
Data.isclose(y, rtol=None, atol=None)[source]

Return a boolean data array showing where two broadcastable arrays have equal values within a tolerance.

For numeric data arrays, d.isclose(y, rtol, atol) is equivalent to abs(d - y) <= ``atol + rtol*abs(y), otherwise it is equivalent to d == y.


y: data_like

atol: float, optional

The absolute tolerance for all numerical comparisons. By default the value returned by the ATOL function is used.

rtol: float, optional

The relative tolerance for all numerical comparisons. By default the value returned by the RTOL function is used.


out: bool

>>> d = cf.Data([1000, 2500], 'metre')
>>> e = cf.Data([1, 2.5], 'km')
>>> print d.isclose(e).array
[ True  True]
>>> d = cf.Data(['ab', 'cdef'])
>>> print d.isclose([[['ab', 'cdef']]]).array
[[[ True  True]]]
>>> d = cf.Data([[1000, 2500], [1000, 2500]], 'metre')
>>> e = cf.Data([1, 2.5], 'km')
>>> print d.isclose(e).array
[[ True  True]
 [ True  True]]
>>> d = cf.Data([1, 1, 1], 's')
>>> print d.isclose(1).array
[ True  True  True]