
FieldList.equals(other, rtol=None, atol=None, ignore_fill_value=False, traceback=False, ignore=(), _set=False)[source]

True if two field lists are equal, False otherwise.

Two {+variable}s are equal if they have the same number of elements and the field elements are equal pairwise, i.e. f.equals(g) is equivalent to all(x.equals(y) for x, y in map(None, f, g)).

Two fields are equal if ...

Note that a single element {+variable} may be equal to field, for example f[0:1].equals(f[0]) and f[0].equals(f[0:1]) are always True.

See also

set_equals, cf.Field.equals

Examples 1:
>>> b = f.equals(g)
other: object

The object to compare for equality.



ignore_fill_value: bool, optional

If True then data arrays with different fill values are considered equal. By default they are considered unequal.

traceback: bool, optional

If True then print a traceback highlighting where the two {+variable}s differ.

ignore: tuple, optional

The names of CF properties to omit from the comparison. By default, the CF Conventions property is omitted.

out: bool

Whether or not the two {+variable}s are equal.

Examples 2:

See also


Examples 1:
>>> g = f.copy()
>>> g.equals(f)