import ctypes
import netCDF4
import os
import sys
from numpy import array as numpy_array
from numpy import dtype as numpy_dtype
from numpy import empty as numpy_empty
from numpy import generic as numpy_generic
from numpy import ndarray as numpy_ndarray
from numpy import ones as numpy_ones
from numpy import reshape as numpy_reshape
from numpy import where as numpy_where
from numpy import zeros as numpy_zeros
from .functions import inspect as cf_inspect
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aliases for ctypes
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
_sizeof_buffer = 257
_string_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(_sizeof_buffer)
_c_char_p = ctypes.c_char_p
_c_int = ctypes.c_int
_c_uint = ctypes.c_uint
_c_float = ctypes.c_float
_c_double = ctypes.c_double
_c_size_t = ctypes.c_size_t
_c_void_p = ctypes.c_void_p
_pointer = ctypes.pointer
_ctypes_POINTER = {4: _POINTER(_c_float),
8: _POINTER(_c_double)}
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load the Udunits-2 library and read the database
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# This has been tested on Mac OSX 10.5.8 and 10.6.8
_udunits = ctypes.CDLL('libudunits2.0.dylib')
# Linux
_udunits = ctypes.CDLL('')
# Get the name of the XML-formatted unit-database
_unit_database = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
if os.path.isfile(_unit_database):
# The database included with this module exists, so use it
_unit_database = _c_char_p(_unit_database)
# Use the default (non-CF) database
print 'WARNING: Using the default (non-CF) Udunits database'
_unit_database = None
#--- End: if
# Suppress "overrides prefixed-unit" messages. This also suppresses
# all other error messages - so watch out!
# Messages may be turned back on by calling the module function
# udunits_error_messages.
# ut_error_message_handler ut_set_error_message_handler(
# ut_error_message_handler handler);
_ut_set_error_message_handler = _udunits.ut_set_error_message_handler
_ut_set_error_message_handler.argtypes = (_c_void_p, )
_ut_set_error_message_handler.restype = _c_void_p
# Read the data base
# ut_system* ut_read_xml(const char* path);
_ut_read_xml = _udunits.ut_read_xml
_ut_read_xml.argtypes = (_c_char_p, )
_ut_read_xml.restype = _c_void_p
#print 'units: before _udunits.ut_read_xml(',_unit_database,')'
_ut_system = _ut_read_xml(_unit_database)
#print 'units: after _udunits.ut_read_xml(',_unit_database,')'
# Reinstate the reporting of error messages
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aliases for the UDUNITS-2 C API. See
# for documentation.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# int ut_format(const ut_unit* const unit, char* buf, size_t size, unsigned opts);
_ut_format = _udunits.ut_format
_ut_format.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_char_p, _c_size_t, _c_uint)
_ut_format.restype = _c_int
# char* ut_trim(char* const string, const ut_encoding encoding);
_ut_trim = _udunits.ut_trim
_ut_trim.argtypes = (_c_char_p, _c_int) # ut_encoding assumed to be int!
_ut_trim.restype = _c_char_p
# ut_unit* ut_parse(const ut_system* const system,
# const char* const string, const ut_encoding encoding);
_ut_parse = _udunits.ut_parse
_ut_parse.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_char_p, _c_int) # ut_encoding assumed to be int!
_ut_parse.restype = _c_void_p
# int ut_compare(const ut_unit* const unit1, const ut_unit* const
# unit2);
_ut_compare = _udunits.ut_compare
_ut_compare.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_void_p)
_ut_compare.restype = _c_int
# int ut_are_convertible(const ut_unit* const unit1, const ut_unit*
# const unit2);
_ut_are_convertible = _udunits.ut_are_convertible
_ut_are_convertible.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_void_p)
_ut_are_convertible.restype = _c_int
# cv_converter* ut_get_converter(ut_unit* const from, ut_unit* const
# to);
_ut_get_converter = _udunits.ut_get_converter
_ut_get_converter.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_void_p)
_ut_get_converter.restype = _c_void_p
# ut_unit* ut_divide(const ut_unit* const numer, const ut_unit* const
# denom);
_ut_divide = _udunits.ut_divide
_ut_divide.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_void_p)
_ut_divide.restype = _c_void_p
# ut_unit* ut_offset(const ut_unit* const unit, const double offset);
_ut_offset = _udunits.ut_offset
_ut_offset.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_double)
_ut_offset.restype = _c_void_p
# ut_unit* ut_raise(const ut_unit* const unit, const int power);
_ut_raise = _udunits.ut_raise
_ut_raise.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_int)
_ut_raise.restype = _c_void_p
# ut_unit* ut_scale(const double factor, const ut_unit* const unit);
_ut_scale = _udunits.ut_scale
_ut_scale.argtypes = (_c_double, _c_void_p)
_ut_scale.restype = _c_void_p
# ut_unit* ut_multiply(const ut_unit* const unit1, const ut_unit*
# const unit2);
_ut_multiply = _udunits.ut_multiply
_ut_multiply.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_void_p)
_ut_multiply.restype = _c_void_p
# ut_unit* ut_log(const double base, const ut_unit* const reference);
_ut_log = _udunits.ut_log
_ut_log.argtypes = (_c_double, _c_void_p)
_ut_log.restype = _c_void_p
# ut_unit* ut_root(const ut_unit* const unit, const int root);
_ut_root = _udunits.ut_root
_ut_root.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_int)
_ut_root.restype = _c_void_p
# void ut_free_system(ut_system* system);
_ut_free = _udunits.ut_free
_ut_free.argypes = (_c_void_p, )
_ut_free.restype = None
# float* cv_convert_floats(const cv_converter* converter, const float*
# const in, const size_t count, float* out);
_cv_convert_floats = _udunits.cv_convert_floats
_cv_convert_floats.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_void_p, _c_size_t, _c_void_p)
_cv_convert_floats.restype = _c_void_p
# double* cv_convert_doubles(const cv_converter* converter, const
# double* const in, const size_t count,
# double* out);
_cv_convert_doubles = _udunits.cv_convert_doubles
_cv_convert_doubles.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_void_p, _c_size_t, _c_void_p)
_cv_convert_doubles.restype = _c_void_p
# double cv_convert_double(const cv_converter* converter, const double
# value);
_cv_convert_double = _udunits.cv_convert_double
_cv_convert_double.argtypes = (_c_void_p, _c_double)
_cv_convert_double.restype = _c_double
# void cv_free(cv_converter* const conv);
_cv_free = _udunits.cv_free
_cv_free.argtypes = (_c_void_p, )
_cv_free.restype = None
_cv_convert_array = {4: _cv_convert_floats,
8: _cv_convert_doubles}
# _ut_system, 'calendar_year')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a calendar year unit
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#_udunits.ut_map_name_to_unit('calendar_year', _UT_ASCII,
# _udunits.ut_new_base_unit(_ut_system))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aliases for netCDF4.netcdftime classes
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
_netCDF4_netcdftime_utime = netCDF4.netcdftime.utime
_datetime = netCDF4.netcdftime.datetime
DateFromJulianDay = netCDF4.netcdftime.DateFromJulianDay
if netCDF4.__version__ <= '1.1.1':
_DateFromNoLeapDay = netCDF4.netcdftime._DateFromNoLeapDay
_DateFromAllLeap = netCDF4.netcdftime._DateFromAllLeap
_DateFrom360Day = netCDF4.netcdftime._DateFrom360Day
_DateFromNoLeapDay = netCDF4.netcdftime.netcdftime._DateFromNoLeapDay
_DateFromAllLeap = netCDF4.netcdftime.netcdftime._DateFromAllLeap
_DateFrom360Day = netCDF4.netcdftime.netcdftime._DateFrom360Day
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Aliases for netCDF4.netcdftime functions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
_num2date = netCDF4.num2date
_date2num = netCDF4.date2num
_num2date = netCDF4.netcdftime.num2date
_date2num = netCDF4.netcdftime.date2num
_cached_ut_unit = {}
_cached_utime = {}
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save some useful units
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# A time ut_unit (equivalent to 'day', 'second', etc.)
_day_ut_unit = _ut_parse(_ut_system, _c_char_p('day'), _UT_ASCII)
_cached_ut_unit['days'] = _day_ut_unit
# A pressure ut_unit (equivalent to 'Pa', 'hPa', etc.)
_pressure_ut_unit = _ut_parse(_ut_system, _c_char_p('pascal'), _UT_ASCII)
_cached_ut_unit['pascal'] = _pressure_ut_unit
# A calendar time ut_unit (equivalent to 'cY', 'cM')
_calendartime_ut_unit = _ut_parse(_ut_system, _c_char_p('calendar_year'), _UT_ASCII)
_cached_ut_unit['calendar_year'] = _calendartime_ut_unit
# A dimensionless unit one (equivalent to '', '1', '2', etc.)
#_dimensionless_unit_one = _udunits.ut_get_dimensionless_unit_one(_ut_system)
#_cached_ut_unit[''] = _dimensionless_unit_one
#_cached_ut_unit['1'] = _dimensionless_unit_one
_dimensionless_unit_one = _ut_parse(_ut_system, _c_char_p('1'), _UT_ASCII)
_cached_ut_unit[''] = _dimensionless_unit_one
_cached_ut_unit['1'] = _dimensionless_unit_one
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the default calendar type according to the CF conventions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
_default_calendar = 'gregorian'
_canonical_calendar = {'gregorian' : 'gregorian' ,
'standard' : 'gregorian' ,
'none' : 'gregorian' ,
'proleptic_gregorian': 'proleptic_gregorian',
'360_day' : '360_day' ,
'noleap' : '365_day' ,
'365_day' : '365_day' ,
'all_leap' : '366_day' ,
'366_day' : '366_day' ,
'julian' : 'julian' ,
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
## Set month lengths in days for non-leap years (_days_in_month[0,1:])
## and leap years (_days_in_month[1,1:])
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
#_days_in_month = numpy_array(
# [[-99, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
# [-99, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function to control Udunits error messages
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def udunits_error_messages(flag):
Control the printing of error messages from Udunits, which are turned
off by default.
flag : bool
Set to True to print Udunits error messages and False to not
print Udunits error messages.
>>> udunits_error_messages(True)
>>> udunits_error_messages(False)
if flag:
#--- End: def
#def _month_length(year, month, calendar, _days_in_month=_days_in_month):
# '''
#Find month lengths in days for each year/month pairing in the input
#numpy arrays 'year' and 'month', both of which must have the same
#shape. 'calendar' must be one of the standard CF calendar types.
# shape = month.shape
# if calendar in ('standard', 'gregorian'):
# leap = numpy_where(year % 4 == 0, 1, 0)
# leap = numpy_where((year > 1582) &
# (year % 100 == 0) & (year % 400 != 0),
# 0, leap)
# elif calendar == '360_day':
# days_in_month = numpy_empty(shape)
# days_in_month.fill(30)
# return days_in_month
# elif calendar in ('all_leap', '366_day'):
# leap = numpy_zeros(shape)
# elif calendar in ('no_leap', '365_day'):
# leap = numpy_ones(shape)
# elif calendar == 'proleptic_gregorian':
# leap = numpy_where(year % 4 == 0, 1, 0)
# leap = numpy_where((year % 100 == 0) & (year % 400 != 0),
# 0, leap)
# days_in_month = numpy_array([_days_in_month[l, m]
# for l, m in zip(leap.flat, month.flat)])
# days_in_month.resize(shape)
# return days_in_month
##--- End: def
#def _proper_date(year, month, day, calendar, fix=False,
# _days_in_month=_days_in_month):
# '''
#Given equally shaped numpy arrays of 'year', 'month', 'day' adjust
#them *in place* to be proper dates. 'calendar' must be one of the
#standard CF calendar types.
#Excessive number of months are converted to years but excessive days
#are not converted to months nor years. If a day is illegal in the
#proper date then a ValueError is raised, unless 'fix' is True, in
#which case the day is lowered to the nearest legal date:
# 2000/26/1 -> 2002/3/1
# 2001/2/31 -> ValueError if 'fix' is False
# 2001/2/31 -> 2001/2/28 if 'fix' is True
# 2001/2/99 -> 2001/2/28 if 'fix' is True
## y, month = divmod(month, 12)
## year += y
# year += month // 12
# month[...] = month % 12
# mask = (month == 0)
# year[...] = numpy_where(mask, year-1, year)
# month[...] = numpy_where(mask, 12, month)
# del mask
# days_in_month = _month_length(year, month, calendar,
# _days_in_month=_days_in_month)
# if fix:
# day[...] = numpy_where(day > days_in_month, days_in_month, day)
# elif (day > days_in_month).any():
# raise ValueError("Illegal date(s) in %s calendar" % calendar)
# return year, month, day
##--- End: def
# ====================================================================
# Units object
# ====================================================================
[docs]class Units(object):
Store, combine and compare physical units and convert numeric values
to different units.
Units are as defined in UNIDATA's Udunits-2 package, with a few
exceptions for greater consistency with the CF conventions namely
support for CF calendars and new units definitions.
**Modifications to the standard Udunits database**
Whilst a standard Udunits-2 database may be used, greater consistency
with CF is achieved by using a modified database. The following units
are either new to, modified from, or removed from the standard
Udunits-2 database (version 2.1.24):
======================= ====== ============ ==============
Unit name Symbol Definition Status
======================= ====== ============ ==============
practical_salinity_unit psu 1e-3 New unit
level 1 New unit
sigma_level 1 New unit
layer 1 New unit
decibel dB 1 New unit
bel 10 dB New unit
sverdrup Sv 1e6 m3 s-1 Added symbol
sievert J kg-1 Removed symbol
======================= ====== ============ ==============
Plural forms of the new units' names are allowed, such as
The modified database is in the *udunits* subdirectory of the *etc*
directory found in the same location as this module.
**Accessing units**
Units may be set, retrieved and deleted via the `units` attribute. Its
value is a string that can be recognized by UNIDATA's Udunits-2
package, with the few exceptions given in the CF conventions.
>>> u = Units('m s-1')
>>> u
<Cf Units: 'm s-1'>
>>> u.units = 'days since 2004-3-1'
>>> u
<CF Units: days since 2004-3-1>
**Equality and equivalence of units**
There are methods for assessing whether two units are equivalent or
equal. Two units are equivalent if numeric values in one unit are
convertible to numeric values in the other unit (such as
``kilometres`` and ``metres``). Two units are equal if they are
equivalent and their conversion is a scale factor of 1 and an offset
of 0 (such as ``kilometres`` and ``1000 metres``). Note that
equivalence and equality are based on internally stored binary
representations of the units, rather than their string
>>> u = Units('m/s')
>>> v = Units('m s-1')
>>> w = Units('km.s-1')
>>> x = Units('0.001 kilometer.second-1')
>>> y = Units('gram')
>>> u.equivalent(v), u.equals(v), u == v
(True, True, True)
>>> u.equivalent(w), u.equals(w)
(True, False)
>>> u.equivalent(x), u.equals(x)
(True, True)
>>> u.equivalent(y), u.equals(y)
(False, False)
**Time and reference time units**
Time units may be given as durations of time (*time units*) or as an
amount of time since a reference time (*reference time units*):
>>> v = Units()
>>> v.units = 's'
>>> v.units = 'day'
>>> v.units = 'days since 1970-01-01'
>>> v.units = 'seconds since 1992-10-8 15:15:42.5 -6:00'
.. note::
It is recommended that the units ``year`` and ``month`` be used
with caution, as explained in the following excerpt from the CF
conventions: "The Udunits package defines a year to be exactly
365.242198781 days (the interval between 2 successive passages of
the sun through vernal equinox). It is not a calendar year. Udunits
includes the following definitions for years: a common_year is 365
days, a leap_year is 366 days, a Julian_year is 365.25 days, and a
Gregorian_year is 365.2425 days. For similar reasons the unit
``month``, which is defined to be exactly year/12, should also be
used with caution."
The date given in reference time units is associated with one of the
calendars recognized by the CF conventions and may be set with the
`calendar` attribute. However, as in the CF conventions, if the
calendar is not set then, for the purposes of calculation and
comparison, it defaults to the mixed Gregorian/Julian calendar as
defined by Udunits:
>>> u = Units('days since 2000-1-1')
>>> u.calendar
AttributeError: Can't get 'Units' attribute 'calendar'
>>> v = Units('days since 2000-1-1')
>>> v.calendar = 'gregorian'
>>> v.equals(u)
**Arithmetic with units**
The following operators, operations and assignments are overloaded:
Comparison operators:
``==, !=``
Binary arithmetic operations:
``+, -, *, /, pow(), **``
Unary arithmetic operations:
``-, +``
Augmented arithmetic assignments:
``+=, -=, *=, /=, **=``
The comparison operations return a boolean and all other operations
return a new units object or modify the units object in place.
>>> u = Units('m')
<CF Units: m>
>>> v = u * 1000
>>> v
<CF Units: 1000 m>
>>> u == v
>>> u != v
>>> u **= 2
>>> u
<CF Units: m2>
It is also possible to create the logarithm of a unit corresponding to
the given logarithmic base:
>>> u = Units('seconds')
>>> u.log(10)
<CF Units: lg(re 1 s)>
**Modifying data for equivalent units**
Any numpy array or python numeric type may be modified for equivalent
units using the `conform` static method.
>>> Units.conform(2, Units('km'), Units('m'))
>>> import numpy
>>> a = numpy.arange(5.0)
>>> Units.conform(a, Units('minute'), Units('second'))
array([ 0., 60., 120., 180., 240.])
>>> a
array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.])
If the *inplace* keyword is True, then a numpy array is modified in
place, without any copying overheads:
>>> Units.conform(a,
Units('days since 2000-12-1'),
Units('days since 2001-1-1'), inplace=True)
array([-31., -30., -29., -28., -27.])
>>> a
array([-31., -30., -29., -28., -27.])
def __init__(self, units=None, calendar=None,
names=None, definition=None, _ut_unit=None):
units : str or cf.Units, optional
Set the new units from this string.
calendar : str, optional
Set the calendar for reference time units.
format : bool, optional
Format the string representation of the units in a
standardized manner. See the `format` method.
names : bool, optional
Format the string representation of the units using names
instead of symbols. See the `format` method.
definition : bool, optional
Format the string representation of the units using basic
units. See the `format` method.
_ut_unit : int, optional
Set the new units from this Udunits binary unit
representation. This should be an integer returned by a call
to `ut_parse` function of Udunits. Ignored if `units` is set.
if isinstance(units, self.__class__):
self.__dict__ = units.__dict__
if units is not None:
units = units.strip()
if ' since ' in units:
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Set a reference time unit
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Set the calendar
if calendar is None:
_calendar = _default_calendar
_calendar = _canonical_calendar[calendar.lower()]
units_split = units.split(' since ')
unit = units_split[0].strip()
ut_unit = _cached_ut_unit.get(unit, None)
if ut_unit is None:
ut_unit = _ut_parse(_ut_system, _c_char_p(unit), _UT_ASCII)
if not ut_unit or not _ut_are_convertible(ut_unit, _day_ut_unit):
raise ValueError(
"Can't set unsupported unit in reference time: '%s'" %
_cached_ut_unit[unit] = ut_unit
#--- End: if
utime = _cached_utime.get((_calendar, units), None)
if not utime:
# Create a new Utime object
unit_string = '%s since %s' % (unit, units_split[1].strip())
utime = _cached_utime.get((_calendar, unit_string), None)
if utime is None:
utime = Utime(_calendar, unit_string)
except ValueError:
# Assume that the value error came from
# Utime complaining about the units. In
# this case, change the units to something
# acceptable to Utime and afterwards
# overwrite the Utime.units and
# Utime.unit_string attributes with the
# correct values. If this assumption was
# incorrect, then we'll just end up with
# another error, this time untrapped
# (possibly due to a wrong calendar).
utime = Utime(_calendar,
'days since %s' % units_split[1].strip())
utime.unit_string = unit_string
utime.units = unit
#--- End: try
_cached_utime[(_calendar, unit_string)] = utime
#--- End: if
_cached_utime[(calendar, units)] = utime
#--- End: if
self._isreftime = True
self._calendar = calendar
self._utime = utime
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Set a unit other than a reference time unit
# ----------------------------------------------------
ut_unit = _cached_ut_unit.get(units, None)
if ut_unit is None:
ut_unit = _ut_parse(_ut_system, _c_char_p(units), _UT_ASCII)
if not ut_unit:
raise ValueError(
"Can't set unsupported unit: %r" % units)
_cached_ut_unit[units] = ut_unit
#--- End: if
self._isreftime = False
self._calendar = None
self._utime = None
#--- End: if
self._ut_unit = ut_unit
self._units = units
if names is not None or definition is not None:
self._units = self.formatted(names, definition)
elif calendar:
# Calendar is set, but units are not.
self._units = None
self._ut_unit = None
self._isreftime = True
self._calendar = calendar
self._utime = Utime(_canonical_calendar[calendar.lower()])
#--- End: if
if _ut_unit is not None:
# _ut_unit is set
self._ut_unit = _ut_unit
units = self.formatted(names, definition)
_cached_ut_unit[units] = _ut_unit
self._units = units
self._isreftime = False
self._calendar = None
self._utime = None
#--- End: if
# Nothing has been set
self._units = None
self._ut_unit = None
self._isreftime = False
self._calendar = None
self._utime = None
#--- End: def
# def __getstate__(self):
# '''
#Called when pickling.
# None
# out : dict
# A dictionary of the instance's attributes
#>>> u = cf.Units('days since 3-4-5', calendar='gregorian')
#>>> u.__getstate__()
#{'calendar': 'gregorian',
# 'units': 'days since 3-4-5'}
# return dict([(attr, getattr(self, attr))
# for attr in ('calendar', 'units') if hasattr(self, attr)])
# #--- End: def
# def __setstate__(self, odict):
# '''
#Called when unpickling.
# odict : dict
# The output from the instance's `__getstate__` method.
# None
# for attr, value in odict.iteritems():
# setattr(self, attr, value)
# #--- End: def
# def __hash__(self):
# '''
#x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
## if not self:
## return hash(self.__class__)
# if not self._isreftime:
# return hash(('Units', self._ut_unit))
## return hash((self._ut_unit, self._rtime._jd0, self._rtime.calendar,
## self._rtime.tzoffset))
# return hash(('Units',
# self._ut_unit, self._rtime_jd0, self._rtime_calendar,
# self._rtime_tzoffset))
# #--- End: def
def __repr__(self):
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
return '<CF %s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
#--- End: def
def __str__(self):
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
string = []
if self._units is not None:
if self._calendar is not None:
string.append('calendar=%s' % self._calendar)
return ' '.join(string)
#--- End: def
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
Used if copy.deepcopy is called on the variable.
return self
#--- End: def
def __nonzero__(self):
Truth value testing and the built-in operation ``bool``
x.__nonzero__() <==> x!=0
return self._ut_unit is not None
#--- End: def
def __eq__(self, other):
The rich comparison operator ``==``
x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
return self.equals(other)
#--- End: def
def __ne__(self, other):
The rich comparison operator ``!=``
x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
return not self.equals(other)
#--- End: def
def __sub__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``-``
x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y
if (self._isreftime or
(isinstance(other, self.__class__) and other._isreftime)):
raise ValueError("Can't do %r - %r" % (self, other))
_ut_unit = _ut_offset(self._ut_unit, _c_double(other))
return type(self)(_ut_unit=_ut_unit)
raise ValueError("Can't do %r - %r" % (self, other))
#--- End: def
def __add__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``+``
x.__add__(y) <==> x+y
if (self._isreftime or
(isinstance(other, self.__class__) and other._isreftime)):
raise ValueError("Can't do %r + %r" % (self, other))
_ut_unit = _ut_offset(self._ut_unit, _c_double(-other))
return type(self)(_ut_unit=_ut_unit)
raise ValueError("Can't do %r + %r" % (self, other))
#--- End: def
def __mul__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``*``
x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
if self._isreftime or other._isreftime:
raise ValueError("Can't do %r * %r" % (self, other))
ut_unit=_ut_multiply(self._ut_unit, other._ut_unit)
raise ValueError("Can't do %r * %r" % (self, other))
#--- End: try
if self._isreftime:
raise ValueError("Can't do %r * %r" % (self, other))
ut_unit=_ut_scale(_c_double(other), self._ut_unit)
raise ValueError("Can't do %r * %r" % (self, other))
#--- End: if
return type(self)(_ut_unit=ut_unit)
#--- End: def
def __div__(self, other):
x.__div__(y) <==> x/y
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
if self._isreftime or other._isreftime:
raise ValueError("Can't do %r / %r" % (self, other))
ut_unit=_ut_divide(self._ut_unit, other._ut_unit)
raise ValueError("Can't do %r / %r" % (self, other))
#--- End: try
if self._isreftime:
raise ValueError("Can't do %r / %r" % (self, other))
ut_unit=_ut_scale(_c_double(1.0/other), self._ut_unit)
raise ValueError("Can't do %r / %r" % (self, other))
#--- End: if
return type(self)(_ut_unit=ut_unit)
#--- End: def
def __pow__(self, other, modulo=None):
The binary arithmetic operations ``**`` and ``pow``
x.__pow__(y) <==> x**y
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# y must be either an integer or the reciprocal of a positive
# integer.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if modulo is not None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"3-argument power not supported for %r" %
if self and not self._isreftime:
ut_unit = self._ut_unit
return type(self)(_ut_unit=_ut_raise(ut_unit, _c_int(other)))
if 0 < other <= 1:
# If other is a float and (1/other) is a positive
# integer then take the (1/other)-th root. E.g. if
# other is 0.125 then we take the 8-th root.
recip_other = 1/other
root = int(recip_other)
if recip_other == root:
ut_unit = _ut_root(ut_unit, _c_int(root))
if ut_unit is not None:
return type(self)(_ut_unit=ut_unit)
# If other is a float equal to its integer tehn raise
# to the integer part. E.g. if other is 3.0 then we
# raise to the power of 3; if other is -2.0 then we
# raise to the power of -2
root = int(other)
if other == root:
ut_unit = _ut_raise(ut_unit, _c_int(root))
if ut_unit is not None:
return type(self)(_ut_unit=ut_unit)
#--- End: if
#--- End: if
raise ValueError("Can't do %r ** %r" % (self, other))
#--- End: def
def __isub__(self, other):
x.__isub__(y) <==> x-=y
return self - other
#--- End def
def __iadd__(self, other):
x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y
return self + other
#--- End def
def __imul__(self, other):
The augmented arithmetic assignment ``*=``
x.__imul__(y) <==> x*=y
return self * other
#--- End def
def __idiv__(self, other):
The augmented arithmetic assignment ``/=``
x.__idiv__(y) <==> x/=y
return self / other
#--- End def
def __ipow__(self, other):
The augmented arithmetic assignment ``**=``
x.__ipow__(y) <==> x**=y
return self ** other
#--- End def
def __rsub__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``-`` with reflected operands
x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x
return -self + other
raise ValueError("Can't do %r - %r" % (other, self))
#--- End def
def __radd__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``+`` with reflected operands
x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x
return self + other
#--- End def
def __rmul__(self, other):
The binary arithmetic operation ``*`` with reflected operands
x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x
return self * other
#--- End def
def __rdiv__(self, other):
x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x
return (self ** -1) * other
raise ValueError("Can't do %r / %r" % (other, self))
#--- End def
def __floordiv__(self, other):
x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y <==> x/y
return self / other
#--- End def
def __ifloordiv__(self, other):
x.__ifloordiv__(y) <==> x//=y <==> x/=y
return self / other
#--- End def
def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x <==> y/x
return (self ** -1) * other
raise ValueError("Can't do %r // %r" % (other, self))
#--- End def
def __truediv__(self, other):
x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y
return self / other
#--- End def
def __itruediv__(self, other):
x.__itruediv__(y) <==> x/=y
return self / other
#--- End def
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x
return (self ** -1) * other
raise ValueError("Can't do %r / %r" % (other, self))
#--- End def
def __mod__(self, other):
raise ValueError("Can't do %r %% %r" % (self, other))
#--- End def
def __neg__(self):
The unary arithmetic operation ``-``
x.__neg__() <==> -x
return self * -1
#--- End def
def __pos__(self):
The unary arithmetic operation ``+``
x.__pos__() <==> +x
return self
#--- End def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def isreftime(self):
True if the units are reference time units, False otherwise.
Note that time units (such as ``'days'``) are not reference time
.. seealso:: `isdimensionless`, `islongitude`,
`islatitude`, `ispressure`, `istime`
>>> print Units('days since 2000-12-1 03:00').isreftime
>>> print Units('hours since 2100-1-1', calendar='noleap').isreftime
>>> print Units(calendar='360_day').isreftime
>>> print Units('days').isreftime
>>> print Units('kg').isreftime
>>> print Units().isreftime
return self._isreftime
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def iscalendartime(self):
True if the units are reference time units, False otherwise.
Note that time units (such as ``'days'``) are not reference time
.. seealso:: `isdimensionless`, `islongitude`,
`islatitude`, `ispressure`, `istime`
>>> print Units('days since 2000-12-1 03:00').isreftime
>>> print Units('hours since 2100-1-1', calendar='noleap').isreftime
>>> print Units(calendar='360_day').isreftime
>>> print Units('days').isreftime
>>> print Units('kg').isreftime
>>> print Units().isreftime
return bool(_ut_are_convertible(self._ut_unit, _calendartime_ut_unit))
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def isdimensionless(self):
True if the units are dimensionless, false otherwise.
.. seealso:: `islongitude`, `islatitude`, `ispressure`, `isreftime`,
>>> cf.Units('').isdimensionless
>>> cf.Units('1').isdimensionless
>>> cf.Units('100').isdimensionless
>>> cf.Units('m/m').isdimensionless
>>> cf.Units('m km-1').isdimensionless
>>> cf.Units().isdimensionless
>>> cf.Units('m').isdimensionless
>>> cf.Units('m/s').isdimensionless
>>> cf.Units('days since 2000-1-1', calendar='noleap').isdimensionless
return bool(_ut_are_convertible(self._ut_unit, _dimensionless_unit_one))
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def ispressure(self):
True if the units are pressure units, false otherwise.
.. seealso:: `isdimensionless`, `islongitude`, `islatitude`,
`isreftime`, `istime`
>>> Units('bar').ispressure
>>> Units('hPa').ispressure
>>> print Units('meter^-1-kilogram-second^-2').ispressure
>>> Units('hours since 2100-1-1', calendar='noleap').ispressure
ut_unit = self._ut_unit
if ut_unit is None:
return False
return bool(_ut_are_convertible(ut_unit, _pressure_ut_unit))
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def islatitude(self):
True if and only if the units are latitude units.
This is the case if and only if the `units` attribute is one of
``'degrees_north'``, ``'degree_north'``, ``'degree_N'``,
``'degrees_N'``, ``'degreeN'``, and ``'degreesN'``.
Note that units of ``'degrees'`` are not latitude units.
.. seealso:: `isdimensionless`, `islongitude`, `ispressure`,
`isreftime`, `istime`
>>> Units('degrees_north').islatitude
>>> Units('degrees').islatitude
>>> Units('degrees_east').islatitude
>>> Units('kg').islatitude
>>> Units().islatitude
return self._units in ('degrees_north', 'degree_north', 'degree_N',
'degrees_N', 'degreeN', 'degreesN')
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def islongitude(self):
True if and only if the units are longitude units.
This is the case if and only if the `units` attribute is one of
``'degrees_east'``, ``'degree_east'``, ``'degree_E'``,
``'degrees_E'``, ``'degreeE'``, and ``'degreesE'``.
Note that units of ``'degrees'`` are not longitude units.
.. seealso:: `isdimensionless`, `islatitude`, `ispressure`,
`isreftime`, `istime`
>>> Units('degrees_east').islongitude
>>> Units('degrees').islongitude
>>> Units('degrees_north').islongitude
>>> Units('kg').islongitude
>>> Units().islongitude
return self._units in ('degrees_east', 'degree_east', 'degree_E',
'degrees_E', 'degreeE', 'degreesE')
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def istime(self):
'''True if the units are time units, False otherwise.
Note that reference time units (such as ``'days since 2000-12-1'``)
are not time units, nor are calendar years and calendar months.
.. seealso:: `iscalendartime`, `isdimensionless`, `islongitude`,
`islatitude`, `ispressure`, `isreftime`
>>> Units('days').istime
>>> Units('seconds').istime
>>> Units('kg').istime
>>> Units().istime
>>> Units('hours since 2100-1-1', calendar='noleap').istime
>>> Units(calendar='360_day').istime
>>> Units('calendar_years').istime
>>> Units('calendar_months').istime
if self._isreftime:
return False
ut_unit = self._ut_unit
if ut_unit is None:
return False
return bool(_ut_are_convertible(ut_unit, _day_ut_unit))
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def reftime(self):
The reference date-time of reference time units.
.. seealso:: `calendar`, `isreftime`, `units`
>>> repr(Units('days since 1900-1-1').reftime)
<CF Datetime: 1900-01-01 00:00:00>
>>> str(Units('days since 1900-1-1 03:00').reftime)
'1900-01-01 03:00:00'
utime = self._utime
if utime:
origin = utime.origin
if origin:
return origin
#--- End: if
raise AttributeError("'%s' has no attribute 'reftime'" %
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def calendar(self):
The calendar for reference time units.
May be any string allowed by the calendar CF property.
If it is unset then the default CF calendar is assumed when required.
.. seealso:: `units`
>>> Units(calendar='365_day').calendar
>>> Units('days since 2001-1-1', calendar='noleap').calendar
>>> Units('days since 2001-1-1').calendar
AttributeError: Units has no attribute 'calendar'
value = self._calendar
if value is not None:
return value
raise AttributeError("%s has no attribute 'calendar'" %
#--- End: def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute (read only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def units(self):
The units.
May be any string allowed by the units CF property.
.. seealso:: `calendar`
>>> Units('kg').units
>>> Units('seconds').units
>>> Units('days since 2000-1-1', calendar='366_day').units
'days since 2000-1-1'
value = self._units
if value is not None:
return value
raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute 'units'" %
#--- End: def
[docs] def equivalent(self, other):
Returns True if numeric values in one unit are convertible to numeric
values in the other unit.
.. seealso:: `~cf.Units.equals`
other : Units
The other units.
out : bool
True if the units are equivalent, False otherwise.
>>> u = Units('m')
>>> v = Units('km')
>>> w = Units('s')
>>> u.equivalent(v)
>>> u.equivalent(w)
>>> u = Units('days since 2000-1-1')
>>> v = Units('days since 2000-1-1', calendar='366_day')
>>> w = Units('seconds since 1978-3-12', calendar='gregorian)
>>> u.equivalent(v)
>>> u.equivalent(w)
isreftime1 = self._isreftime
isreftime2 = other._isreftime
if isreftime1 and isreftime2:
# Both units are reference-time units
units0 = self._units
units1 = other._units
if units0 and units1 or (not units0 and not units1):
return self._utime.calendar == other._utime.calendar
return False
#--- End: if
# Still here?
if not self and not other:
# Both units are null and therefore equivalent
return True
if not isreftime1 and not isreftime2:
# Both units are not reference-time units
return bool(_ut_are_convertible(self._ut_unit, other._ut_unit))
# Still here? Then units are not equivalent.
return False
#--- End: def
#--- End: def
#--- End: def
[docs] def copy(self):
Return a deep copy.
Equivalent to ``copy.deepcopy(u)``.
out :
The deep copy.
>>> v = u.copy()
return self
#--- End: def
[docs] def dump(self, display=True, prefix=None, omit=()):
Return a string containing a description of the units.
display : bool, optional
If False then return the description as a string. By default
the description is printed, i.e. ``u.dump()`` is equivalent to
``print u.dump(display=False)``.
out : None or str
A string containing the description.
if prefix is None:
prefix = self.__class__.__name__
string = []
for attr in self.__dict__:
string.append("%s.%s = '%s'" % (prefix, attr,
getattr(self, attr)))
except AttributeError:
#--- End: for
string = '\n'.join(string)
if display:
print string
return string
#--- End: def
[docs] def equals(self, other, rtol=None, atol=None):
Return True if and only if numeric values in one unit are convertible
to numeric values in the other unit and their conversion is a scale
factor of 1.
.. seealso:: `~cf.Units.equivalent`
other : Units
The other units.
out : bool
True if the units are equal, False otherwise.
>>> u = Units('km')
>>> v = Units('1000m')
>>> w = Units('100000m')
>>> u.equals(v)
>>> u.equals(w)
>>> u = Units('m s-1')
>>> m = Units('m')
>>> s = Units('s')
>>> u.equals(m)
>>> u.equals(m/s)
>>> (m/s).equals(u)
Undefined units are considered equal:
>>> u = Units()
>>> v = Units()
>>> u.equals(v)
if _ut_compare(self._ut_unit, other._ut_unit):
return False
except AttributeError:
return False
isreftime1 = self._isreftime
isreftime2 = other._isreftime
if not isreftime1 and not isreftime2:
# Neither units is reference-time so they're equal
return True
if isreftime1 and isreftime2:
# Both units are reference-time
utime0 = self._utime
utime1 = other._utime
if utime0.calendar != utime1.calendar:
return False
return utime0.origin_equals(utime1)
#--- End: if
# One unit is a reference-time and the other is not so they're
# not equal
return False
#--- End: def
def inspect(self):
Inspect the object for debugging.
.. seealso:: `cf.inspect`
print cf_inspect(self)
#--- End: def
[docs] def log(self, base):
Return the logarithmic unit corresponding to the given logarithmic
base : int or float
The logarithmic base.
out : Units
The logarithmic unit corresponding to the given logarithmic
>>> u = Units('W', names=True)
>>> u
<CF Units: watt>
>>> u.log(10)
<CF Units: lg(re 1 W)>
>>> u.log(2)
<CF Units: lb(re 1 W)>
>>> import math
>>> u.log(math.e)
<CF Units: ln(re 1 W)>
>>> u.log(3.5)
<CF Units: 0.798235600147928 ln(re 1 W)>
_ut_unit = _ut_log(_c_double(base), self._ut_unit)
except TypeError:
if _ut_unit:
return type(self)(_ut_unit=_ut_unit)
#--- End: try
raise ValueError(
"Can't take the logarithm to the base %r of %r" % (base, self))
#--- End def
#--- End: class
# ====================================================================
# Utime object
# ====================================================================
class Utime(netCDF4.netcdftime.utime):
Performs conversions of netCDF time coordinate data to/from datetime
This object is (currently) functionally equivalent to a
`netCDF4.netcdftime.utime` object.
============== ======================================================
Attribute Description
============== ======================================================
`!calendar` The calendar used in the time calculation.
`!origin` A date/time object for the reference time.
`!tzoffset` Time zone offset in minutes.
============== ======================================================
def __init__(self, calendar, unit_string=None):
calendar : str
The calendar used in the time calculations. Must be one of:
``'gregorian'``, ``'360_day'``, ``'365_day'``, ``'366_day'``,
``'julian'``, ``'proleptic_gregorian'``, although this is not
unit_string : str, optional
A string of the form "time-units since <time-origin>"
defining the reference-time units.
if unit_string:
_netCDF4_netcdftime_utime.__init__(self, unit_string, calendar)
self.calendar = calendar
self._jd0 = None
self.origin = None
self.tzoffset = None
self.unit_string = None
self.units = None
#--- End: def
def __repr__(self):
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
unit_string = self.unit_string
if unit_string:
x = [unit_string]
x = []
return "<CF Utime: %s>" % ' '.join(x)
#--- End: def
def inspect(self):
Inspect the object for debugging.
.. seealso:: `cf.inspect`
print cf_inspect(self)
#--- End: def
def num2date(self, time_value):
'''Return a datetime-like object given a time value.
The units of the time value are described by the `!unit_string` and
`!calendar` attributes.
See `netCDF4.netcdftime.utime.num2date` for details.
In addition to `netCDF4.netcdftime.utime.num2date`, this method
handles units of months and years.
units = self.units
unit_string = self.unit_string
if units in ('month', 'months'):
# Convert months to days
unit_string = unit_string.replace(units, 'days', 1)
time_value = numpy_array(time_value)*365.242198781/12
elif units in ('year', 'years', 'yr'):
# Convert years to days
unit_string = unit_string.replace(units, 'days', 1)
time_value = numpy_array(time_value)*365.242198781
u = _netCDF4_netcdftime_utime(unit_string, self.calendar)
return u.num2date(time_value)
#--- End: def
def origin_equals(self, other):
if self is other:
return True
return (self._jd0 == other._jd0 and
self.calendar == other.calendar and
self.tzoffset == other.tzoffset)
#--- End: def
#--- End: class