

Todo ...

New in version 1.3.1.

See also


Examples 1:

Set the time axis to be unlimited when written to a netCDF file:

>>> f.unlimited({'T': True})

xxx: dict or None, optional

Specify the chunk sizes for axes of the field. Axes are given by dictionary keys, with a chunk size for those axes as the dictionary values. A dictionary key of axes defines the axes that would be returned by the field’s axes method, i.e. by f.axes(axes). See cf.Field.axes for details. In the special case of xxx being None, then chunking is set to the netCDF default.


To set time axes to be unlimited: {'T': True}.


To set the chunk size for the first and third data array

axes to 100: {0: 100, 2: 100}, or equivalently {(0, 2): 100}. Example:

To set the chunk size for the longitude axis to 100 and

for the air temperature axis to 5: {‘X’: 100, ‘air_temperature’: 5}. Example:

To set the chunk size for all axes to 10: {None: 10}. This

works because f.axes(None) returns all field axes. Example: To set the chunking to the netCDF default: None.


out: dict

Examples 2: