
class cf.Variable(properties={}, attributes=None, data=None, copy=True)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for storing a data array with metadata.

A variable contains a data array and metadata comprising properties to describe the physical nature of the data.

All components of a variable are optional.


properties : dict, optional

Initialize a new instance with CF properties from the dictionary’s key/value pairs.

attributes : dict, optional

Provide the new instance with attributes from the dictionary’s key/value pairs.

data : cf.Data, optional

Provide the new instance with an N-dimensional data array.

copy : bool, optional

If False then do not deep copy arguments prior to initialization. By default arguments are deep copied.

Variable CF Properties

add_offset The add_offset CF property.
calendar The calendar CF property.
comment The comment CF property.
_FillValue The _FillValue CF property.
history The history CF property.
leap_month The leap_month CF property.
leap_year The leap_year CF property.
long_name The long_name CF property.
missing_value The missing_value CF property.
month_lengths The month_lengths CF property.
scale_factor The scale_factor CF property.
standard_name The standard_name CF property.
units The units CF property.
valid_max The valid_max CF property.
valid_min The valid_min CF property.
valid_range The valid_range CF property.

Variable attributes

array A numpy array deep copy of the data array.
attributes A dictionary of the attributes which are not CF properties.
data The cf.Data object containing the data array.
day The day of each date-time data array element.
dtarray An independent numpy array of date-time objects.
dtvarray A numpy array view the data array converted to date-time objects.
dtype The numpy data type of the data array.
hour The hour of each date-time data array element.
hardmask Whether the mask is hard (True) or soft (False).
isscalar True if the data array is scalar.
mask The mask of the data array.
minute The minute of each date-time data array element.
month The month of each date-time data array element.
ndim The number of dimensions in the data array.
properties A dictionary of the CF properties.
second The second of each date-time data array element.
shape A tuple of the data array’s dimension sizes.
size The number of elements in the data array.
subspace Return a new variable whose data is subspaced.
Units The cf.Units object containing the units of the data array.
varray A numpy array view of the data array.
year The year of each date-time data array element.

Variable methods

asdatetime Convert the internal representation of data array elements to date-time objects.
asreftime Convert the internal representation of data array elements to numeric reference times.
binary_mask A binary (0 and 1) missing data mask of the data array.
chunk Partition the data array.
clip Clip (limit) the values in the data array in place.
close Close all files referenced by the variable.
copy Return a deep copy.
cos Take the trigonometric cosine of the data array.
datum Return an element of the data array as a standard Python scalar.
delprop Delete a CF property.
dump Return a string containing a full description of the instance.
equals True if two variables are equal, False otherwise.
expand_dims Insert a size 1 axis into the data array.
fill_value Return the data array missing data value.
flip Flip dimensions of the data array in place.
getprop Get a CF property.
hasprop Return True if a CF property exists, otherise False.
identity Return the identity.
insert_data Insert a new data array into the variable in place.
mask_invalid Mask the array where invalid values occur (NaN or inf).
match Determine whether or not a variable satisfies conditions.
name Return a name.
override_units Override the units.
select Return the instance if it matches the given conditions.
setprop Set a CF property.
sin Take the trigonometric sine of the data array.
squeeze Remove size 1 dimensions from the data array in place.
transpose Permute the dimensions of the data array.
unique The unique elements of the data array.
where Set data array elements depending on a condition.

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