Source code for cf.functions

import resource
import copy
import cPickle

import sys

from numpy import all               as numpy_all
from numpy import allclose          as numpy_allclose
from numpy import array             as numpy_array
from numpy import ascontiguousarray as numpy_ascontiguousarray 
from numpy import dtype             as numpy_dtype
from numpy import ndarray           as numpy_ndarray
from numpy import ndim              as numpy_ndim
from numpy import take              as numpy_take
from numpy import tile              as numpy_tile
from numpy import shape             as numpy_shape
from numpy import where             as numpy_where

from import all       as numpy_ma_all
from import allclose  as numpy_ma_allclose
from import is_masked as numpy_ma_is_masked
from import isMA      as numpy_ma_isMA
from import masked    as numpy_ma_masked

from collections import Iterable
from hashlib     import md5 as hashlib_md5
from marshal     import dumps as marshal_dumps
from urlparse    import urlparse as urlparse_urlparse
from urlparse    import urljoin  as urlparse_urljoin
from os          import getpid, listdir, mkdir, curdir
from os.path     import isfile       as os_path_isfile
from os.path     import abspath      as os_path_abspath
from os.path     import commonprefix as os_path_commonprefix
from os.path     import expanduser   as os_path_expanduser
from os.path     import expandvars   as os_path_expandvars
from os.path     import dirname      as os_path_dirname
from os.path     import join         as os_path_join
from os.path     import relpath      as os_path_relpath 
from inspect     import getargspec
from itertools   import product as itertools_product
from itertools   import izip, izip_longest
from platform    import system
from psutil      import virtual_memory, Process

from .constants import CONSTANTS, _file_to_fh

# Are we running on GNU/Linux?
_linux = system() == 'Linux'

if _linux:
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    _meminfo_fields = set(('SReclaimable:', 'Cached:', 'Buffers:', 'MemFree:'))
    _meminfo_file   = open('/proc/meminfo', 'r', 1)

    def _free_memory():

The amount of available physical memory on GNU/Linux.

This amount includes any memory which is still allocated but is no
longer required.


    out : float
        The amount of available physical memory in bytes.


>>> _free_memory()


        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        # The available physical memory is the sum of the values of
        # the 'SReclaimable', 'Cached', 'Buffers' and 'MemFree'
        # entries in the /proc/meminfo file
        # (
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        free_KiB = 0.0
        for line in _meminfo_file:
            field_size = line.split()
            if field_size[0] in _meminfo_fields:
                free_KiB += float(field_size[1])
                n += 1
                if n > 3:
        #--- End: for
        return free_KiB * 1024
    #--- End: def
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    def _free_memory():

The amount of available physical memory.


    out : float
        The amount of available physical memory in bytes.


>>> _free_memory()

        return float(virtual_memory().available)
    #--- End: def
#--- End: if


The available physical memory.

If the FREE_MEMORY constant is not None then its value is returned,
otherwise the actual amount of free memory is calculated and
returned. In either case, the FREE_MEMORY constant is not updated. The
FREE_MEMORY constant is set with the ``cf.SET_FREE_MEMORY`` function.

Note that in the former case, the returned value is likely to differ
from the actual amount of free memory. However, calculating the actual
amount of free memory is expensive, so it may be desireable to set it
once at the start of a process, ideally resetting it to None after the
process has completed.


    out : float
        The amount of free memory in bytes.


>>> import numpy
>>> print 'Free memory =', cf.FREE_MEMORY()/2**30, 'GiB'
Free memory = 88.2728042603 GiB
>>> a = numpy.arange(10**9)
>>> print 'Free memory =', cf.FREE_MEMORY()/2**30, 'GiB'
Free memory = 80.8082618713 GiB
>>> del a
>>> print 'Free memory =', cf.FREE_MEMORY()/2**30, 'GiB'
Free memory = 88.2727928162 GiB

    free_memory = CONSTANTS['FREE_MEMORY']

    if free_memory is None:
        return _free_memory()

    return free_memory
#--- End: def

def SET_FREE_MEMORY(*arg):


    arg : None, optional




>>> cf.SET_FREE_MEMORY(None)

    if arg:
        CONSTANTS['FREE_MEMORY'] = arg[0]
        CONSTANTS['FREE_MEMORY'] = _free_memory()
#--- End: def

[docs]def FM_THRESHOLD(): ''' The amount of memory which is kept free as a temporary work space. :Returns: out : float The amount of memory in bytes. .. seealso:: `cf.CHUNKSIZE`, `cf.MINNCFM` :Examples: >>> cf.FM_THRESHOLD() 10000000000.0 >>> old = cf.MINNCFM(2*cf.MINNCFM()) >>> cf.FM_THRESHOLD() 20000000000.0 ''' return CONSTANTS['FM_THRESHOLD']
#--- End: def
[docs]def CHUNKSIZE(*size): ''' The memory chunk size in bytes for data storage and processing. When setting the chunk size, the amount of minimum amount of memory to be kept free as a temporary work space is also updated. :Parameters: size : int, optional The new chunk size in bytes. The default is to not change the current value. :Returns: out : float The value prior to the change, or the current value if no new value was specified. .. seealso:: `cf.MINNCFM` :Examples: >>> cf.CHUNKSIZE() 57095864.32 >>> old = cf.CHUNKSIZE(2**30) >>> cf.CHUNKSIZE(old) 1073741824 >>> cf.CHUNKSIZE() 57095864.32 ''' old = CONSTANTS['CHUNKSIZE'] if size: size = size[0] CONSTANTS['CHUNKSIZE'] = size CONSTANTS['FM_THRESHOLD'] = MINNCFM() * size #--- End: if return old
#--- End: def def TOTAL_MEMORY(): ''' ''' return CONSTANTS['TOTAL_MEMORY'] #--- End: def
[docs]def MINNCFM(*arg): ''' The number of chunks of memory to be kept free as a temporary work space. A chunk of memory is the amount of memory set by `cf.CHUNKSIZE`. :Parameters: arg : int, optional The number of chunks to be kept free as a temporary work space. The default is to not change the current value. :Returns: out : int The value prior to the change, or the current value if no new value was specified. .. seealso:: `cf.CHUNKSIZE` :Examples: >>> cf.MINNCFM() 10 >>> old = cf.MINNCFM(20) >>> cf.MINNCFM(old) 20 >>> f.MINNCFM() 10 ''' old = CONSTANTS['MINNCFM'] if arg: minncfm = arg[0] CONSTANTS['MINNCFM'] = minncfm CONSTANTS['FM_THRESHOLD'] = minncfm * CHUNKSIZE() #--- End: if return old
#--- End: def
[docs]def TEMPDIR(*arg): ''' The directory for internally generated temporary files. When setting the directory, it is created if the specified path does not exist. :Parameters: arg : str, optional The new directory for temporary files. Tilde expansion (an initial component of ``~`` or ``~user`` is replaced by that *user*'s home directory) and environment variable expansion (substrings of the form ``$name`` or ``${name}`` are replaced by the value of environment variable *name*) are applied to the new directory name. The default is to not change the directory. :Returns: out : str The directory prior to the change, or the current directory if no new value was specified. :Examples: >>> cf.TEMPDIR() '/tmp' >>> old = cf.TEMPDIR('/home/me/tmp') >>> cf.TEMPDIR(old) '/home/me/tmp' >>> cf.TEMPDIR() '/tmp' ''' old = CONSTANTS['TEMPDIR'] if arg: tempdir = os_path_expanduser(os_path_expandvars(arg[0])) # Create the directory if it does not exist. try: mkdir(tempdir) except OSError: pass CONSTANTS['TEMPDIR'] = tempdir #--- End: if return old
#--- End: def
[docs]def OF_FRACTION(*arg): ''' The amount of concurrently open files above which files containing data arrays may be automatically closed. The amount is expressed as a fraction of the maximum possible number of concurrently open files. Note that closed files will be automatically reopened if subsequently needed by a variable to access its data array. :Parameters: arg : float, optional The new fraction (between 0.0 and 1.0). The default is to not change the current behaviour. :Returns: out : float The value prior to the change, or the current value if no new value was specified. .. seealso:: `cf.close_files`, `cf.close_one_file`, `cf.open_files`, `cf.open_files_threshold_exceeded` :Examples: >>> cf.OF_FRACTION() 0.5 >>> old = cf.OF_FRACTION(0.33) >>> cf.OF_FRACTION(old) 0.33 >>> cf.OF_FRACTION() 0.5 The fraction may be translated to an actual number of files as follows: >>> old = cf.OF_FRACTION(0.75) >>> import resource >>> max_open_files = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0] >>> threshold = int(max_open_files * cf.OF_FRACTION()) >>> max_open_files, threshold (1024, 768) ''' old = CONSTANTS['OF_FRACTION'] if arg: CONSTANTS['OF_FRACTION'] = arg[0] return old
#--- End: def
[docs]def REGRID_LOGGING(*arg): """ Whether or not to enable ESMPy logging. If it is logging is performed after every call to ESMPy. :Parameters: arg : bool, optional The new value (either True to enable logging or False to disable it). The default is to not change the current behaviour. :Returns: out : bool The value prior to the change, or the current value if no new value was specified. :Examples: >>> cf.REGRID_LOGGING() False >>> cf.REGRID_LOGGING(True) False >>> cf.REGRID_LOGGING() True """ old = CONSTANTS['REGRID_LOGGING'] if arg: CONSTANTS['REGRID_LOGGING'] = arg[0] return old
#--- End:def
[docs]def dump(x, **kwargs): ''' Print a description of an object. If the object has a `!dump` method then this is used to create the output, so that ``cf.dump(f)`` is equivalent to ``print f.dump()``. Otherwise ``cf.dump(x)`` is equivalent to ``print x``. :Parameters: x : The object to print. kwargs : *optional* As for the input variable's `!dump` method, if it has one. :Returns: None :Examples: >>> x = 3.14159 >>> cf.dump(x) 3.14159 >>> f <CF Field: rainfall_rate(latitude(10), longitude(20)) kg m2 s-1> >>> cf.dump(f) >>> cf.dump(f, complete=True) ''' if hasattr(x, 'dump') and callable(x.dump): print x.dump(**kwargs) else: print x
#--- End: def _max_number_of_open_files = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0] if _linux: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # GNU/LINUX # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Directory containing a symbolic link for each file opened by the # current python session _fd_dir = '/proc/'+str(getpid())+'/fd' def open_files_threshold_exceeded(): ''' Return True if the total number of open files is greater than the current threshold. GNU/LINUX. The threshold is defined as a fraction of the maximum possible number of concurrently open files (an operating system dependent amount). The fraction is retrieved and set with the `OF_FRACTION` function. :Returns: out : bool Whether or not the number of open files exceeds the threshold. .. seealso:: `cf.close_files`, `cf.close_one_file`, `cf.open_files` :Examples: In this example, the number of open files is 75% of the maximum possible number of concurrently open files: >>> cf.OF_FRACTION() 0.5 >>> print cf.open_files_threshold_exceeded() True >>> cf.OF_FRACTION(0.9) >>> print cf.open_files_threshold_exceeded() False ''' return len(listdir(_fd_dir)) > _max_number_of_open_files * OF_FRACTION() #---End: def else: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NOT GNU/LINUX # ---------------------------------------------------------------- _process = Process(getpid())
[docs] def open_files_threshold_exceeded(): ''' Return True if the total number of open files is greater than the current threshold. The threshold is defined as a fraction of the maximum possible number of concurrently open files (an operating system dependent amount). The fraction is retrieved and set with the `OF_FRACTION` function. :Returns: out : bool Whether or not the number of open files exceeds the threshold. .. seealso:: `cf.close_files`, `cf.close_one_file`, `cf.open_files` :Examples: In this example, the number of open files is 75% of the maximum possible number of concurrently open files: >>> cf.OF_FRACTION() 0.5 >>> print cf.open_files_threshold_exceeded() True >>> cf.OF_FRACTION(0.9) >>> print cf.open_files_threshold_exceeded() False ''' return len(_process.open_files()) > _max_number_of_open_files * OF_FRACTION()
#---End: def #---End: if
[docs]def close_files(file_format=None): ''' Close open files containing sub-arrays of master data arrays. By default all such files are closed, but this may be restricted to files of a particular format. Note that closed files will be automatically reopened if subsequently needed by a variable to access the sub-array. If there are no appropriate open files then no action is taken. :Parameters: file_format : str, optional Only close files of the given format. Recognised formats are ``'netCDF'`` and ``'PP'``. By default files of any format are closed. :Returns: None .. seealso:: `cf.close_one_file`, `cf.open_files`, `cf.open_files_threshold_exceeded` :Examples: >>> cf.close_files() >>> cf.close_files('netCDF') >>> cf.close_files('PP') ''' if file_format is not None: if file_format in _file_to_fh: for fh in _file_to_fh[file_format].itervalues(): fh.close() _file_to_fh[file_format].clear() else: for file_format, value in _file_to_fh.iteritems(): for fh in value.itervalues(): fh.close() _file_to_fh[file_format].clear()
#---End: def
[docs]def close_one_file(file_format=None): ''' Close an arbitrary open file containing a sub-array of a master data array. By default a file of arbitrary format is closed, but the choice may be restricted to files of a particular format. Note that the closed file will be automatically reopened if subsequently needed by a variable to access the sub-array. If there are no appropriate open files then no action is taken. :Parameters: file_format : str, optional Only close a file of the given format. Recognised formats are ``'netCDF'`` and ``'PP'``. By default a file of any format is closed. :Returns: None .. seealso:: `cf.close_files`, `cf.open_files`, `cf.open_files_threshold_exceeded` :Examples: >>> cf.close_one_file() >>> cf.close_one_file('netCDF') >>> cf.close_one_file('PP') >>> cf.open_files() {'netCDF': {'': <netCDF4.Dataset at 0x181bcd0>, '': <netCDF4.Dataset at 0x1e42350>, '': <netCDF4.Dataset at 0x1d185e9>}} >>> cf.close_one_file() >>> cf.open_files() {'netCDF': {'': <netCDF4.Dataset at 0x181bcd0>, '': <netCDF4.Dataset at 0x1d185e9>}} ''' if file_format is not None: if file_format in _file_to_fh and _file_to_fh[file_format]: filename, fh = next(_file_to_fh[file_format].iteritems()) fh.close() del _file_to_fh[file_format][filename] else: for values in _file_to_fh.itervalues(): if not values: continue filename, fh = next(values.iteritems()) fh.close() del values[filename] return
#---End: def
[docs]def open_files(file_format=None): ''' Return the open files containing sub-arrays of master data arrays. By default all such files are returned, but the selection may be restricted to files of a particular format. :Parameters: file_format : str, optional Only return files of the given format. Recognised formats are ``'netCDF'`` and ``'PP'``. By default all files are returned. :Returns: out : dict If *file_format* is set then return a dictionary of file names of the specified format and their open file objects. If *file_format* is not set then return a dictionary for which each key is a file format whose value is the dictionary that would have been returned if the *file_format* parameter was set. .. seealso:: `cf.close_files`, `cf.close_one_file`, `cf.open_files_threshold_exceeded` :Examples: >>> cf.open_files() {'netCDF': {'': <netCDF4.Dataset at 0x187b6d0>}} >>> cf.open_files('netCDF') {'': <netCDF4.Dataset at 0x187b6d0>} >>> cf.open_files('PP') {} ''' if file_format is not None: if file_format in _file_to_fh: return _file_to_fh[file_format].copy() else: return {} else: out = {} for file_format, values in _file_to_fh.iteritems(): out[file_format] = values.copy() return out
#---End: def def ufunc(name, x, *args, **kwargs): ''' The variable must have a `!copy` method and a method called *name*. Any optional positional and keyword arguments are passed unchanged to the variable's *name* method. :Parameters: name : str x : The input variable. args, kwargs : :Returns: out : A new variable with size 1 axes inserted into the data array. :Examples: ''' x = x.copy() getattr(x, name)(*args, **kwargs) return x #--- End: def def _numpy_allclose(a, b, rtol=None, atol=None): ''' Returns True if two broadcastable arrays have equal values to within numerical tolerance, False otherwise. The tolerance values are positive, typically very small numbers. The relative difference (``rtol * abs(b)``) and the absolute difference ``atol`` are added together to compare against the absolute difference between ``a`` and ``b``. :Parameters: a, b : array_like Input arrays to compare. atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used. rtol : float, optional The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used. :Returns: out : bool Returns True if the arrays are equal, otherwise False. :Examples: >>> cf._numpy_allclose([1, 2], [1, 2]) True >>> cf._numpy_allclose(numpy.array([1, 2]), numpy.array([1, 2])) True >>> cf._numpy_allclose([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]) False >>> cf._numpy_allclose([1, 2], [1, 4]) False >>> a =[1]) >>> b =[2]) >>> a[0] = >>> b[0] = >>> cf._numpy_allclose(a, b) True ''' if not (numpy_ma_isMA(a) or numpy_ma_isMA(b)): try: return numpy_allclose(a, b, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) except (IndexError, NotImplementedError, TypeError): return numpy_all(a == b) else: try: return numpy_ma_allclose(a, b, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) except (IndexError, NotImplementedError, TypeError): out = numpy_ma_all(a == b) if out is numpy_ma_masked: return True else: return out #--- End: def def parse_indices(data, indices, cyclic=False): ''' :Parameters: data : array-like indices : tuple :Returns: out : list [, dict] :Examples: ''' parsed_indices = [] roll = {} if not isinstance(indices, tuple): indices = (indices,) # Initialize the list of parsed indices as the input indices with any # Ellipsis objects expanded length = len(indices) n = data.ndim ndim = n for index in indices: if index is Ellipsis: m = n-length+1 parsed_indices.extend([slice(None)] * m) n -= m else: parsed_indices.append(index) n -= 1 length -= 1 #--- End: for len_parsed_indices = len(parsed_indices) if ndim and len_parsed_indices > ndim: raise IndexError("Invalid indices %s for array with shape %s" % (parsed_indices, data.shape)) if len_parsed_indices < ndim: parsed_indices.extend([slice(None)]*(ndim-len_parsed_indices)) if not ndim and parsed_indices: ## If data is scalar then allow it to be indexed with an ## equivalent to [0] #if (len_parsed_indices == 1 and # parsed_indices[0] in (0, # -1, # slice(0, 1), # slice(-1, None, -1), # slice(None, None, None))): # parsed_indices = [] #else: raise IndexError("Scalar array can only be indexed with () or Ellipsis") #--- End: if for i, (index, size) in enumerate(zip(parsed_indices, data.shape)): if isinstance(index, slice): start = index.start stop = index.stop step = index.step if start is None or stop is None: step = 0 elif step is None: step = 1 if step > 0: if 0 < start < size and 0 <= stop <= start: # 6:0:1 => -4:0:1 # 6:1:1 => -4:1:1 # 6:3:1 => -4:3:1 # 6:6:1 => -4:6:1 start = size-start elif -size <= start < 0 and -size <= stop <= start: # -4:-10:1 => -4:1:1 # -4:-9:1 => -4:1:1 # -4:-7:1 => -4:3:1 # -4:-4:1 => -4:6:1 # -10:-10:1 => -10:0:1 stop += size elif step < 0: if -size <= start < 0 and start <= stop < 0: # -4:-1:-1 => 6:-1:-1 # -4:-2:-1 => 6:-2:-1 # -4:-4:-1 => 6:-4:-1 # -10:-2:-1 => 0:-2:-1 # -10:-10:-1 => 0:-10:-1 start += size elif 0 <= start < size and start < stop < size: # 0:6:-1 => 0:-4:-1 # 3:6:-1 => 3:-4:-1 # 3:9:-1 => 3:-1:-1 stop -= size #--- End: if if step > 0 and -size <= start < 0 and 0 <= stop <= size+start: # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # -1:0:1 => [9] # -1:1:1 => [9, 0] # -1:3:1 => [9, 0, 1, 2] # -1:9:1 => [9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] # -4:0:1 => [6, 7, 8, 9] # -4:1:1 => [6, 7, 8, 9, 0] # -4:3:1 => [6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2] # -4:6:1 => [6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # -9:0:1 => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # -9:1:1 => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0] # -10:0:1 => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] if cyclic: index = slice(0, stop-start, step) roll[i] = -start else: index = slice(start, stop, step) elif step < 0 and 0 <= start < size and start-size <= stop < 0: # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # 0:-4:-1 => [0, 9, 8, 7] # 6:-1:-1 => [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] # 6:-2:-1 => [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 9] # 6:-4:-1 => [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 9, 8, 7] # 0:-2:-1 => [0, 9] # 0:-10:-1 => [0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] if cyclic: index = slice(start-stop-1, None, step) roll[i] = -1 - stop else: index = slice(start, stop, step) else: start, stop, step = index.indices(size) if (start == stop or (start < stop and step < 0) or (start > stop and step > 0)): raise IndexError("Invalid indices %s for array with shape %s" % (parsed_indices, data.shape)) if step < 0 and stop < 0: stop = None index = slice(start, stop, step) elif isinstance(index, (int, long)): if index < 0: index += size index = slice(index, index+1, 1) else: convert2positve = True if getattr(getattr(index, 'dtype', None), 'kind', None) == 'b': # Convert booleans to non-negative integers. We're # assuming that anything with a dtype attribute also # has a size attribute. if index.size != size: raise IndexError( "Invalid indices %s for array with shape %s" % (parsed_indices, data.shape)) index = numpy_where(index)[0] convert2positve = False #--- End: if len_index = len(index) if len_index == 1: index = index[0] if index < 0: index += size index = slice(index, index+1, 1) elif not len_index: raise IndexError("Invalid indices %s for array with shape %s" % (parsed_indices, data.shape)) else: if convert2positve: # Convert to non-negative integer numpy array index = numpy_array(index) index = numpy_where(index < 0, index+size, index) steps = index[1:] - index[:-1] step = steps[0] if step and not (steps - step).any(): # We can replace the list with a slice object if step > 0: start, stop = index[0], index[-1]+1 elif step < 0: start, stop = index[0], index[-1]-1 if stop < 0: stop = None index = slice(start, stop, step) else: index = index.tolist() #--- End: if #--- End: if parsed_indices[i] = index #--- End: for if cyclic: return parsed_indices, roll else: return parsed_indices #--- End: def def get_subspace(array, indices): ''' :Parameters: array : numpy array indices : list Subset the input numpy array with the given indices. Indexing is similar to that of a numpy array. The differences to numpy array indexing are: 1. An integer index i takes the i-th element but does not reduce the rank of the output array by one. 2. When more than one dimension's slice is a 1-d boolean array or 1-d sequence of integers then these indices work independently along each dimension (similar to the way vector subscripts work in Fortran). indices must contain an index for each dimension of the input array. ''' gg = [i for i, x in enumerate(indices) if not isinstance(x, slice)] len_gg = len(gg) if len_gg < 2: # ------------------------------------------------------------ # At most one axis has a list-of-integers index so we can do a # normal numpy subspace # ------------------------------------------------------------ return array[tuple(indices)] else: # ------------------------------------------------------------ # At least two axes have list-of-integers indices so we can't # do a normal numpy subspace # ------------------------------------------------------------ if numpy_ma_isMA(array): take = numpy_ma_take else: take = numpy_take indices = indices[:] for axis in gg: array = take(array, indices[axis], axis=axis) indices[axis] = slice(None) #--- End: for if len_gg < len(indices): array = array[tuple(indices)] return array #--- End: if #--- End: def def set_subspace(array, indices, value): ''' ''' gg = [i for i, x in enumerate(indices) if not isinstance(x, slice)] if len(gg) < 2: # ------------------------------------------------------------ # At most one axis has a list-of-integers index so we can do a # normal numpy assignment # ------------------------------------------------------------ array[tuple(indices)] = value else: # ------------------------------------------------------------ # At least two axes have list-of-integers indices so we can't # do a normal numpy assignment # ------------------------------------------------------------ indices1 = indices[:] for i, x in enumerate(indices): if i in gg: y = [] args = [iter(x)] * 2 for start, stop in izip_longest(*args): if not stop: y.append(slice(start, start+1)) else: step = stop - start stop += 1 y.append(slice(start, stop, step)) #--- End: for indices1[i] = y else: indices1[i] = (x,) #--- End: for if not numpy_ndim(value) : for i in itertools_product(*indices1): array[i] = value else: indices2 = [] ndim_difference = array.ndim - numpy_ndim(value) for i, n in enumerate(numpy_shape(value)): if n == 1: indices2.append((slice(None),)) elif i + ndim_difference in gg: y = [] start = 0 while start < n: stop = start + 2 y.append(slice(start, stop)) start = stop #--- End: for indices2.append(y) else: indices2.append((slice(None),)) #--- End: for for i, j in izip(itertools_product(*indices1), itertools_product(*indices2)): array[i] = value[j] #--- End: def
[docs]def ATOL(*arg): ''' The value of absolute tolerance for testing numerically tolerant equality. :Parameters: arg : int, optional The new value of absolute tolerance. The default is to not change the current value. :Returns: out : float The value prior to the change, or the current value if no new value was specified. .. seealso:: `cf.RTOL` :Examples: >>> cf.ATOL() 1e-08 >>> old = cf.ATOL(1e-10) >>> cf.ATOL(old) 1e-10 >>> cf.ATOL() 1e-08 ''' old = CONSTANTS['ATOL'] if arg: CONSTANTS['ATOL'] = arg[0] return old
#--- End: def
[docs]def RTOL(*arg): ''' The value of relative tolerance for testing numerically tolerant equality. :Parameters: arg : int, optional The new value of relative tolerance. The default is to not change the current value. :Returns: out : float The value prior to the change, or the current value if no new value was specified. .. seealso:: `cf.ATOL` :Examples: >>> cf.RTOL() 1.0000000000000001e-05 >>> old = cf.RTOL(1e-10) >>> cf.RTOL(old) 1e-10 >>> cf.RTOL() 1.0000000000000001e-05 ''' old = CONSTANTS['RTOL'] if arg: CONSTANTS['RTOL'] = arg[0] return old
#--- End: def
[docs]def equals(x, y, rtol=None, atol=None, ignore_fill_value=False, traceback=False): ''' True if and only if two objects are logically equal. If the first argument, *x*, has an :meth:`equals` method then it is used, and in this case ``equals(x, y)`` is equivalent to ``x.equals(y)``. Else if the second argument, *y*, has an :meth:`equals` method then it is used, and in this case ``equals(x, y)`` is equivalent to ``y.equals(x)``. :Parameters: x, y : The objects to compare for equality. atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used. rtol : float, optional The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used. ignore_fill_value : bool, optional If True then `cf.Data` arrays with different fill values are considered equal. By default they are considered unequal. traceback : bool, optional If True then print a traceback highlighting where the two objects differ. :Returns: out : bool Whether or not the two objects are equal. :Examples: >>> f <CF Field: rainfall_rate(latitude(10), longitude(20)) kg m2 s-1> >>> cf.equals(f, f) True >>> cf.equals(1.0, 1.0) True >>> cf.equals(1.0, 33) False >>> cf.equals('a', 'a') True >>> cf.equals('a', 'b') False >>> type(x), x.dtype (<type 'numpy.ndarray'>, dtype('int64')) >>> y = x.copy() >>> cf.equals(x, y) True >>> cf.equals(x, x+1) False >>> class A(object): ... pass ... >>> a = A() >>> b = A() >>> cf.equals(a, a) True >>> cf.equals(a, b) False ''' eq = getattr(x, 'equals', None) if callable(eq): # x has a callable equals method return eq(y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, ignore_fill_value=ignore_fill_value, traceback=traceback) #--- End: if eq = getattr(y, 'equals', None) if callable(eq): # y has a callable equals method return eq(x, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, ignore_fill_value=ignore_fill_value, traceback=traceback) #--- End: if if isinstance(x, numpy_ndarray): if isinstance(y, numpy_ndarray): if x.shape != y.shape: return False if rtol is None: rtol = RTOL() if atol is None: atol = ATOL() return _numpy_allclose(x, y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) else: return False elif isinstance(y, numpy_ndarray): return False else: return x == y
#--- End: def def set_equals(x, y, rtol=None, atol=None, ignore_fill_value=False, traceback=False): ''' ''' eq = getattr(x, 'set_equals', None) if callable(eq): # x has a callable set_equals method return eq(y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, ignore_fill_value=ignore_fill_value, traceback=traceback) #--- End: if eq = getattr(y, 'set_equals', None) if callable(eq): # y has a callable set_equals method return eq(x, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, ignore_fill_value=ignore_fill_value, traceback=traceback) #--- End: if return equals(x, y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, ignore_fill_value=ignore_fill_value, traceback=traceback) #--- End: def
[docs]def equivalent(x, y, rtol=None, atol=None, traceback=False): ''' True if and only if two objects are logically equivalent. If the first argument, *x*, has an `!equivalent` method then it is used, and in this case ``equivalent(x, y)`` is the same as ``x.equivalent(y)``. :Parameters: x, y : The objects to compare for equivalence. atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used. rtol : float, optional The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used. traceback : bool, optional If True then print a traceback highlighting where the two objects differ. :Returns: out : bool Whether or not the two objects are equivalent. :Examples: >>> f <CF Field: rainfall_rate(latitude(10), longitude(20)) kg m2 s-1> >>> cf.equivalent(f, f) True >>> cf.equivalent(1.0, 1.0) True >>> cf.equivalent(1.0, 33) False >>> cf.equivalent('a', 'a') True >>> cf.equivalent('a', 'b') False >>> cf.equivalent(cf.Data(1000, units='m'), cf.Data(1, units='km')) True For a field, ``f``: >>> cf.equivalent(f, f.transpose()) True ''' if rtol is None: rtol = RTOL() if atol is None: atol = ATOL() if hasattr(x, 'equivalent') and callable(x.equivalent): # x has a callable eequivalent method return x.equivalent(y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, traceback=traceback) return equals(x, y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, ignore_fill_value=True, traceback=traceback)
#--- End: def
[docs]def flat(x): ''' Return an iterator over an arbitrarily nested sequence. :Parameters: x : scalar or arbitrarily nested sequence The arbitrarily nested sequence to be flattened. Note that a If *x* is a string or a scalar then this is equivalent to passing a single element sequence containing *x*. :Returns: out : generator An iterator over flattened sequence. :Examples: >>> print cf.flat([1, [2, [3, 4]]]) <generator object flat at 0x3649cd0> >>> print list(cf.flat([1, (2, [3, 4])])) [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> import numpy >>> print list(cf.flat((1, [2, numpy.array([[3, 4], [5, 6]])])) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> for a in cf.flat([1, [2, [3, 4]]]): ... print a, 1 2 3 4 >>> for a in cf.flat(['a', ['bc', ['def', 'ghij']]]): ... print a, ' ', a bc def ghij >>> for a in cf.flat(2004): ... print a 2004 >>> for a in cf.flat('abcdefghij'): ... print a abcdefghij >>> f <CF Field: eastward_wind(air_pressure(5), latitude(110), longitude(106)) m s-1> >>> for a in cf.flat(f): ... print repr(a) <CF Field: eastward_wind(air_pressure(5), latitude(110), longitude(106)) m s-1> >>> for a in cf.flat([f, [f, [f, f]]]): ... print repr(a) <CF Field: eastward_wind(air_pressure(5), latitude(110), longitude(106)) m s-1> <CF Field: eastward_wind(air_pressure(5), latitude(110), longitude(106)) m s-1> <CF Field: eastward_wind(air_pressure(5), latitude(110), longitude(106)) m s-1> <CF Field: eastward_wind(air_pressure(5), latitude(110), longitude(106)) m s-1> >>> fl = cf.FieldList(cf.flat([f, [f, [f, f]]]) >>> fl [<CF Field: eastward_wind(air_pressure(5), latitude(110), longitude(106)) m s-1>, <CF Field: eastward_wind(air_pressure(5), latitude(110), longitude(106)) m s-1>, <CF Field: eastward_wind(air_pressure(5), latitude(110), longitude(106)) m s-1>, <CF Field: eastward_wind(air_pressure(5), latitude(110), longitude(106)) m s-1>] ''' if not isinstance(x, Iterable) or isinstance(x, basestring): x = (x,) for a in x: if not isinstance(a, basestring) and isinstance(a, Iterable): for sub in flat(a): yield sub else: yield a
#--- End: def
[docs]def pickle(x, filename, overwrite=False): ''' Write a binary pickled representation of an object to a file. Note that Field and FieldList objects are picklable and their pickle file size will be very small if their data arrays contain file pointers as opposed to numpy arrays. The pickling is equivalent to:: import cPickle fh = open('file.pkl', 'wb') cPickle.dump(x, fh, 2) fh.close() :Parameters: x : The object to be pickled. filename : str The name of the file in which to write the pickled representation of *x*. overwrite : bool, optional If True a pre-existing output file is over written. By default an exception is raised if the output file pre-exists. :Returns: None :Raises: IOError : If *overwrite* is False and the output file pre-exists. PickleError : If the object is not picklable. .. seealso:: `cf.unpickle` :Examples: For any picklable object, x: >>> cf.pickle(x, 'file.pkl') >>> y = cf.unpickle('file.pkl') >>> cf.equals(x, y) True ''' if not overwrite and os_path_isfile(filename): raise IOError( "Can't pickle to an existing file unless overwrite=True") fh = open(filename, 'wb') try: cPickle.dump(x, fh, 2) except: fh.close() raise cPickle.PickleError("Failed whilst pickling %s" % repr(x)) fh.close()
#--- End: def
[docs]def unpickle(filename): ''' Return the reconstituted (unpickled) object from a binary pickle file. Any binary pickle file may be used as input. The unpickling is equivalent to:: import cPickle fh = open('file.pkl', 'rb') x = cPickle.load(fh) fh.close() :Parameters: filename : str The name of the file containing the pickled object. :Returns: out : The reconstituted object. :Raises: UnpicklingError : If the file can not be unpickled. In particular, this might be raised when attempting to unpickle fields which were pickled with a different, incompatible version of cf. .. seealso:: `cf.pickle` :Examples: For any picklable object, x: >>> cf.pickle(x, 'file.pkl') >>> y = cf.unpickle('file.pkl') >>> cf.equals(x, y) True ''' fh = open(filename, 'rb') try: x = cPickle.load(fh) except: # Failed unpickling can throw up any type of error, so trap # them all, but raise an informative UnpicklingError. fh.close() raise cPickle.UnpicklingError( "Failed whilst unpickling file '%s'" % filename) fh.close() return x
#--- End: def _d = {'char': numpy_dtype('S1')} def string_to_numpy_data_type(string): ''' ''' try: return numpy_dtype(string) except TypeError: try: return _d[string] except KeyError: raise TypeError("asdasd kkasdhahsjj734654376") #--- End: def
[docs]def abspath(filename): ''' Return a normalized absolute version of a file name. If a string containing URL is provided then it is returned unchanged. :Parameters: filename : str The name of the file. :Returns: out : str The normalized absolutized version of *filename*. .. seealso:: `cf.dirname`, `cf.pathjoin`, `cf.relpath` :Examples: >>> import os >>> os.getcwd() '/data/archive' >>> cf.abspath('') '/data/archive/' >>> cf.abspath('..//archive///') '/data/archive/' >>> cf.abspath('http://data/archive/') 'http://data/archive/' ''' u = urlparse_urlparse(filename) if u.scheme != '': return filename return os_path_abspath(filename)
#--- End: def
[docs]def relpath(filename, start=None): ''' Return a relative filepath to a file. The filepath is relative either from the current directory or from an optional start point. If a string containing URL is provided then it is returned unchanged. :Parameters: filename : str The name of the file. start : str, optional The start point for the relative path. By default the current directoty is used. :Returns: out : str The relative path. .. seealso:: `cf.abspath`, `cf.dirname`, `cf.pathjoin` :Examples: >>> cf.relpath('/data/archive/') '../' >>> cf.relpath('/data/archive///', start='/data') 'archive/' >>> cf.relpath('http://data/archive/') 'http://data/archive/' ''' u = urlparse_urlparse(filename) if u.scheme != '': return filename if start is not None: return os_path_relpath(filename, start) return os_path_relpath(filename)
#--- End: def
[docs]def dirname(filename): ''' Return the directory name of a file. If a string containing URL is provided then everything up to, but not including, the last slash (/) is returned. :Parameters: filename : str The name of the file. :Returns: out : str The directory name. .. seealso:: `cf.abspath`, `cf.pathjoin`, `cf.relpath` :Examples: >>> cf.dirname('/data/archive/') '/data/archive' >>> cf.dirname('..//') '..' >>> cf.dirname('http://data/archive/') 'http://data/archive' ''' u = urlparse_urlparse(filename) if u.scheme != '': return filename.rpartition('/')[0] return os_path_dirname(filename)
#--- End: def
[docs]def pathjoin(path1, path2): ''' Join two file path components intelligently. If either of the paths is a URL then a URL will be returned :Parameters: path1 : str The first component of the path. path2 : str The second component of the path. :Returns: out : str The joined paths. .. seealso:: `cf.abspath`, `cf.dirname`, `cf.relpath` :Examples: >>> cf.pathjoin('/data/archive', '../archive/') '/data/archive/../archive/' >>> cf.pathjoin('/data/archive', '../archive/') '/data/archive/../archive/' >>> cf.abspath(cf.pathjoin('/data/', 'archive/') '/data/archive' >>> cf.pathjoin('http://data', 'archive/') 'http://data/archive/' ''' u = urlparse_urlparse(path1) if u.scheme != '': return urlparse_urljoin(path1, path2) return os_path_join(path1, path2)
#--- End: def def hash_array(array): ''' Return the hash value of a numpy array. The hash value is dependent on the data type, shape of the data array. If the array is a masked array then the hash value is independent of the fill value and of data array values underlying any masked elements. The hash value is not guaranteed to be portable across versions of Python, numpy and cf. :Parameters: array : numpy.ndarray The numpy array to be hashed. May be a masked array. :Returns: out : int The hash value :Examples: >>> print array [[0 1 2 3]] >>> cf.hash_array(array) -8125230271916303273 >>> array[1, 0] = >>> print array [[0 -- 2 3]] >>> cf.hash_array(array) 791917586613573563 >>> array.hardmask = False >>> array[0, 1] = 999 >>> array[0, 1] = >>> cf.hash_array(array) 791917586613573563 >>> array.squeeze() >>> print array [0 -- 2 3] >>> cf.hash_array(array) -7007538450787927902 >>> array.dtype = float >>> print array [0.0 -- 2.0 3.0] >>> cf.hash_array(array) -4816859207969696442 ''' h = hashlib_md5() h_update = h.update h_update(marshal_dumps( h_update(marshal_dumps(array.shape)) if numpy_ma_isMA(array): if numpy_ma_is_masked(array): mask = array.mask if not mask.flags.c_contiguous: mask = numpy_ascontiguousarray(mask) h_update(mask) array = array.copy() array.set_fill_value() array = array.filled() else: array = #--- End: if if not array.flags.c_contiguous: # array = array.copy() array = numpy_ascontiguousarray(array) h_update(array) return hash(h.digest()) #--- End: def def inspect(self): ''' Inspect the attributes of an object. :Returns: out : str :Examples: >>> print x.inspect <CF CoordinateReference: rotated_latitude_longitude> ---------------------------------------------------- _dict: {'grid_north_pole_latitude': 38.0, 'grid_north_pole_longitude': 190.0} coord_terms: set([]) coords: set(['dim2', 'dim1', 'aux2', 'aux3']) name: 'rotated_latitude_longitude' ncvar: 'rotated_latitude_longitude' type: 'grid_mapping' ''' name = repr(self) out = [name, ''.ljust(len(name), '-')] if hasattr(self, '__dict__'): for key, value in sorted(self.__dict__.items()): out.append('%s: %s' % (key, repr(value))) return '\n'.join(out) #--- End: def def broadcast_array(array, shape): ''' Broadcast an array to a given shape. It is assumed that ``numpy.ndim(array) <= len(shape)`` and that the array is broadcastable to the shape by the normal numpy broadcasting rules, but neither of these things is checked. For example, ``a[...] = broadcast_array(a, b.shape)`` is equivalent to ``a[...] = b``. :Parameters: a : numpy array-like shape : tuple :Returns: out : numpy array :Examples: >>> a = numpy.arange(8).reshape(2, 4) [[0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 7]] >>> print cf.broadcast_array(a, (3, 2, 4)) [[[0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 0]] [[0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 0]] [[0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 0]]] >>> a = numpy.arange(8).reshape(2, 1, 4) [[[0 1 2 3]] [[4 5 6 7]]] >>> print cf.broadcast_array(a, (2, 3, 4)) [[[0 1 2 3] [0 1 2 3] [0 1 2 3]] [[4 5 6 7] [4 5 6 7] [4 5 6 7]]] >>> a =, 4) >>> a[1, 3] = >>> print a [[0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 --]] >>> cf.broadcast_array(a, (3, 2, 4)) [[[0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 --]] [[0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 --]] [[0 1 2 3] [4 5 6 --]]] ''' a_shape = numpy_shape(array) if a_shape == shape: return array tile = [(m if n == 1 else 1) for n, m in zip(a_shape[::-1], shape[::-1])] tile = shape[0:len(shape)-len(a_shape)] + tuple(tile[::-1]) return numpy_tile(array, tile) #--- End: def def allclose(x, y, rtol=None, atol=None): ''' Returns True if two broadcastable arrays have equal values to within numerical tolerance, False otherwise. The tolerance values are positive, typically very small numbers. The relative difference (``rtol * abs(b)``) and the absolute difference ``atol`` are added together to compare against the absolute difference between ``a`` and ``b``. :Parameters: x, y : array_like Input arrays to compare. atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `ATOL` function is used. rtol : float, optional The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons, By default the value returned by the `RTOL` function is used. :Returns: out : bool Returns True if the arrays are equal, otherwise False. :Examples: ''' if rtol is None: rtol = RTOL() if atol is None: atol = ATOL() allclose = getattr(x, 'allclose', None) if callable(allclose): # x has a callable allclose method return allclose(y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) allclose = getattr(y, 'allclose', None) if callable(allclose): # y has a callable allclose method return allclose(x, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) # x nor y has a callable allclose method return _numpy_allclose(x, y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) #--- End: def def _section(o, axes=None, data=False, stop=None, **kwargs): """ Return a list of m dimensional sections of a Field of n dimensions or a dictionary of m dimensional sections of a Data object of n dimensions, where m <= n. In the case of a Data object the keys of the dictionary are the indicies of the sections in the original Data object. The m dimensions that are not sliced are marked with None as a placeholder making it possible to reconstruct the original data object. The corresponding values are the resulting sections of type cf.Data. :Parameters: axes : *optional* In the case of a Field this is a query for the m axes that define the sections of the Field as accepted by the Field object's axes method. The keyword arguments are also passed to this method. See `cf.Field.axes` for details. If an axis is returned that is not a data axis it is ignored, since it is assumed to be a dimension coordinate of size 1. In the case of a Data object this should be a tuple or a list of the m indices of the m axes that define the sections of the Data object. If axes is None (the default) all axes are selected. data : bool, optional If True this indicates that a data object has been passed, if false it indicates that a field object has been passed. By default it is false. stop : int, optional Stop after taking this number of sections and return. If stop is None all sections are taken. :Returns: out : list or dict The list of m dimensional sections of the Field or the dictionary of m dimensional sections of the Data object. :Examples: Section a field into 2D longitude/time slices, checking the units: >>> _section(f, {None: 'longitude', units: 'radians'}, ... {None: 'time', ... 'units': 'days since 2006-01-01 00:00:00'}) Section a field into 2D longitude/latitude slices, requiring exact names: >>> _section(f, ['latitude', 'longitude'], exact=True) """ # retrieve the index of each axis defining the sections if data: if axes == None: axis_indices = range(o.ndim) else: axis_indices = axes #--- End: if else: axis_keys = o.axes(axes, **kwargs) axis_indices = list() for key in axis_keys: try: axis_indices.append(o.data_axes().index(key)) except ValueError: pass #--- End: for #--- End: if # find the size of each dimension if data: sizes = o.shape else: sizes = [] for axis in o.data_axes(): sizes.append(o.axis_size((axis))) #--- End: for #--- End: if # use recursion to slice out each 2D horizontal section if data: d = dict() else: fl = [] #--- End: if indices = [slice(None)] * len(sizes) nl_vars = {'count': 0} def loop_over_index(current_index): # Expects an index to loop over in the list indices. If this is less # than 0 the horizontal slice defined by indices is appended to the # FieldList fl, if it is the specified axis indices the value in # indices is left as slice(None) and it calls itself recursively with # the next index, otherwise each index is looped over. In this loop # the routine is called recursively with the next index. If the count # of the number of slices taken is greater than or equal to stop # it returns before taking any more slices. if current_index < 0: if data: d[tuple([None if x == slice(None) else x for x in indices])] \ = o[tuple(indices)] else: fl.append(o.subspace[tuple(indices)]) #--- End: if nl_vars['count'] += 1 return #--- End: if if current_index in axis_indices: loop_over_index(current_index - 1) return #--- End: if for i in range(sizes[current_index]): if not stop is None and nl_vars['count'] >= stop: return indices[current_index] = i loop_over_index(current_index - 1) #--- End: for #--- End: def current_index = len(sizes) - 1 loop_over_index(current_index) if data: return d else: return fl #--- End: if #--- End: def