(revert_to_file=True) #, readonly=True)
u = []
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
array = numpy_unique(array)
if partition.masked:
# Note that compressing a masked array may result in
# an array with zero size
array = array.compressed()
size = array.size
if size > 1:
elif size == 1:
#--- End: for
u = numpy_unique(numpy_array(u, dtype=self.dtype))
return type(self)(u, units=self.Units, dt=self._isdt)
#--- End: def
[docs] def dump(self, display=True, prefix=None):
Return a string containing a full description of the instance.
display : bool, optional
If False then return the description as a string. By default
the description is printed, i.e. ``d.dump()`` is equivalent to
``print d.dump(display=False)``.
prefix : str, optional
Set the common prefix of component names. By default the
instance's class name is used.
out : None or str
A string containing the description.
if prefix is None:
prefix = self.__class__.__name__
string = ['%s.shape = %s' % (prefix, self._shape)]
if self._size == 1:
string.append('%s.first_datum = %s' % (prefix, self.datum(0)))
string.append('%s.first_datum = %s' % (prefix, self.datum(0)))
string.append('%s.last_datum = %s' % (prefix, self.datum(-1)))
#-- End: if
for attr in ('fill_Value', 'Units'):
string.append('%s.%s = %r' % (prefix, attr, getattr(self, attr)))
#--- End: for
string = '\n'.join(string)
if display:
print string
return string
#--- End: def
# def equivalent(self, other, rtol=None, atol=None, traceback=False,
# copy=True):
# '''
#True if and only if two data arrays are logically equivalent.
#Equivalence is defined as both data arrays being the same after
#accounting for different but equivalent units.* units
# other : Data
# atol : float, optional
# The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
# default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used.
# rtol : float, optional
# The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
# default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used.
# out : bool
# Whether or not the two variables are equivalent.
# if self._shape != other._shape:
# # add traceback
# return
# if not self.Units.equivalent(other.Units):
# # add traceback
# return
## if axis_map:
## axes = [axis_map[axis] for axis in self._axes]
## if axes == other._axes:
## axis_map = None
## if not axis_map and self._shape != other._shape:
## # add traceback
## return
# self_Units = self.Units
## self_fill_value = self._fill_value
## if self_Units == other.Units and self_fill_value == other._fill_value:
## copy = False
# if self_Units != other.Units:
# if copy:
# other = other.copy()
# copy = False
# other.Units = self_Units
## if copy:
## other = other.copy()
## if axis_map:
## other.transpose(axes)
## other.Units = self_Units
## other._fill_value = self_fill_value
# return self.equals(other, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, ignore_fill_value=True,
# traceback=False)
# #--- End: def
[docs] def ndindex(self):
Return an iterator over the N-dimensional indices of the data array.
At each iteration a tuple of indices is returned, the last dimension
is iterated over first.
out : itertools.product
An iterator over tuples of indices of the data array.
>>> d.shape
(2, 1, 3)
>>> for i in d.ndindex():
... print i
(0, 0, 0)
(0, 0, 1)
(0, 0, 2)
(1, 0, 0)
(1, 0, 1)
(1, 0, 2)
> d.shape
>>> for i in d.ndindex():
... print i
return itertools_product(*[xrange(0, r) for r in self._shape])
#--- End: def
[docs] def equals(self, other, rtol=None, atol=None, ignore_fill_value=False,
True if two data arrays are logically equal, False otherwise.
other :
The object to compare for equality.
atol : float, optional
The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used.
rtol : float, optional
The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used.
ignore_fill_value : bool, optional
If True then data arrays with different fill values are
considered equal. By default they are considered unequal.
traceback : bool, optional
If True then print a traceback highlighting where the two
instances differ.
out : bool
Whether or not the two instances are equal.
>>> d.equals(d)
>>> d.equals(d + 1)
# Check each instance's id
if self is other:
return True
# Check that each instance is the same type
if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
if traceback:
print("%s: Different type: %s" %
(self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__))
return False
# Check that each instance has the same shape
if self._shape != other._shape:
if traceback:
print("%s: Different shape: %s, %s" %
(self.__class__.__name__, self._shape, other._shape))
return False
#--- End: if
# Check that each instance has the same units
if self.Units != other.Units:
if traceback:
print("%s: Different Units (%r, %r)" %
(self.__class__.__name__, self.Units, other.Units))
return False
#--- End: if
# Check that each instance has the same fill value
if not ignore_fill_value and self._fill_value != other._fill_value:
if traceback:
print("%s: Different fill values (%s, %s)" %
self._fill_value, other._fill_value))
return False
#--- End: if
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Check that each instance has equal array values
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Set default tolerances
if rtol is None:
rtol = RTOL()
if atol is None:
atol = ATOL()
pda_args = self.pda_args(revert_to_file=True) #, readonly=True)
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
array0 = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
array1 = other[partition.indices].varray
if not _numpy_allclose(array0, array1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
if traceback:
print("%s: Different data array values" %
return False
#--- End: for
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Still here? Then the two instances are equal.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
return True
#--- End: def
def exp(self, i=False):
Take the exponential of the data array.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
units = self.Units
if units and not units.isdimensionless:
raise ValueError(
"Can't take exponential of dimensional quantities: {0!r}".format(units))
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
if d.Units:
d.Units = _units_1
return d.func(numpy_exp, i=True)
#--- End: def
[docs] def expand_dims(self, position=0, i=False):
Expand the shape of the data array in place.
Insert a new size 1 axis, corresponding to a given position in the
data array shape.
.. seealso:: `flip`, `squeeze`, `swapaxes`, `transpose`
position : int, optional
Specify the position that the new axis will have in the data
array axes. By default the new axis has position 0, the
slowest varying position.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
# Parse position
ndim = self._ndim
if -ndim-1 <= position < 0:
position += ndim + 1
elif not 0 <= position <= ndim:
raise ValueError(
"Can't expand_dims: Invalid position (%d)" % position)
#--- End: for
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
# Expand _axes
axis = d._new_axis_identifier()
data_axes = d._axes[:]
data_axes.insert(position, axis)
d._axes = data_axes
# Increment ndim and expand shape
d._ndim += 1
shape = list(d._shape)
shape.insert(position, 1)
d._shape = tuple(shape)
# Expand the location and shape of each partition
location = (0, 1)
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
partition.location = partition.location[:]
partition.shape = partition.shape[:]
partition.location.insert(position, location)
partition.shape.insert(position, 1)
#--- End: for
if d._all_axes:
d._all_axes += (axis,)
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def flat(self, ignore_masked=True):
Return a flat iterator over elements of the data array.
ignore_masked : bool, optional
If False then masked and unmasked elements will be returned. By
default only unmasked elements are returned
out : generator
An iterator over elements of the data array.
>>> print d.array
[[1 -- 3]]
>>> for x in d.flat():
... print x
>>> for x in d.flat(False):
... print x
mask = self.mask
if ignore_masked:
for index in self.ndindex():
if not mask[index]:
yield self[index].unsafe_array.item()
for index in self.ndindex():
if not mask[index]:
yield self[index].unsafe_array.item()
yield cf_masked
#--- End: def
[docs] def floor(self, i=False):
Return the floor of the data array.
.. versionadded:: 1.0
.. seealso:: `ceil`, `rint`, `trunc`
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> print d.array
[-1.9 -1.5 -1.1 -1. 0. 1. 1.1 1.5 1.9]
>>> print d.floor().array
[-2. -2. -2. -1. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
return self.func(numpy_floor, out=True, i=i)
#---End: def
[docs] def outerproduct(self, e, i=False):
Compute the outer product with another data array.
The axes of result will be the combined axes of the two input arrays:
>>> d.outerproduct(e).ndim == d.ndim + e.ndim
>>> d.outerproduct(e).shape == d.shape + e.shape
e : data-like
The data array with which to form the outer product.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> d = cf.Data([1, 2, 3], 'metre')
>>> o = d.outerproduct([4, 5, 6, 7])
>>> o
<CF Data: [[4, ..., 21]] m>
>>> print o.array
[[ 4 5 6 7]
[ 8 10 12 14]
[12 15 18 21]]
>>> e = cf.Data([[4, 5, 6, 7], [6, 7, 8, 9]], 's-1')
>>> o = d.outerproduct(e)
>>> o
<CF Data: [[[4, ..., 27]]] m.s-1>
>>> print d.shape, e.shape, o.shape
(3,) (2, 4) (3, 2, 4)
>>> print o.array
[[[ 4 5 6 7]
[ 6 7 8 9]]
[[ 8 10 12 14]
[12 14 16 18]]
[[12 15 18 21]
[18 21 24 27]]]
e_ndim = numpy_ndim(e)
if e_ndim:
d = self.copy()
for j in range(e_ndim):
d.expand_dims(-1, i=True)
d = self
d = d*e
if i:
# Update self in place
self.__dict__ = d.__dict__
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def override_units(self, units, i=False):
Override the data array units.
Not to be confused with setting the `Units` attribute to units which
are equivalent to the original units. This is different because in
this case the new units need not be equivalent to the original ones
and the data array elements will not be changed to reflect the new
units : str or Units
The new units for the data array.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> d = cf.Data(1012.0, 'hPa')
>>> d.override_units('km')
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: km>
>>> d.datum(0)
>>> d.override_units(cf.Units('watts'))
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: watts>
>>> d.datum(0)
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
units = Units(units)
pda_args = d.pda_args()
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
p_units = partition.Units
if not p_units or p_units == units:
# No need to create the data array if the sub-array
# units are the same as the master data array units or
# the partition units are not set
partition.Units = units
#--- End: if
partition.Units = units
#--- End: for
d.Units = units
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def override_calendar(self, calendar, i=False):
'''Override the data array calendar.
Not to be confused with setting `d.Units.calendar`. This is different
because in this case the new units need not be equivalent to the
original ones and the data array elements will not be changed to
reflect the new units.
calendar : str
The new calendar.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
if not self.Units.isreftime:
raise ValueError(
"Can't override the calender of non-reference-time units: {0!r}".format(
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
partition.Units = Units(partition.Units._units, calendar)
#--- End: for
d.Units = Units(d.Units._units, calendar)
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def to_disk(self):
Store the data array on disk in place.
There is no change to partition's whose sub-arrays are already on
>>> d.to_disk()
pda_args = self.pda_args(keep_in_memory=False)
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
if partition.in_memory:
#--- End: def
[docs] def to_memory(self, regardless=False):
Store each partition's data in memory in place if the master array is
smaller than the chunk size.
There is no change to partitions with data that are already in memory.
regardless : bool, optional
If True then store all partitions' data in memory regardless
of the size of the master array. By default only store all
partitions' data in memory if the master array is smaller than
the chunk size.
>>> d.to_memory()
>>> d.to_memory(regardless=True)
if self.fits_in_memory(self.dtype.itemsize) or regardless:
pda_args = self.pda_args(keep_in_memory=True)
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
if partition.on_disk:
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def in_memory(self):
>>> d.in_memory
for partition in self.partitions.matrix.flat:
if not partition.in_memory:
return False
#--- End: for
return True
#--- End: def
def pda_args(self, keep_in_memory=None, **kwargs):
Return a dictionary of arguments for the `cf.Partition.dataarray`
The values are inferred from the state of the Data object and any
keyword arguments.
out : dict
dtype = self.dtype
pda_args = {'axes' : self._axes,
'flip' : self._flip,
'units' : self.Units,
'hardmask': self._hardmask,
'dtype' : dtype}
if keep_in_memory is None:
keep_in_memory = self.fits_in_memory(dtype.itemsize)
pda_args['keep_in_memory'] = keep_in_memory
if kwargs:
return pda_args
#--- End: def
[docs] def partition_boundaries(self):
Return the partition boundaries for each partition matrix dimension.
out : dict
return self.partitions.partition_boundaries(self._axes)
#--- End: def
[docs] def datum(self, *index):
Return an element of the data array as a standard Python scalar.
The first and last elements are always returned with ``d.datum(0)``
and ``d.datum(-1)`` respectively, even if the data array is a scalar
array or has two or more dimensions.
The returned object is of the same type as is stored internally.
.. seealso:: `array`, `dtarray`
index : *optional*
Specify which element to return. When no positional arguments
are provided, the method only works for data arrays with one
element (but any number of dimensions), and the single element
is returned. If positional arguments are given then they must
be one of the following:
* An integer. This argument is interpreted as a flat index
into the array, specifying which element to copy and
Example: If the data aray shape is ``(2, 3, 6)`` then:
* ``d.datum(0)`` is equivalent to ``d.datum(0, 0, 0)``.
* ``d.datum(-1)`` is equivalent to ``d.datum(1, 2, 5)``.
* ``d.datum(16)`` is equivalent to ``d.datum(0, 2, 4)``.
If *index* is ``0`` or ``-1`` then the first or last data
array element respecitively will be returned, even if the
data array is a scalar array.
* Two or more integers. These arguments are interpreted as a
multidimensionsal index to the array. There must be the
same number of integers as data array dimensions.
* A tuple of integers. This argument is interpreted as a
multidimensionsal index to the array. There must be the
same number of integers as data array dimensions.
Example: ``d.datum((0, 2, 4))`` is equivalent to
``d.datum(0, 2, 4)``; and ``d.datum(())`` is equivalent
to ``d.datum()``.
out :
A copy of the specified element of the array as a suitable
Python scalar.
>>> d = cf.Data(2)
>>> d.datum()
>>> 2 == d.datum(0) == d.datum(-1) == d.datum(())
>>> d = cf.Data([[2]])
>>> 2 == d.datum() == d.datum(0) == d.datum(-1)
>>> 2 == d.datum(0, 0) == d.datum((-1, -1)) == d.datum(-1, 0)
>>> d = cf.Data([[4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]], 'metre')
>>> d[0, 1] = cf.masked
>>> print d
[[4 -- 6]
[1 2 3]]
>>> d.datum(0)
>>> d.datum(-1)
>>> d.datum(1)
>>> d.datum(4)
>>> d.datum(-2)
>>> d.datum(0, 0)
>>> d.datum(-2, -1)
>>> d.datum(1, 2)
>>> d.datum((0, 2))
if index:
n_index = len(index)
if n_index == 1:
index = index[0]
if index == 0:
# This also works for scalar arrays
index = (slice(0, 1),) * self._ndim
elif index == -1:
# This also works for scalar arrays
index = (slice(-1, None),) * self._ndim
elif isinstance(index, (int, long)):
if index < 0:
index += self._size
index = numpy_unravel_index(index, self._shape)
elif len(index) != self._ndim:
raise ValueError(
"Incorrect number of indices for %s array" %
#--- End: if
elif n_index != self._ndim:
raise ValueError(
"Incorrect number of indices for %s array" %
if self._isdt:
array = self[index].dtarray
array = self[index].array
elif self._size == 1:
if self._isdt:
array = self.dtarray
array = self.array
raise ValueError(
"Can only convert a %s array of size 1 to a Python scalar" %
if not numpy_ma_isMA(array):
return array.item()
mask = array.mask
if mask is numpy_ma_nomask or not mask.item():
return array.item()
return cf_masked
#--- End: def
[docs] def mask_invalid(self, i=False):
'''Mask the array where invalid values occur (NaN or inf).
Note that:
* Invalid values in the results of arithmetic operations may only
occur if the raising of `FloatingPointError` exceptions has been
suppressed by `cf.Data.seterr`.
* If the raising of `FloatingPointError` exceptions has been allowed
then invalid values in the results of arithmetic operations it is
possible for them to be automatically converted to masked values,
depending on the setting of `cf.Data.mask_fpe`. In this case, such
automatic conversion might be faster than calling `mask_invalid`.
.. seealso:: `cf.Data.mask_fpe`, `cf.Data.seterr`
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
:Examples 2:
>>> d = cf.Data([0., 1])
>>> e = cf.Data([1., 2])
>>> old = cf.Data.seterr('ignore')
>>> f = e/d
>>> f
<CF Data: [inf, 2.0] >
>>> f.mask_invalid()
<CF Data: [--, 2.0] >
>>> f=e**12345
>>> f
<CF Data: [1.0, inf] >
>>> f.mask_invalid()
<CF Data: [1.0, --] >
>>> old = cf.Data.seterr('raise')
>>> old = cf.Data.mask_fpe(True)
>>> e/d
<CF Data: [--, 2.0] >
>>> e**12345
<CF Data: [1.0, --] >
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
pda_args = d.pda_args()
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
array = numpy_ma_masked_invalid(array, copy=False)
if array.mask is numpy_ma_nomask:
array =
partition.subarray = array
#--- End: for
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def mid_range(self, axes=None, squeeze=True, mtol=1, i=False):
Collapse axes with the unweighted average of their maximum and minimum
Missing data array elements are omitted from the calculation.
.. seealso:: `max`, `min`, `mean`, `range`, `sum`, `sd`, `var`
axes : (sequence of) int, optional
squeeze : bool, optional
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
The collapsed array.
return self._collapse(mid_range_f, mid_range_fpartial, mid_range_ffinalise,
axes=axes, squeeze=squeeze, mtol=mtol, i=i)
#--- End: def
[docs] def flip(self, axes=None, i=False):
Flip (reverse the direction of) axes of the data array in place.
.. seealso:: `expand_dims`, `squeeze`, `swapaxes`, `transpose`
axes : (sequence of) int
Select the axes. By default all axes are flipped. Each axis is
identified by its integer position. No axes are flipped if
*axes* is an empty sequence.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> d.flip()
>>> d.flip(1)
>>> d.flip([0, 1])
>>> d.flip([])
>>> e = d[::-1, :, ::-1]
>>> d.flip((2, 0)).equals(e)
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
if axes is not None and not axes and axes != 0:
# Null flip
return d
if axes is None:
iaxes = range(d._ndim)
iaxes = d._parse_axes(axes, 'flip')
reverse = d._flip[:]
data_axes = d._axes
partitions = d.partitions
pm_axes = partitions.axes
flip_partition_matrix = False
if pm_axes:
indices = [slice(None)] * partitions.ndim
for i in iaxes:
axis = data_axes[i]
if axis in reverse:
if axis in pm_axes:
indices[pm_axes.index(axis)] = slice(None, None, -1)
flip_partition_matrix = True
#--- End: for
d._flip = reverse
if flip_partition_matrix:
partitions = partitions[tuple(indices)]
d.partitions = partitions
#--- End: if
return d
#--- End: def
def inspect(self):
Inspect the object for debugging.
.. seealso:: `cf.inspect`
print cf_inspect(self)
#--- End: def
[docs] def isclose(self, y, rtol=None, atol=None):
Return a boolean data array showing where two broadcastable arrays
have equal values within a tolerance.
For numeric data arrays, ``d.isclose(y, rtol, atol)`` is equivalent to
``abs(d - y) <= ``atol + rtol*abs(y)``, otherwise it is equivalent to
``d == y``.
y : data_like
atol : float, optional
The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used.
rtol : float, optional
The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By
default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used.
out : bool
>>> d = cf.Data([1000, 2500], 'metre')
>>> e = cf.Data([1, 2.5], 'km')
>>> print d.isclose(e).array
[ True True]
>>> d = cf.Data(['ab', 'cdef'])
>>> print d.isclose([[['ab', 'cdef']]]).array
[[[ True True]]]
>>> d = cf.Data([[1000, 2500], [1000, 2500]], 'metre')
>>> e = cf.Data([1, 2.5], 'km')
>>> print d.isclose(e).array
[[ True True]
[ True True]]
>>> d = cf.Data([1, 1, 1], 's')
>>> print d.isclose(1).array
[ True True True]
if atol is None:
atol = ATOL()
if rtol is None:
rtol = RTOL()
return abs(self - y) <= atol + rtol*abs(y)
except (TypeError, NotImplementedError, IndexError):
return self == y
#--- End: def
[docs] def rint(self, i=False):
Round elements of the data array to the nearest integer.
.. versionadded:: 1.0
.. seealso:: `ceil`, `floor`, `trunc`
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> print d.array
[-1.9 -1.5 -1.1 -1. 0. 1. 1.1 1.5 1.9]
>>> print d.rint().array
[-2. -2. -1. -1. 0. 1. 1. 2. 2.]
return self.func(numpy_rint, out=True, i=i)
#---End: def
def round(self, decimals=0, i=False):
'''Evenly round elements of the data array to the given number of
.. versionadded:: 1.1.4
.. seealso:: `ceil`, `floor`, `rint`, `trunc`
decimals : int, optional
Number of decimal places to round to (default: 0). If decimals
is negative, it specifies the number of positions to the left
of the decimal point.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> print d.array
[-1.81, -1.41, -1.01, -0.91, 0.09, 1.09, 1.19, 1.59, 1.99])
>>> print d.round().array
[-2., -1., -1., -1., 0., 1., 1., 2., 2.]
>>> print d.round(1).array
[-1.8, -1.4, -1. , -0.9, 0.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 2. ]
>>> print d.round(-1).array
[-0., -0., -0., -0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]
return self.func(numpy_round, out=True, i=i, decimals=decimals)
#---End: def
[docs] def swapaxes(self, axis0, axis1, i=False):
Interchange two axes of an array.
.. seealso:: `expand_dims`, `flip`, `squeeze`, `transpose`
axis0, axis1 : ints
Select the axes to swap. Each axis is identified by its
original integer position.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> d=cf.Data([[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]])
>>> d.shape
(1, 2, 3)
>>> d.swapaxes(1, 0).shape
>>> d.swapaxes(2, 1).shape
>>> d.swapaxes(0, -1).shape
>>> d.swapaxes(1, 1).shape
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
axis0 = d._parse_axes((axis0,), 'swapaxes')[0]
axis1 = d._parse_axes((axis1,), 'swapaxes')[0]
if axis0 != axis1:
iaxes = range(d._ndim)
iaxes[axis1], iaxes[axis0] = axis0, axis1
d.transpose(iaxes, i=True)
#--- End: if
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def save_to_disk(self, itemsize=None):
raise NotImplementedError(
"cf.Data.save_to_disk is dead. Use not cf.Data.fits_in_memory instead.")
# '''
#Return True if the master array is large enough to be saved to disk.
# itemsize : int, optional
# The number of bytes per word of the master data array. By
# default it taken from the array's data type.
# out : bool
#>>> print d.save_to_disk()
#>>> print d.save_to_disk(8)
# if not itemsize:
# try:
# itemsize = self.dtype.itemsize
# except AttributeError:
# raise ValueError(
# "save_to_disk: Must set itemsize if there is no dtype")
# #--- End: if
# # ------------------------------------------------------------
# # Note that self._size*(itemsize+1) is the array size in bytes
# # including space for a full boolean mask
# # ------------------------------------------------------------
# return self._size*(itemsize+1) > FREE_MEMORY() - FM_THRESHOLD()
# #--- End: def
def fits_in_memory(self, itemsize):
Return True if the master array is small enough to be retained in
itemsize : int
The number of bytes per word of the master data array.
out : bool
>>> print d.fits_in_memory(8)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Note that self._size*(itemsize+1) is the array size in bytes
# including space for a full boolean mask
# ------------------------------------------------------------
return self._size*(itemsize+1) <= FREE_MEMORY() - FM_THRESHOLD()
#--- End: def
[docs] def where(self, condition, x=None, y=None, i=False):
Set data array elements depending on a condition.
Elements are set differently depending on where the condition is True
or False. Two assignment values are given. From one of them, the data
array is set where the condition is True and where the condition is
False, the data array is set from the other.
Each assignment value may either contain a single datum, or is an
array-like object which is broadcastable shape of the data array.
**Missing data**
The treatment of missing data elements depends on the value of the
`hardmask` attribute. If it is True then masked elements will not
unmasked, otherwise masked elements may be set to any value.
In either case, unmasked elements may be set to any value (including
missing data).
Unmasked elements may be set to missing data by assignment to the
`cf.masked` constant or by assignment to a value which contains masked
.. seealso:: `cf.masked`, `hardmask`, `__setitem__`
condition : *optional*
Define the condition which determines how to set the data
array. The condition is any object which is broadcastable to
the data array shape. The condition is True where the object
broadcast to the data array shape is True. If *condition* is
unset then it defaults to a condition of True everywhere.
x, y :
Specify the assignment value. Where the condition defined by
the *arg* and *kwargs* arguments is True, set the data array
from *x* and where the condition is False, set the data array
from *y*. Arguments *x* and *y* are each one of:
* ``None``. The appropriate elements of the data array are
* Any object which is broadcastable to the data array's
shape. The appropriate elements of the data array are set
to the corresponding values from the object broadcast to
the data array shape.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
def _slice_to_partition(data, indices):
Return a numpy array for the part of the `cf.Data` object which
spans the given indices.
data : cf.Data
indices : tuple
out : numpy array
indices2 = [(slice(0, 1) if n == 1 else i)
for n, i in zip(data.shape[::-1], indices[::-1])]
return data[tuple(indices2)[::-1]].unsafe_array
#--- End: def
def _is_broadcastable(data0, data1, do_not_broadcast, is_scalar):
Check that the input *data1* is broadcastable to *data0* and
return *data1*, as a python scalar if possible.
This function updates following lists: do_not_broadcast, is_scalar
data : cf.Data
do_not_broadcast : list
is_scalar : list
out : cf.Data or scalar
shape0 = data0._shape
shape1 = data1._shape
size1 = data1._size
if shape1 == shape0:
elif size1 == 1:
# Replace data1 with its scalar value
data1 = data1.datum(0)
elif data1._ndim <= data0._ndim and size1 < data0._size:
for n, m in zip(shape1[::-1], shape0[::-1]):
if n != m and n != 1:
raise ValueError(
"Can't assign by where: Can't broadcast data with shape %s to shape %s" %
(shape1, shape0))
raise ValueError(
"Can't assign by where: Can't broadcast data with shape %s to shape %s" %
(shape1, shape0))
#--- End: if
return data1
#--- End: def
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
if x is None and y is None:
return d
do_not_broadcast = []
is_scalar = []
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Make sure that the condition is a cf.Data object
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if not isinstance(condition, d.__class__):
condition = type(d)(condition)
# Check that the condition is broadcastable
condition = _is_broadcastable(d, condition, do_not_broadcast, is_scalar)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse x and y so that each is one of a) None, b) a scalar or
# c) a data array with the same shape as the master array
# ------------------------------------------------------------
xy = []
for value in (x, y):
if value is None or value is cf_masked:
# Make sure that the value is a cf.Data object and has
# compatible units
if not isinstance(value, d.__class__):
value = type(d)(value)
if value.Units.equivalent(d.Units):
if not value.Units.equals(d.Units):
value = value.copy()
value.Units = d.Units
elif value.Units:
raise ValueError(
"Some bad units %r, %r" % (d.Units, value.Units))
#--- End: if
# Check that the value is broadcastable
value = _is_broadcastable(d, value, do_not_broadcast, is_scalar)
#--- End: if
#--- End: for
x, y = xy
c_is_scalar, x_is_scalar, y_is_scalar = is_scalar
# Try some shortcuts if the condition is a scalar
if c_is_scalar :
if condition:
if x is not None:
d[...] = x
return d
if y is not None:
d[...] = y
return d
#--- End: if
# Still here?
broadcast = not any(do_not_broadcast)
hardmask = d._hardmask
pda_args = d.pda_args() #readonly=True)
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Find the master array indices for this partition
# --------------------------------------------------------
shape = array.shape
indices = partition.indices
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Find the condition for this partition
# --------------------------------------------------------
if c_is_scalar:
c = condition
c = _slice_to_partition(condition, indices)
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Find value to use where condition is True for this
# partition
# --------------------------------------------------------
if x_is_scalar:
if x is None:
# Use d
T = array
T_masked = partition.masked
T = x
T_masked = x is cf_masked
T = _slice_to_partition(x, indices)
T_masked = numpy_ma_isMA(T) and numpy_ma_is_masked(T)
#--- End: if
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Find value to use where condition is False for this
# partition
# --------------------------------------------------------
if y_is_scalar:
if y is None:
# Use d
F = array
F_masked = partition.masked
F = y
F_masked = y is cf_masked
F = _slice_to_partition(y, indices)
F_masked = numpy_ma_isMA(F) and numpy_ma_is_masked(F)
#--- End: if
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Make sure that at least one of the arrays is the same
# shape as the partition
# --------------------------------------------------------
if broadcast:
if x is cf_masked and y is cf_masked:
c = _broadcast(c, shape)
max_sizes = max((numpy_size(c), numpy_size(T), numpy_size(F)))
if numpy_size(c) == max_sizes:
c = _broadcast(c, shape)
elif numpy_size(T) == max_sizes:
T = _broadcast(T, shape)
F = _broadcast(F, shape)
#--- End: if
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Create a numpy array which takes vales from T where c
# is True and from F where c is False
# --------------------------------------------------------
if T_masked or F_masked:
# T and/or F have missing data
new = numpy_ma_where(c, T, F)
if partition.masked:
if hardmask:
# The original partition has missing data and
# a hardmask, so apply the original
# partition's mask to the new array.
new.mask |= array.mask
elif not numpy_ma_is_masked(new):
# The original partition has missing data and
# a softmask and the new array doesn't have
# missing data, so turn the new array into an
# unmasked array.
new =[...]
elif not numpy_ma_is_masked(new):
# The original partition doesn't have missing data
# and neither does the new array
new =[...]
# Neither T nor F have missing data
new = numpy_where(c, T, F)
if partition.masked and hardmask:
# The original partition has missing data and a
# hardmask, so apply the original partition's mask
# to the new array.
new = numpy_ma_masked_where(array.mask, new, copy=False)
#--- End: if
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Replace the partition's subarray with the new numpy
# array
# --------------------------------------------------------
partition.subarray = new
#--- End: for
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def sin(self, i=False):
Take the trigonometric sine of the data array in place.
Units are accounted for in the calculation. If the units are not
equivalent to radians (such as Kelvin) then they are treated as if
they were radians. For example, the the cosine of 90 degrees_east is
1.0, as is the sine of 1.57079632 radians.
The Units are changed to '1' (nondimensionsal).
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: degrees_north>
>>> print d.array
[[-90 0 90 --]]
>>> d.sin()
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: 1>
>>> print d.array
[[-1.0 0.0 1.0 --]]
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: m s-1>
>>> print d.array
[[1 2 3 --]]
>>> d.sin()
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: 1>
>>> print d.array
[[0.841470984808 0.909297426826 0.14112000806 --]]
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
if d.Units.equivalent(_units_radians):
d.Units = _units_radians
return d.func(numpy_sin, units=_units_1, i=True)
#--- End: def
def log(self, base=None, i=False):
base :
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
if base is None:
d.func(numpy_log, units=d.Units.log(numpy_e), i=True)
elif base == 10:
d.func(numpy_log10, units=d.Units.log(10), i=True)
elif base == 2:
d.func(numpy_log2, units=d.Units.log(2), i=True)
d.func(numpy_log, units=d.Units.log(base), i=True)
d /= numpy_log(base)
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def squeeze(self, axes=None, i=False):
Remove size 1 axes from the data array.
By default all size 1 axes are removed, but particular axes may be
selected with the keyword arguments.
.. seealso:: `expand_dims`, `flip`, `swapaxes`, `transpose`
axes : (sequence of) int or str, optional
Select the axes. By default all size 1 axes are removed. The
*axes* argument may be one, or a sequence, of:
* An internal axis identifier. Selects this axis.
* An integer. Selects the axis coresponding to the given
position in the list of axes of the data array.
No axes are removed if *axes* is an empty sequence.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
The squeezed data array.
>>> v.shape
>>> v.squeeze()
>>> v.shape
>>> v.shape
(1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1)
>>> v.squeeze((0,))
>>> v.shape
(2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1)
>>> v.squeeze(1)
>>> v.shape
(2, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1)
>>> v.squeeze([2, 4])
>>> v.shape
(2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6, 1)
>>> v.squeeze([])
>>> v.shape
(2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6, 1)
>>> v.squeeze()
>>> v.shape
(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
ndim = d._ndim
if not ndim:
if axes or axes == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Can't squeeze: Can't remove an axis from a scalar %s" %
return d
#--- End: if
shape = list(d._shape)
if axes is None:
axes = [i for i, n in enumerate(shape) if n == 1]
axes = d._parse_axes(axes, 'squeeze')
# Check the squeeze axes
for i in axes:
if shape[i] > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Can't squeeze %s: Can't remove axis of size > 1" %
#--- End: if
if not axes:
return d
# Still here? Then the data array is not scalar and at least
# one size 1 axis needs squeezing.
data_axes = d._axes[:]
flip = d._flip[:]
if not d._all_axes:
d._all_axes = tuple(data_axes)
i_axis = []
for axis in [data_axes[i] for i in axes]:
if axis in flip:
i = data_axes.index(axis)
i_axis.append((i, axis))
#--- End: for
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
p_location = partition.location[:]
p_shape = partition.shape[:]
p_flip = partition.flip[:]
for i, axis in i_axis:
if axis in p_flip:
#--- End: for
partition.location = p_location
partition.shape = p_shape
partition.flip = p_flip
#--- End: for
d._ndim = len(shape)
d._shape = tuple(shape)
d._axes = data_axes
d._flip = flip
# Remove size 1 partition dimensions
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def tan(self, i=False):
Take the trigonometric tangent of the data array element-wise.
Units are accounted for in the calculation. If the units are not
equivalent to radians (such as Kelvin) then they are treated as if
they were radians. For example, the the tangent of 45 degrees_east is
1.0, as is the tangent of 0.78539816 radians.
The Units are changed to ``'1'`` (nondimensionsal).
.. seealso:: `cos`, `sin`
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: degrees_north>
>>> print d.array
[[-45 0 45 --]]
>>> d.tan()
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: 1>
>>> print d.array
[[-1.0 0.0 1.0 --]]
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: m s-1>
>>> print d.array
[[1 2 3 --]]
>>> d.tan()
>>> d.Units
<CF Units: 1>
>>> print d.array
[[1.55740772465 -2.18503986326 -0.142546543074 --]]
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
if d.Units.equivalent(_units_radians):
d.Units = _units_radians
return d.func(numpy_tan, units=_units_1, i=True)
#--- End: def
def tolist(self):
Return the array as a (possibly nested) list.
Return a copy of the array data as a (nested) Python list. Data items
are converted to the nearest compatible Python type.
out : list
The possibly nested list of array elements.
>>> d = cf.Data([1, 2])
>>> d.tolist()
[1, 2]
>>> d = cf.Data(([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> list(d)
[array([1, 2]), array([3, 4])] # DCH CHECK
>>> d.tolist()
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
>>> d.equals(cf.Data(d.tolist()))
return self.array.tolist()
#--- End: def
[docs] def transpose(self, axes=None, i=False):
Permute the axes of the data array.
.. seealso:: `expand_dims`, `flip`, `squeeze`, `swapaxes`
axes : (sequence of) int
The new axis order of the data array. By default the order is
reversed. Each axis of the new order is identified by its
original integer position.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> d.shape
(19, 73, 96)
>>> d.transpose()
>>> d.shape
(96, 73, 19)
>>> d.transpose([1, 0, 2])
>>> d.shape
(73, 96, 19)
>>> d.transpose((-1, 0, 1))
>>> d.shape
(19, 73, 96)
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
ndim = d._ndim
# Parse the axes. By default, reverse the order of the axes.
if axes is None:
if ndim <= 1:
return d
iaxes = range(ndim-1, -1, -1)
iaxes = d._parse_axes(axes, 'transpose')
# Return unchanged if axes are in the same order as the data
if iaxes == range(ndim):
return d
if len(iaxes) != ndim:
raise ValueError(
"Can't tranpose: Axes don't match array: %s" % (iaxes,))
#--- End: if
# Permute the axes
data_axes = d._axes
d._axes = [data_axes[i] for i in iaxes]
# Permute the shape
shape = d._shape
d._shape = tuple([shape[i] for i in iaxes])
# Permute the locations map
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
location = partition.location
shape = partition.shape
partition.location = [location[i] for i in iaxes]
partition.shape = [shape[i] for i in iaxes]
#--- End: for
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def trunc(self, i=False):
Return the truncated values of the data array.
The truncated value of the number, ``x``, is the nearest integer which
is closer to zero than ``x`` is. In short, the fractional part of the
signed number ``x`` is discarded.
.. versionadded:: 1.0
.. seealso:: `ceil`, `floor`, `rint`
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
>>> print d.array
[-1.9 -1.5 -1.1 -1. 0. 1. 1.1 1.5 1.9]
>>> print d.trunc().array
[-1. -1. -1. -1. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
return self.func(numpy_trunc, out=True, i=i)
#---End: def
[docs] def empty(cls, shape, dtype=None, units=None):
''' Create a new data array without initializing the elements.
.. seealso:: `full`, `ones`, `zeros`
:Examples 1:
>>> d = cf.Data.empty((96, 73))
shape : int or tuple of ints
The shape of th new array.
dtype : numpy.dtype or any object convertible to numpy.dtype
The data type of the new array. By default the data type is
units : str or Units
The units for the new data array.
out : cf.Data
:Examples 2:
return cls.full(shape, None, dtype=dtype, units=units)
#--- End: def
[docs] def full(cls, shape, fill_value, dtype=None, units=None):
array = CreateArray(shape=tuple(shape),
size=long(reduce(operator_mul, shape, 1)),
return cls(array, units=units)
#--- End: def
[docs] def ones(cls, shape, dtype=None, units=None):
return cls.full(shape, 1, dtype=dtype, units=units)
#--- End: def
[docs] def zeros(cls, shape, dtype=None, units=None):
return cls.full(shape, 0, dtype=dtype, units=units)
#--- End: def
[docs] def func(self, f, units=None, out=False, i=False, **kwargs):
Apply an element-wise array operation to the data array in place.
f : function
The function to be applied.
units : cf.Units, optional
out : bool, optional
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
>>> print d.Units
<CF Units: radians>
>>> print d.array
[[ 0. 1.57079633]
[ 3.14159265 4.71238898]]
>>> import numpy
>>> d.func(numpy.cos, i=True)
>>> print d.array
[[ 1.0 0.0]
[-1.0 0.0]]
if i:
d = self
d = self.copy()
pda_args = d.pda_args()
datatype = d.dtype
for partition in d.partitions.matrix.flat:
array = partition.dataarray(**pda_args)
if out:
f(array, out=array, **kwargs)
array = f(array, **kwargs)
p_datatype = array.dtype
if datatype != p_datatype:
datatype = numpy_result_type(p_datatype, datatype)
partition.subarray = array
if units is not None:
partition.Units = units
#--- End: for
d.dtype = datatype
if units is not None:
d.Units = units
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def range(self, axes=None, squeeze=True, mtol=1, i=False):
'''Collapse axes with the absolute difference between their maximum
and minimum values.
Missing data array elements are omitted from the calculation.
.. seealso:: `max`, `min`, `mean`, `mid_range`, `sample_size`,
`sd`, `sum`, `sum_of_weights`, `sum_of_weights2`, `var`
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
The collapsed array.
return self._collapse(range_f, range_fpartial, range_ffinalise,
axes=axes, squeeze=squeeze, weights=None,
mtol=mtol, i=i)
#--- End: def
[docs] def roll(self, axis, shift, i=False):
A lot like `numpy.roll`
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
if not shift:
# Null roll
if i:
return self
return self.copy()
iaxes = self._parse_axes(axis, 'roll')
if len(iaxes) != 1:
raise ValueError("987345 9087345 ^^ roll ^")
axis = iaxes[0]
n = self._shape[axis]
shift %= n
if not shift:
# Null roll
if i:
return self
return self.copy()
shift = n - shift
indices0 = [slice(None)] * self._ndim
indices0[axis] = slice(None, shift)
indices1 = indices0[:]
indices1[axis] = slice(shift, None)
indices0 = tuple(indices0)
indices1 = tuple(indices1)
d = type(self).concatenate((self[indices1], self[indices0]),
if i:
self.__dict__ = d.__dict__
return self
return d
#--- End: def
[docs] def sum(self, axes=None, squeeze=False, mtol=1, i=False):
'''Collapse axes with their sum.
Missing data array elements are omitted from the calculation.
.. seealso:: `max`, `min`, `mean`, `mid_range`, `range`,
`sample_size`, `sd`, `sum_of_weights`, `sum_of_weights2`,
axes : (sequence of) int, optional
squeeze : bool, optional
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
The collapsed array.
return self._collapse(sum_f, sum_fpartial, sum_ffinalise, axes=axes,
squeeze=squeeze, weights=None, mtol=mtol, i=i)
#--- End: def
[docs] def sum_of_weights(self, axes=None, squeeze=False, mtol=1, weights=None,
Missing data array elements are omitted from the calculation.
.. seealso:: `max`, `mean`, `mid_range`, `min`, `range`,
`sample_size`, `sd`, `sum`, `sum_of_weights2`, `var`
axes : (sequence of) int, optional
squeeze : bool, optional
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
The collapsed array.
return self._collapse(sw_f, sw_fpartial, sw_ffinalise, axes=axes,
squeeze=squeeze, weights=weights, mtol=mtol,
#--- End: def
[docs] def sum_of_weights2(self, axes=None, squeeze=False, mtol=1, weights=None,
Missing data array elements are omitted from the calculation.
.. seealso:: `max`, `mean`, `mid_range`, `min`, `range`,
`sample_size`, `sd`, `sum`, `sum_of_weights`, `var`
axes : (sequence of) int, optional
squeeze : bool, optional
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
The collapsed array.
return self._collapse(sw2_f, sw2_fpartial, sw2_ffinalise, axes=axes,
squeeze=squeeze, weights=weights, mtol=mtol,
#--- End: def
[docs] def sd(self, axes=None, squeeze=False, mtol=1, weights=None,
ddof=1, a=None, i=False):
Collapse axes by calculating their standard deviation.
The standard deviation may be adjusted for the number of degrees of
freedom and may be calculated with weighted values.
Missing data array elements and those with zero weight are omitted
from the calculation.
The unweighted standard deviation, :math:`s`, of :math:`N` values
:math:`x_i` with mean :math:`m` and with :math:`N-ddof` degrees of
freedom (:math:`ddof\ge0`) is
.. math:: s=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N-ddof} \sum_{i=1}^{N} (x_i - m)^2}
The weighted standard deviation, :math:`\tilde{s}_N`, of :math:`N`
values :math:`x_i` with corresponding weights :math:`w_i`, weighted
mean :math:`\tilde{m}` and with :math:`N` degrees of freedom is
.. math:: \tilde{s}_N=\sqrt{\frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i}
\sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i(x_i - \tilde{m})^2}
The weighted standard deviation, :math:`\tilde{s}`, of :math:`N`
values :math:`x_i` with corresponding weights :math:`w_i` and with
:math:`N-ddof` degrees of freedom (:math:`ddof>0`) is
.. math:: \tilde{s} = \sqrt{\frac{f \sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i}{f
\sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i - ddof}} \tilde{s}_N
where :math:`f` is the smallest positive number whose product with
each weight is an integer. :math:`f \sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i` is the size of
a new sample created by each :math:`x_i` having :math:`fw_i`
repeats. In practice, :math:`f` may not exist or may be difficult to
calculate, so :math:`f` is either set to a predetermined value or an
approximate value is calculated. The approximation is the smallest
positive number whose products with the smallest and largest weights
and the sum of the weights are all integers, where a positive number
is considered to be an integer if its decimal part is sufficiently
small (no greater than :math:`10^{-8}` plus :math:`10^{-5}` times its
integer part). This approximation will never overestimate :math:`f`,
so :math:`\tilde{s}` will never be underestimated when the
approximation is used. If the weights are all integers which are
collectively coprime then setting :math:`f=1` will guarantee that
:math:`\tilde{s}` is exact.
axes : (sequence of) int, optional
The axes to be collapsed. By default flattened input is
used. Each axis is identified by its integer position. No axes
are collapsed if *axes* is an empty sequence.
squeeze : bool, optional
If True then collapsed axes are removed. By default the axes
which are collapsed are left in the result as axes with size
1. When the collapsed axes are retained, the result is
guaranteed to broadcast correctly against the original array.
**Example:** Suppose that an array, ``d``, has shape (2, 3,
4) and ``e =``. Then ``e`` has shape (2, 1, 4)
and, for example, ``d/e`` is allowed. If ``e =,
squeeze=True)`` then ``e`` will have shape (2, 4) and
``d/e`` is an illegal operation.
weights : data-like or dict, optional
Weights associated with values of the array. By default all
non-missing elements of the array are assumed to have equal
weights of 1. If *weights* is a data-like object then it must
have either the same shape as the array or, if that is not the
case, the same shape as the axes being collapsed. If *weights*
is a dictionary then each key is axes of the array (an int or
tuple of ints) with a corresponding data-like value of weights
for those axes. In this case, the implied weights array is the
outer product of the dictionary's values it may be used in
conjunction wih any value of *axes*, because the axes to which
the weights apply are given explicitly.
**Example:** Suppose that the original array being collapsed
has shape (2, 3, 4) and *weights* is set to a data-like
object, ``w``. If ``axes=None`` then ``w`` must have shape
(2, 3, 4). If ``axes=(0, 1, 2)`` then ``w`` must have shape
(2, 3, 4). If ``axes=(2, 0, 1)`` then ``w`` must either have
shape (2, 3, 4) or else (4, 2, 3). If ``axes=1`` then ``w``
must either have shape (2, 3, 4) or else (3,). If ``axes=(2,
0)`` then ``w`` must either have shape (2, 3, 4) or else (4,
2). Suppose *weights* is a dictionary. If ``weights={1: x}``
then ``x`` must have shape (3,). If ``weights={1: x, (2, 0):
y}`` then ``x`` must have shape (3,) and ``y`` must have
shape (4, 2). The last example is equivalent to
``weights={(1, 2, 0): x.outerproduct(y)}`` (see
`outerproduct` for details).
mtol : number, optional
For each element in the output data array, the fraction of
contributing input array elements which is allowed to contain
missing data. Where this fraction exceeds *mtol*, missing
data is returned. The default is 1, meaning a missing datum in
the output array only occurs when its contributing input array
elements are all missing data. A value of 0 means that a
missing datum in the output array occurs whenever any of its
contributing input array elements are missing data. Any
intermediate value is permitted.
ddof : number, *optional*
The delta degrees of freedom. The number of degrees of freedom
used in the calculation is (N-*ddof*) where N represents the
number of elements. By default *ddof* is 1, meaning the
standard deviation of the population is estimated according to
the usual formula with (N-1) in the denominator to avoid the
bias caused by the use of the sample mean (Bessel's
f : data-like, *optional*
Specify the value of :math:`f` in the calculation of a
weighted standard deviation when *ddof* is greater than 0. *f*
must be broadcastable to the collapsed data array with the
collapsed axes removed. By default an approximate value is
calculated. See the notes above for details.
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
Some, not wholly comprehensive, examples:
>>> d = cf.Data([1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4])
>>> e = cf.Data([1, 2, 3, 4])
<CF Data: [1.06262254195] >
<CF Data: 1.06262254195 >
>>>[2, 3, 5, 6])
<CF Data: 1.09991882817 >
>>>[2, 3, 5, 6], f=1)
<CF Data: 1.06262254195 >
<CF Data: 1.02887985207 >
>>>, weights=[2, 3, 5, 6])
<CF Data: 1.02887985207 >
if a is not None:
if weights is None:
a = None
elif a <= 0:
raise ValueError("SD asdasdsa4456 ##################76* 223")
#--- End: if
return self._collapse(sd_f, sd_fpartial, sd_ffinalise, axes=axes,
squeeze=squeeze, weights=weights,
mtol=mtol, ddof=ddof, f=a, i=i)
#--- End: def
[docs] def var(self, axes=None, squeeze=False, weights=None, mtol=1, ddof=1,
a=None, i=False):
Collapse axes with their weighted variance.
The units of the returned array are the square of the units of the
.. seealso:: `max`, `min`, `mean`, `mid_range`, `range`, `sum`, `sd`
axes : (sequence of) int, optional
squeeze : bool, optional
weights :
i : bool, optional
If True then update the data array in place. By default a new
data array is created.
out : cf.Data
The collapsed array.
if a is not None:
if weights is None:
a = None
elif a <= 0:
raise ValueError("Parameter 'a' must be positive")
#--- End: if
units = self.Units
if units:
units = units ** 2
return self._collapse(var_f, var_fpartial, var_ffinalise, axes=axes,
squeeze=squeeze, weights=weights,
mtol=mtol, units=units, ddof=ddof, f=a, i=i)
#--- End: def
def section(self, axes, stop=None):
Return a dictionary of Data objects, which are the m dimensional
sections of this n dimensional Data object, where m <= n. The keys
of the dictionary are the indicies of the sections in the original
Data object. The m dimensions that are not sliced are marked with
None as a placeholder making it possible to reconstruct the original
data object. The corresponding values are the resulting sections of
type cf.Data.
axes : *optional*
This is should be a tuple or a list of the m indices of the
m axes that define the sections of the Data object. If axes
is None (the default) all axes are selected.
stop : int, optional
Stop after this number of sections and return. If stop is
None all sections are taken.
out : dict
The dictionary of m dimensional sections of the Data object.
Section a Data object into 2D slices:
>>> d.section((0,1))
return _section(self, axes, data=True, stop=stop)
#--- End: def
#--- End: class
# ====================================================================
# SubspaceData object
# ====================================================================
class SubspaceData(object):
__slots__ = ('data',)
def __init__(self, data):
Set the contained data object.
''' = data
#--- End: def
def __getitem__(self, indices):
Implement indexing
x.__getitem__(indices) <==> x[indices]
#--- End: def
def __setitem__(self, indices, value):
Implement indexed assignment
x.__setitem__(indices, value) <==> x[indices]=value
'''[indices] = value
#--- End: def
#--- End: class
def _size_of_index(index, size=None):
Return the number of elements resulting in applying an index to a
index : slice or list of ints
The index being applied to the sequence.
size : int, optional
The number of elements in the sequence being indexed. Only
required if *index* is a slice object.
out : int
The length of the sequence resulting from applying the index.
>>> _size_of_index(slice(None, None, -2), 10)
>>> _size_of_index([1, 4, 9])
if isinstance(index, slice):
# Index is a slice object
start, stop, step = index.indices(size)
div, mod = divmod(stop-start, step)
if mod != 0:
div += 1
return div
# Index is a list of integers
return len(index)
#--- End: def
def _parse_indices(data, indices):
data :
indices : sequence of indices
parsed_indices, flip_axes : {list, list}
parsed_indices, roll = parse_indices(data, indices, True)
flip_axes = []
for i, index in enumerate(parsed_indices):
if isinstance(index, slice):
size = data.shape[i]
if index.step < 0:
# If the slice step is negative, then transform the
# original slice to a new slice with a positive step
# such that the result of the new slice is the reverse
# of the result of the original slice.
# For example, if the original slice is slice(6,0,-2)
# then the new slice will be slice(2,7,2):
# >>> a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# >>> a[slice(6, 0, -2)]
# [6, 4, 2]
# >>> a[slice(2, 7, 2)]
# [2, 4, 6]
# a[slice(6, 0, -2)] == list(reversed(a[slice(2, 7, 2)]))
# True
start, stop, step = index.indices(size)
step *= -1
div, mod = divmod(start-stop-1, step)
div_step = div*step
start -= div_step
stop = start + div_step + 1
index = slice(start, stop, step)
#--- End: if
# If step is greater than one, make sure that index.stop isn't
# bigger than it needs to be.
if index.step > 1:
start, stop, step = index.indices(size)
div, mod = divmod(stop-start-1, step)
stop = start + div*step + 1
index = slice(start, stop, step)
#--- End: if
parsed_indices[i] = index
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Check that an integer list is strictly monotonic and if
# it's descending then flip it so that it's ascending
# --------------------------------------------------------
step = index[1] - index[0]
if step > 0:
for j in xrange(len(index)-1):
if index[j] >= index[j+1]:
raise ValueError("Bad slice (not strictly monotonic): %s" % index)
elif step < 0:
for j in xrange(len(index)-1):
if index[j] <= index[j+1]:
raise ValueError("Bad slice (not strictly monotonic): %s" % index)
# Reverse the list so that it's strictly monotonically
# increasing and make a note that this dimension will
# need flipping later
# Step is 0
raise ValueError("Bad slice (not strictly monotonic): %s" % index)
#--- End: if
#--- End: for
return parsed_indices, roll, flip_axes
#--- End: def
def _overlapping_partitions(partitions, indices, axes, master_flip):
Return the nested list of (modified) partitions which overlap the
given indices to the master array.
partitions : cf.PartitionMatrix
indices : tuple
axes : sequence of str
master_flip : list
out : numpy array
A numpy array of cf.Partition objects.
>>> type f.Data
<class ''>
>>> d._axes
['dim1', 'dim2', 'dim0']
>>> axis_to_position = {'dim0': 2, 'dim1': 0, 'dim2' : 1}
>>> indices = (slice(None), slice(5, 1, -2), [1,3,4,8])
>>> x = _overlapping_partitions(d.partitions, indices, axis_to_position, master_flip)
axis_to_position = {}
for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
axis_to_position[axis] = i
if partitions.size == 1:
partition = partitions.matrix.item()
# Find out if this partition overlaps the original slice
p_indices, shape = partition.overlaps(indices)
if p_indices is None:
# This partition is not in the slice out of bounds - raise
# error?
# Still here? Create a new partition
partition = partition.copy()
partition.new_part(p_indices, axis_to_position, master_flip)
partition.shape = shape
new_partition_matrix = numpy_empty(partitions.shape, dtype=object)
new_partition_matrix[...] = partition
return new_partition_matrix
#--- End: if
# Still here? Then there are 2 or more partitions.
partitions_list = []
partitions_list_append = partitions_list.append
flat_pm_indices = []
flat_pm_indices_append = flat_pm_indices.append
partitions_flat = partitions.matrix.flat
i = partitions_flat.index
for partition in partitions_flat:
# Find out if this partition overlaps the original slice
p_indices, shape = partition.overlaps(indices)
if p_indices is None:
# This partition is not in the slice
i = partitions_flat.index
# Still here? Then this partition overlaps the slice, so
# create a new partition.
partition = partition.copy()
partition.new_part(p_indices, axis_to_position, master_flip)
partition.shape = shape
i = partitions_flat.index
#--- End: for
new_shape = [len(set(s))
for s in numpy_unravel_index(flat_pm_indices, partitions.shape)]
new_partition_matrix = numpy_empty((len(flat_pm_indices),), dtype=object)
new_partition_matrix[...] = partitions_list
return new_partition_matrix
#--- End: def
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _getattr(x, attr):
return getattr(x, attr)
_array_getattr = numpy_vectorize(_getattr)
def _broadcast(a, shape):
Broadcast an array to a given shape.
It is assumed that ``len(array.shape) <= len(shape)`` and that the
array is broadcastable to the shape by the normal numpy boradcasting
rules, but neither of these things are checked.
For example, ``d[...] = d._broadcast(e, d.shape)`` gives the same
result as ``d[...] = e``
a : numpy array-like
shape : tuple
out : numpy array
# Replace with numpy.broadcast_to v1.10 ??/
a_shape = numpy_shape(a)
if a_shape == shape:
return a
tile = [(m if n == 1 else 1)
for n, m in zip(a_shape[::-1], shape[::-1])]
tile = shape[0:len(shape)-len(a_shape)] + tuple(tile[::-1])
return numpy_tile(a, tile)
#--- End: def